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Started by mr_blue [Ignore] 30,Aug,15 16:18  other posts

New ones,old ones....what are you favourite movies,what are the turkeys you just don't like...have you got a favourite actor ? get the idea....

The Godfather trilogy....I still don't get it...

The Matrix was so good,then was followed by two sequels that just fucked the whole thing up....

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By mr_blue [Ignore] 10,Jun,18 17:13 other posts 
War for the planet of the apes is a good movie.
I watched Black Panther, Ragnarok,Wonder Woman,Dunkirk..
Spiderman Homecoming...
Anyone seen these movies ?

By #551226 26,Feb,18 15:04
The Jason Bourne series..sat down and watched all five of them this weekend.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 26,Feb,18 15:05 other posts 
did you feel re-bourne after wards ?!!!

By #24318 14,May,17 09:25
I Love the Hellraiser films chainsaw Massacre,spit on your grave,Evil Dead,Saw,Centipede,Inbred.....and many more 😌
By #548464 26,Feb,18 14:45
Centipede?wow!that was really twisted! Wrong turn 2: Dead end..has amounts of ****,not so much quality but still impressive

By #548464 26,Feb,18 14:35
Totally agree!the sequels were useless..the first one was all the movie,inception also had something of matrix but at the end director could be better..

By #491031 20,May,17 09:09
A TV show rather than a movie, but:
AMERICAN GODS is really damn good!

By mr_blue [Ignore] 14,May,17 09:17 other posts 
Below her mouth is a movie to watch if you like a bit of lesbian action...

By mr_blue [Ignore] 10,May,17 09:42 other posts 
I watched Arrival , really good movie...

By #533081 07,May,17 18:23
I just watched the new guardians of the galaxy. It was amazing.
By gradurgaur [Ignore] 07,May,17 18:29 other posts 
It was so Good Even better then first one more jokes and lot more of cool action like it alot.

Cant wait to see part 3

By leopoldij [Ignore] 06,May,17 10:07 other posts 
I'm looking for a free copy of the film "like the wind" (come il vento). Any ideas? Have you seen three film?
By mr_blue [Ignore] 06,May,17 10:44 other posts 
It's on YouTube..if you want free you can Google that
By leopoldij [Ignore] 06,May,17 17:37 other posts 
I didn't find it in youtube. If you did, please send the link. Thank you.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 06,May,17 18:36 other posts 
only registered users can see external links

By #491031 30,Aug,15 17:08
THE LORD OF THE RINGS trilogy is on the top of my Best Movies Ever Made list. They are almost perfect.

GODFATHER I and GODFATHER II are also excellent movies (the third one is an abomination)

THE MATRIX (I've only ever bothered to watch the first one) is on the top of my list of Over Rated Cinematic Crap. (I don't care how fancy the special effects are, the story, acting and dialogue are just poop.)
It is followed very closely by anything with STAR WARS in the title.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 30,Aug,15 17:25 other posts 
LOTR is a fav of mine too...

As for the Godfather I would agree that the third part is bad...I can appreciate the acting and cinematography, I just don't get it.
The Matrix is one of those movies that is pretty wooden really,but it is a popcorn flick,it was never really meant to challenge you mentally, I thought it actually opened a few doors to tell a much better story in the next films,but they are shit.... so as a stand alone movie it's just a popcorn flick,it did change the special effects in movies,a lot of the techniques used in The Matrix ended up being used in LOTR.
By #491031 30,Aug,15 18:24
Sadly, although they are enjoyable, THE HOBBIT trilogy is nowhere near as awesome as LOTR.
By bella! [Ignore] 30,Aug,15 19:52 other posts 
Did you ever make it to the movie theater to see whatever it was that you were going to see on your birthday? I am not a movie person so I do not recall the name, I just remember that when I Google'd it to see what it was about, I saw it was long, really long.....
By #491031 30,Aug,15 23:14
ANT MAN. Nope. Never made it. That just means a Netflix movie night this winter!
By Ravioli_Max [Ignore] 03,Sep,15 15:39 other posts 
Do you like to see movies in 3-D? We watch them that way, sometimes.
By #491031 03,Sep,15 17:07
3-D movies give me a headache.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 03,Sep,15 17:44 other posts 
The worse thing with 3D movies is that, after a while I get used to it and it doesn't feel 3D any more.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 01,May,17 08:06 other posts 
Watched Ant Man the other day,
By #491031 01,May,17 09:26
I've also seen it since I posted that comment. It was fun! Dr. Strange was also a good time. Looking forward to Guardians Vol. 2!!! Marvel keeps putting out good comic-based films.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 01,May,17 15:20 other posts 
By #204766 31,Aug,15 21:17
Agreed the third godfather was damn awful hated it but I do like the human centipede trilogy
By Sickboy [Ignore] 04,Sep,15 15:41 other posts 
I'm the same the first two godfathers were excellent, the third was just not needed.

By #502711 27,Apr,17 08:29
I just finished watching a movie called "A Serbian Film". Link here: only registered users can see external links

I'm 100% sure everyone that watches it will agree it's the most fucked up movie they've ever seen. I can't decide if i've seen worse yet. It's pretty close.

Another good one I watched called "The Snowtown Murders". It's about two Aussie serial killers that kill ****philes, homosexuals & rapists. It's a true story. Link here: only registered users can see external links

One of my favorite movies me & Lix watched just last weekend called "American Psycho". It's about a psycho-sociopathic serial killer named Patrick Bateman that goes around killing anyone & everyone. Made in 2000 but set in the late 80's. I won't post the link, but you can look it up on the site I posted those last two movies.

