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What's your reaction to "the other style" of dick?

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Started by #460360 [Ignore] 29,Nov,15 13:49
If you're cut and see a foreskin or if you have a foreskin and see a cut dick, you can't help but notice the difference. Do you have some sort of gut reaction to the other guy's difference? Neutral? Envy? Pity?

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By #460523 10,Jan,17 21:18
curious I am cut would like to see uncut in person

By #455846 15,Mar,16 12:47
not very common to see circumscised , so when I do I find it interesting to see. It very unusual to see a circumscised penis at urinals for example. I dont think I ever have.
By spermkiss [Ignore] 15,Mar,16 15:02 other posts 
But you appear to be cut yourself. As you say, not many UK men are, but did you know that Prince Charles is. I read that little tidbit somewhere and it stuck in my mind.
By #455846 16,Mar,16 23:01
yes I am but what I mean is I simply dont often see others , especially at urinals or public places. Yes, I would think Prince charles was , and probably all from him on- Harry George William , it s getting quite common I think
By spermkiss [Ignore] 17,Mar,16 12:15 other posts 
Is it really? That's interesting. Here in the USA the trend is in the opposite direction. While a sizable majority (probably 70 per cent or more) of male babies are still cut, it's not the 90 or more it once was.

As an unrelated sidelight here, I'll mention that the last time I visited the UK I arrived in London the day Prince George was born. Of course that birth was all over the news, and a name for the new prince had not yet been announced. I was pushing for Albert after Queen Victoria's consort. He was on my mind because we had tickets for a concert at Royal Albert Hall (first time there). But they chose George.
By #455846 19,Mar,16 14:00
Yes, just as a follow up to your percentages therre. Where you say in the states , the percentages is around 70 presently. I think in the UK it s only at about 25% -circumscised, as a guess. Theres only about 30 memebers on the group "UK circumscised" ! (y) I hope you enjoyed Royal albert hall. What or who did you see. Its fantastic, I saw the 'John Williams' productions there, performed by the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra.
By spermkiss [Ignore] 19,Mar,16 17:36 other posts 
First concerning percentages here in the USA, the numbers I quoted, now 70%, formerly 90%, are numbers I pulled out of my head, based on observations and things I've read over the years. I cannot swear they are correct.

Now concerning your guess of 25% in the UK, that seems more than a tad high. My own guess would be five per cent or even less. I'm basing this on what I've observed here on this site and elsewhere on the internet. And checking out guys at urinals during visits to the UK.

What can I say, I like looking a dicks. What guy doesn't? You do, I do and every other guy in the world does. Whether he's gay, bisexual or straight, guys like to show themselves off and they like to check out other guys. It's a guy thing. So if you like to check out the dick on the man at the next urinal, do it and don't feel bad about it.

Concerning Royal Albert Hall, we saw one of the BBC Proms concerts there (it was summer), but I don't remember which orchestra. That was a treat because I'd been hearing them on the radio here in the USA for years. I expect they are also on the radio there, probably live.

Finally, about The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, that orchestra was just here in San Francisco about a month ago. Yes, I went to see them.
By JeffinKS [Ignore] 22,Dec,16 07:26 other posts 
the national circumcision rate in the US is at 35%. but varies wildly by state. the north east US circumcision rates are still above 80% while the western US like California the rate is as low as 10%. Republican states have a higher percentage circumcised, and Democratic states have a lower percentage circumcised.....
By MM_DD [Ignore] 23,Dec,16 11:20 other posts 
From what I've read, the national rate varies drastically depending upon the source. I've never heard the rate being as low as 35% in my lifetime, but man, that would be awesome if it is. The rate I tend to see in most places in around 58%. The fact is, the number is dropping, and except for the occasional uptick, I'm hopeful it will continue to drop.

You're definitely right about the variation between states. Interesting about the Republican/Democrat distinction, as I've never heard that before. Makes sense, though. My husband was born in the late 60's in the deep South in a heavily red (i.e., Republican) state, when the circumcision rate was exceptionally high. (I'm pretty sure it continues to be very high in this state.) All his peers and male family members were cut, including his younger b r o t h e r, delivered by the same doctor, in fact, in the same small Southern town. All of his sex partners have been cut (including me). Yet, through some incredible, inexplicable miracle, he was left intact as a b a b y. There's not a day that goes by when I'm not *extremely* grateful for that. I absolutely worship his foreskin.

By #485312 15,Mar,16 06:36
l don't get all the controversy, its an operation the person had no say in and it shouldn't cause any alarm to anyone, or pity, or envy....*lix*
By *seduceme* [Ignore] 23,Dec,16 04:45 other posts 
Yes it is an operation the person had no say in but he should have that say..at least I have that say!
By JeffinKS [Ignore] 23,Dec,16 07:22 other posts 
as you yourself said.... "what would you think of a surgically modified pussy, like the ones of muslims??? cut and shut and ripped off clit...or a 'normal' pussy???? same difference isn't it???" what if you had been FORCED against your will to be "modified" would you still say there is no difference?? circumcision is used as a way to deprive men of their full sexual pleasure. sure circumcised men can still reach orgasm and cum...but we will never know the full pleasure because that was taken from us with NO CONSENT... do you not understand this?!?

By #510409 23,Dec,16 06:45
If you are a true cock lover then it makes no difference

By #363802 23,Dec,16 05:47
I envy BIG cocks! Both cut and uncut!

