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Phimosis cock and reasons for joining SYD

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by #469205 [Ignore] 03,Apr,15 01:29
Hello everyone. By now i'm sure most of you know after checking my pics that i have Phimosis, which is a condition where one's penis has a very tight foreskin, and i cant retract it/ pull my foreskin down. To me whats more important is hygiene, i go through the hassle cleaning the inside using cotton buds soaked in cleaning alcohol. Being 23 years old, i think its time i've made a decision on whether i should perform a circumcision or at the very least an incision at the tip of my foreskin because whatever methods i've been trying (rigorously pulling down foreskin, applying cream to the tip, using a penis pump,etc) has not been working or hasn't been proving effective. I understand the community here may not like my decision to circumcise since i've gotten so much good responses/compliments about my uncut penis but that was the reason i joined SYD in the first place, to get community feedback, advices as well as simply chit-chatting or having fun Please feedback, comment or advice me on this regard . And thanks for taking your time to read this

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By #451452 03,Apr,15 02:44
Your health and hygiene are most important. Circumcision will make your life easier and you happier. There are studies that show that uncircumcised penises that are hard to keep clean can cause several health issues for you and your partners. What does your doctor say or advise?
By JeffinKS [Ignore] 03,Apr,15 09:12 other posts 
as your profile states... "Avillager seems to be a male, 71 years old, straight, claims to be living in United States, Central, Florida and speaks bull shit most of the time"

you are speaking pure BULLSHIT ask any of the hundreds of uncut men on here... is keeping your cock clean really that difficult? and have any of you had any of these supposed medical issues? people in America are so ignorant when it comes to foreskin as almost everyone born here is circumcised at birth and are fed nothing but lies by the medical community.....

over 80% of males in the world are NOT circumcised... if the medical issues were really that drastic I am sure we would know .....
By #316057 04,Apr,15 04:59
Your Right Wolfman. And I like mine As It Is
By #451452 08,Apr,15 12:01
I think that you need to look at the statistics for HPV relative to circa vs uncirc. The other statistic is the number of adult men who have to be circ because of some physical condition that makes it very difficult to deep clean under he foreskin or because they ignore proper hygiene. If you have no physical problem with cleaning and attend to proper cleaning then you likely will never have a problem and can go on happily playing with your foreskin.
By #580987 25,Feb,19 11:30
circumcision should be outlawed except for medical grounds
By Emerald [Ignore] 04,Apr,15 04:53 other posts 
I suspect Avillager is referring to studies that show that a buildup of smegma increases the risk of penile cancer, and cervical cancer in your partner. If so, it is a relatively small increase to an already tiny chance, so I would not be overly concerned about that. Even if the foreskin does not retract, it shouldn't be too difficult to prevent a buildup of smegma by flushing with water.

On the other hand, I believe there are also studies that show a circumcised penis suffers a significant loss of sensitivity. That might be more of a concern.

Considering the number of people who regret being circumcised (in most cases without their consent), I am not convinced that circumcision will make you happy.

I would definitely listen carefully to a doctor's advice. However, doctors are prone to cultural bias and personal opinion, just like anyone else. Don't let the doctor make the decision for you.
By JeffinKS [Ignore] 04,Apr,15 10:04 other posts 
well and the fact that ShyIndian states "To me whats more important is hygiene, i go through the hassle cleaning the inside using cotton buds soaked in cleaning alcohol."
I don't know but I am sure that rubbing alcohol on your inner foreskin is NOT good for it and may be causing his phimosis to some degree..... applying Alcohol to your inner foreskin is not a good thing.... plain water, use a rinsing syringe if you have to....

By Emerald [Ignore] 04,Apr,15 04:24 other posts 
My gut feeling is that perhaps you don't need to worry so much about the cleaning. Most ****, and many adults, have tight foreskins, and don't clean under the hood at all. They survive just fine. The glans is meant to be an internal organ, and you don't clean under your eyelids either, do you?

If you develop an odour that you find offensive, you might consider cleaning - but even then, killing off the natural flora of bacteria with an alcohol swab doesn't sound right to me (and could even be a source of odour in its own right). Holding the foreskin tip open in the shower to allow water to trickle between the hood and glans should be enough - and hopefully much less of a hassle.

