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Should Bowe Bergdahl be Executed?

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by #495558 [Ignore] 04,Nov,15 13:12
My position: Yes and put a forthwith on execution orders.

This is a traitor who left his post, put his base, and his platoon at risk while they went to look for him. He lived and collaborated with the enemy he was sent to fight.

It is really that simple. If this happened during WWII, he would have been field court martialed and shot. Why this low life is still alive is just amazing to me.

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By Newforeskin [Ignore] 05,Nov,15 07:57 other posts 
Let the families of the the solders that died trying to find him, execute him.

By #496814 05,Nov,15 07:16
Wow Im glad you're not an official in court marshal. To answer the question whether he's a traitor you should know if he collaborated. And if so, you should know 'why'.

It might just be that he had good reasons, whoever the guy youre talking about might be.

By pifad [Ignore] 04,Nov,15 15:33 other posts 
Is this really the site for this discussion?
By #495558 04,Nov,15 16:03
No one asked you to comment and it says "Main Forum
discuss any constructive adult topic here"

If you don't like it .. shove off
By pifad [Ignore] 05,Nov,15 02:56 other posts 
I don't take orders from you

By _avg_ [Ignore] 04,Nov,15 21:48 other posts 
Short answer, no.

Longer answer, noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...

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