By #485312 18,Oct,16 05:53
we watched weekend at bernies, aussie never seen it before, and then we or maybe just me, watched the dressmaker, its an aussie film and l liked it..missed the l do with most movies..but what l did see l really liked *lix*

By #485312 17,Oct,16 03:04
Saw mastermind and it was pretty good. A few good laughs

By milesbferry [Ignore] 24,Sep,16 11:50 other posts 
By a strange and spooky coincidence (see music chat) the Norwegian film Troll Hunter is on Film4 channel here in UK tonight. I have seen it - very good, and the last Troll is a big one!

By mr_blue [Ignore] 17,Sep,16 22:56 other posts 
Describe your current sex life with a movie title!

By mr_blue [Ignore] 26,Aug,16 16:50 other posts 
What is your favourite movie sex scene ?
By #491031 27,Aug,16 00:01
I actually prefer movies to not have sex scenes. I know what sex looks like, and, in a non-porn movie, they just waste time that could be better spent on story/character building.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 27,Aug,16 16:15 other posts 
That wasn't the question Mister
But taking on board your view,what if the sex scene is integral to the character development of the movie? have you got a favourite sex/lovemaking scene ?
By #516948 27,Aug,16 00:05
What's your favorite sex scene?
By mr_blue [Ignore] 27,Aug,16 16:17 other posts 
it's a private movie of me and someone

I do like the scene in 8 mile where Brittany Murphy takes Eminem for a quickie at work...
By #485312 27,Aug,16 02:53
Caligula was a great movie, had lots of tit and arse, and Helen miran naked in the 70s, she was hot back then *lix*

By mr_blue [Ignore] 26,Aug,16 16:44 other posts 
Anyone watched Suicide Squad ?
By #494679 26,Aug,16 18:06
Dying to see it!
By bella! [Ignore] 26,Aug,16 19:08 other posts 
Actually, I'm surprised, I thought the first word would be censored.
By #485312 26,Aug,16 23:57
yes, l loved it, like most movies to me, theyre always too short...Harley quin has the hottest arse shots in it *lix*

By mr_blue [Ignore] 18,Dec,15 12:29 other posts 
What's your favourite xmas themed movie ?

Elf cracks me up
By bella! [Ignore] 18,Dec,15 12:41 other posts 
I like It's A Wonderful Life.
--------------------------------------- added after 10 minutes

Have you seen it, is it shown in the UK?
By big9inch21 [Ignore] 18,Dec,15 15:21 other posts 
Have to agree with bella!, "It's a Wonderful Life" is a timeless classic. But a good laugh at Christmas is good as well, so a dose of Clark Griswold is always on at some point at our Christmas. only registered users can see external links
By mr_blue [Ignore] 18,Dec,15 15:28 other posts 
@ that clip...
By mr_blue [Ignore] 18,Dec,15 15:25 other posts 
I can't say I have sat down to watch it, I remember bits and pieces,but not enough...and it's on every Christmas over here...

Like JustWill said ,James Stewart,brilliant fav of his has to be the Glenn Miller story...
By milesbferry [Ignore] 18,Dec,15 19:36 other posts 
It's on tv Christmas eve afternoon, 2ish. Glenn Miller Story next week too. All our favourite musicals are on over the hols. Set your recorders UK people
By #491031 18,Dec,15 12:54
Will Ferrell annoys the crap out of me.
It's not a movie, but I am a huge fan of "How the Grinch Stole Christmas." (The animated Chuck Jones directed/Boris Karloff narrated version, not the Jim Carrey abomination.)
By mr_blue [Ignore] 18,Dec,15 15:18 other posts 
I like Elf though,most of his other movies are hit and miss for me..

I haven't seen the Grinch movie you mention..something for me to look out for in the future...

Dr Seuss, I probably have used his quotes over and over without ever realising it....

“Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn't before! What if Christmas, he thought, doesn't come from a store. What if Christmas...perhaps...means a little bit more!”
By #491031 18,Dec,15 16:47
True story:
My oldest nephew loved that book. He asked that it be read to him almost every night at bedtime. By the time he was five, I'd read it to him so many times that I'd committed the entire thing to memory...word for word...and no longer needed the book in hand.
A few years later, while at the local library, he mentioned to the librarian that I had memorized his favorite Seuss book, and she asked me if I would be willing to come to the library's Christmas party and recite it for the k*ds.
It went over quite well, and has become an annual tradition that I look forward to each year.
By bella! [Ignore] 18,Dec,15 17:46 other posts 
That's a great story that has evolved into a tradition.

In my blog, 'Twas The Night Before Christmas, I mentioned to sherryann that my oldest nephew LOVED that story. At bedtime, he would select a book or two that he wanted to hear read to him. He didn't care whether it was February,June, October or December, he often selected 'Twas The Night Before Christmas and also committed the words to memory. Seems like one hundred years ago, a Christmas Eve gathering at my s!ster's, my nephew was just 3, he sat on the hearth with the book in his hand and began "reading" the words he had heard so many times before.....the book was upside-down.
By #491031 18,Dec,15 18:59
By mr_blue [Ignore] 20,Dec,15 10:17 other posts 
By #143536 19,Dec,15 19:44
Elf - with Will Ferrell
A Christmas Story
Scrooged - with Bill Murray
By #410609 19,Dec,15 22:16
A Christmas Carol. I don't have a favorite. I like every version of that story. I think it's the greatest Christmas story ever written. Well, the Christmas Box is sorta okay also.
By HunterAce [Ignore] 20,Dec,15 01:29 other posts 
National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. I practically am Clark Griswold

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