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Group moderator new member notifications not working right?

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by soundsgreat87 [Ignore] 19,Sep,15 04:13  other posts
I keep getting "new private message" notifications and when I check, there are no new private messages. I was baffled until tonight when I noticed that this coincided with one of my groups gaining a member. Either the "new member" notification that was added recently isn't working right, or I'm missing it somehow...

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Similar topics: 1.Groups   2.Groups Updates   3.Exclusive Skype group   4.Do we have a new Moderator on the site?   5.How to turn off recent event notifications?  

By admin [Ignore] 19,Sep,15 07:53 other posts 
Wow, you have impressive analytical skills. Not irony. Or may be you work as a software tester. Most of people would never be able to figure something like this out and many would not even be able to point it out so precisely.

I have checked and you are right, there was an error with the message. I think I now fixed it.
By soundsgreat87 [Ignore] 19,Sep,15 14:07 other posts 
Well I am a programmer

And great, thanks!
By #476377 20,Sep,15 05:23
Programmers can also show their dicks
By soundsgreat87 [Ignore] 20,Sep,15 02:10 other posts 
Just got a proper notification now, so it's definitely fixed!

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