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Physsician Induced Erection

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by #7976 [Ignore] 15,Mar,16 02:28
For over 50 years I've dreaded the day when a Dr., in my case female, would elicit a rise from my lower brain. Today was the day. I went in for my annual physical and have seen this woman for nearly 30 years. She's attractive and stacked but there's never been any kind of emotional interchange. This morning however, she impaled my anus and at the same time was rolling my nuts between her fingers. In what seamed a millisecond I had a full erection that surprised the two of us. She pulled away and I didn't move...too afraid I guess. Once she regained her composure and realized I wasn't going down, she withdrew the foreskin from over my head and felt the shaft for nodules. That was it. Nothing more. But the experience of snapping to attention in the hand of my female physician has given me a raging hard on at times all day long.

My question is...has this ever happened to any one else. I don't mean having sex with your doctor but simply having such a strong reaction during an exam?

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By nekekal [Ignore] 13,Jul,21 13:41 other posts 
For many years I had a female dr. I have found thar the longer more slender fingers of a woman make the prostate exam much easier. One year she came into the room with a young trainee. Also a woman.

I dropped my pants and they proceeded to examine me. First one, then the other. They examined my penis, seemed to take longer than normal as they then discussed it in detail. Then they moved on to my balls. Holding and fondling them and discussing them. And finally it was finger up the ass time to examine my prostate. My prostate is enlarged and a bit hard, but otherwise healthy, and this seemed to take repeated probing.

But it was not sexy. If they would have handled my cock a bit more, it might have been, but everything stayed flaccid.

As they left, they thanked me for being a good sport about this. I didn't get a discount on my bill.

By #645870 10,Jul,21 13:13
I have always preferred going to women doctors. I guess it's because of the mother and nurturing instincts that I have always felt that they were better doctors. I was always concerned that I might get a raging hard on the first few times I went, but luckily nothing ever happened. Truthfully I would much rather have a woman examine my cock and shove her finger up my ass than any man.

By #613564 29,Aug,20 01:47
I had a serious medical SCARE, and went to see a Urologist, but he was in an extended surgery, so the nurse asked if I was ok to have his PA examine me, and then talk with the doc, later. OK, no worries! But the PA was SUPER HOT!! OMG, hot, but I'm freaking out about what might be.
She says there has to be a another present, for "insurance reasons?" What??
So she has a nurse come in, and, of course she is really cute, too!!
Limp as a noodle. She tells me to take down my pants, and lean over, and so on, and she says it might be cold, as she just lubes, and then slides in, just a bit.
She says relax, and slips in, and feels my prostrate, and takes her time. Much longer than any, ever, and she pushed on one side, and asked how it felt, then the other, and how that felt, and no pains.
Then she pushed on something, and I got SOLID, ROCK HARD, with no control!!!
I was freaking out!! OMG!! What is she thinking?
She pushed here and there, again, and then slipped out, and I was still, SOLID, hard! The nurse, was blushing!!
Then, she says, like nothing, "Oh, that sometimes happens, it's no big deal!"

By lovetolickyou [Ignore] 02,Aug,20 04:02 other posts 
I started to reply and realized it was going to be too long for the forum - But if you want to know, it's my newest blog.

By #622304 27,Jul,20 14:56
Went to see the urologist (a 60 yo man) and as I entered the exam room the nurse instructed me to pull my pants down. I did and laid them in the chair. Dr came in and asked me to stand up while he sat in His stool and examined each of my balls. He pulled and tugged and rubbed each ball and held them both in his hand. He then began to examine my soft dick. Felt my tip, pulled it in different directions then he asked “ can you make it hard?” I relaxed and felt it start to swell. Dr said “That’s very good. Let it reach its max.” He asked me not to strain but let it happen naturally. Took it in his hand and felt up my shaft around my head he pulled it back to test the erection strength. “Any problems ejaculating?” I said no. I’d like to get a sample of semen just to check. Squeezed my dick and small drops came from tip. “that looks good enough” He said everything physically was fine and said I could take a few extra mins to let myself go down. He was very professional

By Louis [Ignore] 08,Jun,18 07:13 other posts 
While getting a physical last year, my doctor's new assistant was called in the room. She was young and quite hot looking. Well, I was naked and had a major hard on in no time. It was embarrassing but quite a turn on at the same time. I would swear I saw her sneak a quick peak! Other than that, they ignored it.

By fatcock66 [Ignore] 15,Mar,16 12:14 other posts 
I guess this is new. But I expected lots of comments about a Dr doing a DRE and getting semen to flow. I've had this happen several times. Always a male Dr, but he pressed rather forcefully on my prostate and a few drops of semen were expressed from my flaccid dick. He reached down onto the floor and picked some of it up and pinched between his fingers while he looked at it. No comment. Checking viscosity I guess.
By Nevermore [Ignore] 12,Nov,16 07:28 other posts 
Wait, Dr Dre gave you a boner?
By fatcock66 [Ignore] 14,Nov,16 13:59 other posts 
heh, heh... you ever had your prostate checked? You should get that by time you are 40, so it's cumming up

By jocstfr [Ignore] 11,Nov,16 08:38 other posts 
it happened to me in a dr's office with a male dr and a female assistant. He was checking my prostate and even though I was not hard, all off a sudden I started getting that familiar feeling in my dick and balls that I was going to cum. My dick started twitching and in seconds streams of cum were spewing from my flaccid dick. I apologized and the assistant stated that it was a normal reaction in some men and she covered my dick with a towel as if she were expecting more to cum out.

By botanic [Ignore] 09,Nov,16 19:42 other posts 
yep , years back I was about to undergo a hernia op and v attractive nurse came to shave me , she held my cock while she shaved me and I could not stop it getting harder and harder , she just grinned at me.

By Hrnyboy90 [Ignore] 09,Nov,16 10:25 other posts 
Happened to me once a few years ago.. I was in one of those gowns getting an exam for some lower abdominal pain I was having, I wasn't sure if I was suppose to keep my underwear on or not but I was completely naked under the gown. He had me on my back and opened the gown so I was completely exposed. He took a couple minutes examining and pressing below my stomach. Think it was just the feeling of being naked, but for whatever reason i got a full erection before he was done. I didn't say anything, just stayed quiet and casual while my dick was throbbing. He didn't comment on it either it probably happens a lot. Something I just can't control if I'm exposed to someone

By #64328 18,Mar,16 22:12
During a sports physical once i just popped a major boner. Just having someone see my privates must have set it off. I was a little embarrassed, but he reassured me it happens to many boys and was just professional about it.

By leopoldij [Ignore] 17,Mar,16 19:07 other posts 
I got one when I was being examined by female doctor.
--------------------------------------- added after 19501 hours

She actually examined my balls. She had to touch them and raise them and look at them closely. What could I have done other than get a stiff cock in front of her?

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