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Because she has owned a vagina her entire life...

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by JustWill [Ignore] 31,May,15 13:37  other posts
...the average woman on this site is not overly surprised, or especially flattered, when you tell her that you would like to stuff your dingus in it. That particular bit of information was covered in great detail early in the first chapter of the lady-parts owner's manual. It was also reinforced countless times, by scores of dingus owners, long before that "new cooter smell" had a chance to wear off.
Don't get your nut-sack in a twist if she doesn't go all moist and drippy with passion because you've shared your desire to shove your pee-nozzle into her.
The counter person at McDonald's doesn't expect you to feel special just because they asked if you want fries with your order...

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By JustWill [Ignore] 28,Dec,21 11:17 other posts 
This is still as true as it was the day I posted it.

By hytiger [Ignore] 11,Jul,15 17:52 other posts 
Fishy meat socket? No thanks!
By bella! [Ignore] 11,Jul,15 18:27 other posts 
I get it, it's not your thing but just remember, there was a fishy meat socket involved when you were born.

I really don't know any diehard lesbians, but I wonder if they are just as repulsed by a cheese covered dingus?
By JustWill [Ignore] 11,Jul,15 20:54 other posts 
If the "meat socket" in question is healthy and proper hygiene is followed, there is NO fishy-ness.
That is a vile myth.
By #23212 11,Jul,15 23:09
Of course it's a 'myth', though often stated.

But, it came as a comment from this poster who said, "I'd love to be sat there ...", while someone is peeing.

By #443664 31,May,15 15:44
This was hilarious
By JustWill [Ignore] 31,May,15 18:43 other posts 
Thank you.
Would you like fries with that?
By #57759 10,Jul,15 15:53
TheUnicorn should change his name to "TheJokers" because he is a real joke
By JustWill [Ignore] 10,Jul,15 15:57 other posts 
Golly, Doc, that was kind of mean.
Now...take off your panty!

By Odin_york_pa [Ignore] 07,Jul,15 16:15 other posts 
Even if women came with an owners manual, guys wouldn't read it anyhow.
Who are we: Women
What do we want?: We don't know
When do we want it?: Now!
By bella! [Ignore] 07,Jul,15 16:47 other posts 
Precisely! And as long as you menfolk understand that concept, the smoother your life will be!

By #460385 07,Jul,15 13:49
I think you guys should try a new owners manual. Might be time to upgrade.

By JustWill [Ignore] 07,Jul,15 08:50 other posts 
If you believe "take off your panty [sic]" are the four sweetest words a woman will ever hear, you should probably read this post.

By boc [Ignore] 31,May,15 15:59 other posts 
Do you write for Penthouse Forums?
By JustWill [Ignore] 31,May,15 18:43 other posts 
Nope. Just the SYD Forum.
By boc [Ignore] 31,May,15 18:46 other posts 
That was good. You have a way with words. I use to be journalist for a porn website. I like social commentary of all flavors.
By JustWill [Ignore] 07,Jun,15 22:54 other posts 
Thank you.

By bella! [Ignore] 31,May,15 15:38 other posts 
Is the "new cooter smell" somewhat like what the owner proclaims to have when they purchase a new car? I mean I'm not suggesting that their new car smells like cooter but it has that infamous, new car smell?
By JustWill [Ignore] 31,May,15 18:49 other posts 
Similar, but less automotive in nature.
By thesevenpointfive [Ignore] 01,Jun,15 06:25 other posts 
Yes the smell of a new car, with new models the smell starts to change and the power seems to increase

By #472683 31,May,15 13:46
By JustWill [Ignore] 31,May,15 18:43 other posts 

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