| Some time ago I added a reason field to the account deletion page to see if I can improve retention of the members here. Surprisingly, totally contradictory reasons have appeared.
One of the most common reasons is "the site is too addictive" or some other form of it like "I'm spending too much time on the site".
I wonder what I could do about it. Add a time management menu where you could set up a time you wish to spend daily and outside of those hours the site blocks the account? I'm befuddled, really.
And I have a related question. I don't really understand what people do here. They say it's too addictive and they spend too much time here, but I do not really see any activity. Not many forum or blog posts, not many comments under pics, about 50 per hour in average - it's not that many, really, in past I had sites with 200+ comments per hour. Chat is mostly empty, or as usual - 10 people in chat and only 2 really write anything.
So, what are you all doing here, that is "too addictive"? |
There were 2 questions:
1. Some people leave the site because it's too addictive. I.e. they leave because they actually like the site. This is befuddling, because if people don't like something I may try to change it, but if they leave because they like it, what am I supposed to do with it? Make it worse?
2. What do you do here that is so addictive?
I did not ask opinions on advertising, marketing, search engine optimization and etc.
This, however, shows your own reason of being here.
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i forgot to add, i'm more than happy to assist you with your sentence structure and grammar, as you seem to be REALLY struggling. i'd also suggest that you stick to simple words as you seem to exhibit a total lack of understanding and use of more complex words. perhaps a skype SPaG session once a week?
Anyway, I've been here going on 3 years, and I'd be more willing to believe people are becoming "addicted" due to the constant compliments and flattery... Probably just like you said... they likely keep checking in due to fear of missing something that might tickle their ego... I'm sure it'd be easy to get hooked on that if you weren't used to it...
Laughing,admin.....that's my addiction,laughing...and I get plenty of laughs here...
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and we know eachother very well, have real friends here.
Thanks for the input anyway
Because the time spent here is relative to each individual, there really isn't anything you can do about it to change things, Admin.
What you need to ask is a set of KPI's to EXISTING members who pay or participate here. As an example, what things WOULD make you delete?
1. Cost
2. Relevancy
3. Content
4. ??? Pick your KPI's you deem relevant
Once you pick your KPI's and have enough data/stats, you can start to properly measure your site analytics. Or, that is just what I would do....
people leave because the site is regularly visited by the same old faces with new pseudonyms. they turn up and pretend to be new whilst all the time playing the stupid 'domination' game and acquiring points. they then get their kicks by abusing other members whilst swapping points between bogus accounts, sad really as their actions ruin what could be a great site.
As for the game and points - I don't care! Who does!
You can spend several hours watching the chat shit, waiting for the shit to start. Why say anything in there when you will just get bullied by the few. Do you monitor 24 hours of chat shit?
Now everyone in the UK is accused lf being happy-cunt!
I speak my mind... both good and bad. But I fucking don't pretend to be something that I am not...
From what you say I suppose you are exactly one of those members you are referring to. Are not you one of the happy_guy fake accounts? You do look like one. Registered via proxy server, accessed from the same network and complaining about the same shit that almost no one else care about...
why ask for an opinion and then criticize and attack the poster?
most of the members i chat with really and truly don't give a crap about the game, the only people who do are you (and if it earns you money, i can understand why) and the sad old tossers who log on to play and then use their multiple fake accounts to attack other members.
as for happy_guy, i know the name along with many other 'names on here' but i have no connection with him / her (you never know on here!) or any other account on syd/c.
I've had a few accounts here since around 7 or 8 years ago. The first time I deleted my profile was due to being harassed by another member, who kind of stalked me with creepy comments and messages. Each time I banned them, they returned with a new profile and I ended up seeing no option other than just leaving the site. I stayed away for a while so maybe he'd either just forget about me or maybe he'd somehow be banned from the site due to doing the same to other members. I've never actually known whether or not he's still on this site, but I never had any hassle from him again, thankfully!
The last time I left the site was only down to potentially fatal illness and I needed to get my affairs in order just in case of that worst case scenario happening, so I cleared my computers of anything I knew would be embarrassing for my family to see, which included "naughty" files and web links etc.
Luckily, I seem to have beaten the illness and now I'm back on this site because I have a couple of friends here who I've become very close to over the years, and that social aspect is my main reason for being on here. I'm in touch with those friends outside of this site more these days, but I still like to be here because of nostalgia - this is where we first met and got to know each other
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