If you're impatient with the stretching exercises, you might have better luck with stretching continuously, rather than just giving it the occasional tug. If you can find a hollow tube (such as a bit of rubber hose) that will fit inside the tip of your skin, you can leave it there all day. Once you get used to it, you might not even notice it's there. You can then gradually increase the diameter by wrapping tape around it.

Now, I suppose I am a little biased, since I like tight foreskins and think yours is beautiful the way it is. But for what it's worth, I hope you don't get yourself circumcised. In any case, best of luck!
By #20115 30,Nov,18 05:07
Emerald you are so spot on mate!! Dig what you say!
By #580987 25,Feb,19 11:28
Totally agree mate - circumcision should be outlawed and there is nothing wrong with a smeggy cock

By #573480 11,Dec,18 11:42
Try a product called Phimocure. It is a system of stretching rings. I can thoroughl recommend it. I got it on eBay I think.

By DonVoltonus [Ignore] 30,Nov,18 15:24 other posts 
So, you can get what is called a Dorsal Slit, where they remove a small triangle from the upper side. Recovery is only 2-3 weeks, and as for results, you can check out my page ;D

Mine was slightly unpleasant and was done under nerve block, but didn't take long, and doesn't have the complications. Plus, you get to keep most of your foreskin!
By cut5x5 [Ignore] 30,Nov,18 15:26 other posts 
I wish my circumcision was done like yours. My whole foreskin most of my frenulum was completely removed.
By DonVoltonus [Ignore] 30,Nov,18 15:32 other posts 
That's rough. I got lucky I got the right Uro, they gave me the alternative. Of course, they don't do anesthesia with a D.Slit
By cut5x5 [Ignore] 30,Nov,18 15:38 other posts 
I really didn’t have much of a say in the matter since I was only a couple of days old. It sure would be nice if they waited until a guy could decide if and how he wanted to be circumcised.
By DonVoltonus [Ignore] 30,Nov,18 15:56 other posts 
I agree, but that's religion
By cut5x5 [Ignore] 01,Dec,18 08:12 other posts 
In my case religion had nothing to do with it. Circumcision was just fashionable and done for “hygiene” reasons where I live.
By DonVoltonus [Ignore] 01,Dec,18 14:07 other posts 
Ahhh, yeah, my father had one for that reason when he was a baby. He decided I should get to pick.
By cut5x5 [Ignore] 01,Dec,18 16:04 other posts 
You are very lucky indeed. Your father was very good to you by letting you decide. I wish I could have done that. I'm pretty sure I would have made the same decision that you did.
By lilwillie [Ignore] 10,Dec,18 10:37 other posts 
I have the same problem and about 20 years later the lower part od my glans had sort of healed onto the skin of the shaft so there was little of the "expansion joint" and an errection could be uncomfortable ans sex painful. I had an operaion to seperate it, it is an improvement but not perfect

By foreskinlover52 [Ignore] 03,Apr,15 02:40 other posts 
Hi! First I must say you have a beautiful cock and very sexy foreskin! You dont need to have it cut..Your foreskin will stretch out over time if you pull it down over your gland 5 or 6 times a day..It might take a few years but it will stretch out..Once you have it down over the gland keep it there all day..I had a problem at one time and now I can have four fingers inside my foreskin..It will take some time..Remember if you get it cut it is for ever so dont..You can find an object also to keep your foreskin opened also..So dont get it cut and just work with it..
By #469205 03,Apr,15 08:03
Hi thanks for the support and the compliment . Ill listen to your advice but i only pull down my foreskin in the shower everyday. I might not be doing as much as you did. I've been trying to solve this for months now but i think it will take years to solve it which is unfortunate because i want to try to solve this as fast as i can seen as i'm already 23 years old. How long exactly did it take for you to solve the issue?
By foreskinlover52 [Ignore] 03,Apr,15 10:18 other posts 
It really didnt take that long for the foreskin would slide back behind the gland..A few months but you must practice it many times a day so it becomes easy..It will take some time before you can put three fingers in..
By tb1 [Ignore] 04,Apr,15 16:26 other posts 
I would think that this kind of practice might result in considerable pleasure

By tb1 [Ignore] 03,Apr,15 09:25 other posts 
Years ago a friend of mine was circumcised and he found it to be a very painful experience. His glans was super sensitive and it was a long time before he could even get a boner. I suggest you try the stretching exercises first, they might help, good luck to you.

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