By #518816 18,Dec,16 12:59
I have slight envy.
But then I think about the extra work just to keep it clean
By MM_DD [Ignore] 18,Dec,16 13:07 other posts 
Just takes the hubby a few extra seconds in the shower each morning...that's it. No big deal at all.
By #518816 18,Dec,16 13:16
Lol I'm sure it isn't
I'm just going off of what I've heard.
That even after a wash it could still getting smelling after a short
By MM_DD [Ignore] 18,Dec,16 13:45 other posts 
That's a stereotype that's simply not true. I go down on my man four to five times per week, and I've never once detected any kind of unpleasant smell...even if he hasn't showered for a full day. So believe me, I would know.
By #518816 18,Dec,16 14:01
Haha I believe you
Thanks for sharing!
By MM_DD [Ignore] 18,Dec,16 16:40 other posts 
Sure thing.
By #514685 21,Dec,16 20:56
Yeah, as an uncut guy, it takes a few seconds more to pull the foreskin back to wash, and no it doesn't get smelly after a while, maybe if you're not washing it for days, or if you don't wash it after ejaculationg, which you should probably be doing if you're cut as well.
By MM_DD [Ignore] 22,Dec,16 06:53 other posts 
My uncut hubby always ejaculates while I'm blowing him and I swallow every drop, then lick clean his knob and foreskin. So there's very minimal need for cleanup in our situation.
By 3fdfd [Ignore] 22,Dec,16 08:36 other posts 
MM ... your hubby's dick IS a "big deal" in my book
By MM_DD [Ignore] 22,Dec,16 16:29 other posts 
Yeah, so I've heard.

By metalraven13 [Ignore] 29,Nov,15 14:59 other posts 
I wonder how it would be if I hadn't been circumcised.
By 3fdfd [Ignore] 22,Dec,16 08:44 other posts 
I've thought that too. But I've never known anything but being cut.

By #502696 18,Dec,16 13:58
I once read that the very first peoples to start circumcision were the Egyptians! They started it because grains of sand irritated the penis. The Jews and Muslim's later did because "God" wanted it done.
I have a natural penis and have no desire for a circumcision.
By 3fdfd [Ignore] 22,Dec,16 08:41 other posts 
Supposedly, during WWII uncut US & UK soldiers had more of a problem with sand in their dicks than did cut guys during the various campaigns in North Africa. If that's really true, I don't know.

By 3fdfd [Ignore] 22,Dec,16 08:32 other posts 
Interest more than envy. A childhood friend was uncut. I guess he moved into my neighborhood when we were about 7 or 8. I found his dick just so different that what the rest of the guys had.

By Ablaze [Ignore] 21,Dec,16 20:13 other posts 
I'm curious about sex with cut dick
By #486048 21,Dec,16 20:16
and im just curious about having another guys dick.

By #360485 18,Dec,16 15:31
After decades of having a circumcision to deal with I decided to regrow as much skin as I can. I have been making good progress and the thing that struck me most is the feeling of having the head of my cock covered. It feels as though someone is touching my cock. Nice feeling. Also, I notice a more sensitive feeling when someone or something comes in contact with it. I do envy those who are fortunate enough to be uncut. Mutilation of the penis is foolish and unnecessary. More religious control of not just our minds but bodies as well. This practice should be ended once and for all.

By #519672 15,Dec,16 01:52
there is a lot of cock out there and they are all differnt
By #485312 15,Dec,16 16:01
yeah l still don't get the issue here, makes me wonder what the guys think of pussies that don't look alike..*lix*
By #23212 15,Dec,16 22:02
Yes, people's body parts all look somewhat different. But this is a question about a surgical modification to an intimate part that makes a substantial difference to its appearance.
By #485312 16,Dec,16 01:03
what would you think of a surgically modified pussy, like the ones of muslims??? cut and shut and ripped off clit...or a 'normal' pussy???? same difference isn't it??? *Lix*
By #23212 16,Dec,16 22:56
"Same difference..?" NOOOOO.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 18,Dec,16 13:26 other posts 
That's disgusting
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By MM_DD [Ignore] 18,Dec,16 13:07 other posts 
I do not feel envy at the sight of a foreskin. On the contrary, I usually feel intense lust and desire.

By #64328 18,Nov,16 13:31
I think circumsized look better but all dicks are fun to see.
By #471978 21,Nov,16 05:08

By #471978 21,Nov,16 05:07
im cut like cut always have always will

By niceonebighead [Ignore] 19,Nov,16 11:31 other posts 
im uncut like uncut best but they suck the samemore fun 2 play with uncut dont have 2 use all that messy oil like the taste of cock not oil

By anonymus [Ignore] 18,Nov,16 19:59 other posts 
Im uncut and i have to admit uncut seems to be a lot less common nowadays than i thought it was actually, i thought it was quite a popular decision but it must have declined in popularity or something over the last 10 years or so i guess

By #202392 16,Nov,16 15:04
Any time i see an intact dick i am filled with envy

By #64328 17,Mar,16 15:42
Im cut and think cut looks best
By #481583 18,Mar,16 13:21

By foreskinlover52 [Ignore] 18,Mar,16 10:25 other posts 
I prefer uncut and really have no interest in cut ones

By #472252 18,Mar,16 07:10
I AM CUT I prefer seeing cut but I do wonder how a foreskin would add to the stimulation as you stroke

By leopoldij [Ignore] 18,Mar,16 06:44 other posts 

By #505567 17,Mar,16 20:52
Here's my uncut cock. Does it look different to cut guys when it's hard or can you only tell when cocoa are flaccid? /ixolp3kd09z4pic.html
--------------------------------------- added after 5 minutes

Lol cocks * not "cocoa"
By soundsgreat87 [Ignore] 18,Mar,16 00:04 other posts 
It looks uncut because of the foreskin.

I don't know where this idea of "when hard, an uncut dick is the same as a cut dick" came from because it is really, really not true at all

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