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Started by #559941 [Ignore] 21,Jul,18 00:24
Donald Trump won fair and square 2 years ago and dumb-asses can't get over the election? lol

When Fox News Posted that at 2AM on November 9th 2016 it wasn't fake news...

Donald Trump won November 8th 2016. Hillary will not be president ! She has more chances to go to jail than the White house....

It's over ! get over it..

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By #435701 13,Aug,18 14:20
Hi God...zilla...NO election is EVER fair and square! Electoral College makes it so unfair and so easily manipulated. Majority votes WOULD make it fair. If even that wasn't manipulable. It's just that no one has ever known they aren't fair, or square. Trumpily Frumpily definitely did not win fairly. Look @ his history. He has NEVER done anything fairly. Bankrupt 4 times. Original money from his Daddy. He just lies about his history so he looks like a magnificent being that is his own creation. BTW, he's at over 4,000 lies while in office! Did we EVER have another president that was tracked by his 'untruths?' NO. Is it POSSIBLE he has hoodwinked you also?...Sadly, you have fallen into the propaganda trap once again and showed you are wearing blinders. And watching FOX and believing EVERYTHING they say. Wake the fuck up, God...damn it! Trump Derangement Syndrome is a wonderful phrase. Perfect for sheep that cannot think for themselves because they (you) have no peripheral vision. Trump derangement ONLY applies to the very, VERY dangerous idjut in charge and his total deranged view of himself. He's a megalomaniac. If you like America, you better come out from under your FOX news diet. They are like Trump. Driven ONLY by money. As long as they get theirs, America and the World be damned.
By #562152 16,Aug,18 17:38
Well said talk4s
By #559941 17,Aug,18 15:30
Electoral college makes it fair for 2 reasons. The country in certain states are complete morons that want welfare and il legal aliens come here to vote which is unconstitutional.. The other reason is that once you are dead you lose your right to vote... Voting from the cemetary is not constitutional and the demoscat donkeys use this for unfair advantage.
By #435701 21,Aug,18 13:32
GOD. You seem so much smarter as you CAN put words together in some facsimile of order But, once agin, ya be provin' ya beez a dumchen...You see 'borders', which are JUST on maps created by people, as demarcations of who is smart and who is a 'demoscat donkey'?? Did you MEAN to mention '****' er is ya jis a teeny bit...drunkey? So, next time you are sober, think real 'HARD' about a voting method that allows the 'Electorates' to vote how THEY want to vote and not how the public HAS actually voted.

By #562152 21,Aug,18 14:01
Damn,,i had planned to vote after i died,,
--------------------------------------- added after 26 minutes

maybe we should burry them on the white house lawn,,then it would be legal for them to vote
By #562152 21,Aug,18 14:02
how many countries in certain states are we talking about?? and how complete are these morons??
By #562152 21,Aug,18 14:03
why is alien voting unconstitutional?? if they vote we don't have to
By #559941 21,Aug,18 15:42
Because they are not American Citizens.. Is it l egal for you to vote for Japanese President?
By #562152 21,Aug,18 15:58
no,, i write his name in every ballot i vote in,,
By #562152 21,Aug,18 14:04
do people graduate fro the electoral college?? do aliens go there to learn to vote??
By #559941 21,Aug,18 15:45
They are given money in order to vote.. This is the democratic base. Welfare, housing, medical, even free college. Just vote.. Obama tried to make it le gal for il legals to vote but he failed. Still they get through with phony documents....Minorities, non=citizens inclding MS-13 gangs, murders, r apists,,, all with immunity,, In california, it is no longer a crime to r ape ch ildren anymore.. All liberal..
By #562152 21,Aug,18 16:00
can i get some of that money?? i'm a good Republican left wing conservative alien
By #562152 21,Aug,18 16:21
I thought MS-13 gangs were like private cops,,don't they protect people from those ICE thugs??

By #562152 21,Aug,18 14:38
Poor Mr Obama,, he was born in Kenya on the island of Oahu, and everyone elected him president illegally. Now, because he won the Nobel Peace price they want to deport him back to the Sandwitch Islands. Good thing he wasn't responsible for nine eleven like George Bush Jr. was. We must pray for the return of the KKK to it's glory,,,but change it to FAS (Fucking Assholes Society)
By #435701 21,Aug,18 14:53
; ...
By #562152 21,Aug,18 14:54
one convert,,,thank you,,
By #559941 21,Aug,18 15:47
Wrong,, he was born in kenya.. The H.s. he claimes to have gone to in Hawaii,, nobody ever saw him, knew him or even heard of him..

By phart [Ignore] 21,Jul,18 15:13 other posts 
Best thing to do is just wait till 2020 and vote with your conscience .
A good discussion like I am sure will ensue here is not a bad thing at all. Alot of typing,folks reading and scratching their heads. But this is how things can be improved.Communication.

But sadly,Trying to explain to folks overseas that have suckled off Americas tit for so long what the problems are is futile.
I could not beleive my eyes when I saw all those folks in england last week in the streets. How did folks that lived and worked in those buildings on those streets get around? Are there that many folks in England that don't work that have nothing better to do that run around in the street and bitch about a man that don't even run their country? Hell,back in the 1700's we fought a bitter war to free ourselves of the tyranny of England,many folks died.But when the Germans came to invade England,America was there for them and again,We lost alot of good men. I guess none of those dipshits slithering down the streets of London or that were holding Balloon strings remember that basic history.

Nato, America has been spending more than anyone else. All members should spend their fair share.Why would anyone want less? Paying less then your fair share is called sucking or bumming off America.Trump wants to fix that.

The border between us and Mexico is all but a blur.He wants to fix that. Try immigrating into Mexico illegally. Hell,just try to do a temporary transfer down there to work for 6 months getting a factory up and running.Armed guards just to get you to work and home!
I will be voting for Trump again for several reasons.
1, Although the Democrats,normally referred to around here as liberals, have thrown every stumbling block in front of him they can ,he is still going like the Energizer bunny.Trying to do for America as he said he would. Put it FIRST. That should be every leaders objective,put their people and country first.
Once you fix your own problems, then you can reach out with a strong arm to help those in need.
2, Trump has sat down face to face with Little Rocket Man and Putin. That is far more that the Democrats seem to want to do.
3, The democrats have no 1 to run worth a shit.Nor do the Repubs for 2024 if you think about it.

Frankly America was against the wall and Trump was and still is the only damn 1 with the guts and balls to stand up and try to fix anything.And the only person crazy enough to take the job.

And another thing,ask Trump for his birth certificate,or his education records. They are not sealed.Who's was the entire time they lead our country to the bathroom?

Ask alot of the first Iraq war veterans how they got home from over there when the fighting was stopped. Trump Air,that's how.He only ask the feds to pay for the fuel.His planes,his crews.His tab.
Has Hillary or Soros or Biden done that?
By #559941 21,Jul,18 19:33
The democrats have no agenda period. They have no agenda with the people. Only to have wide open borders, let illegals vote because people in this country are too smart to vote for them. This is how they feel or they wouldn't be getting non-valid aliens to vote !. It is how ironic they say Trump is a filthy racist when they are guilty of slavery and invocation of the KKK after the emancipation proclamation and assassination of Abraham Lincoln..They are experts in trolling people, lying and propaganda but never 1 time have they ever made a law suitable for our constitution.. They are diversion party,,, obstructionists only now they are giving full power because they are about to be run out of the country..

The border in Mexico-USA to separate parents was established by Bill Clinton in 1997.. As I said before if you want to come to america come legally.. Go to Embassy and claim political asylum or for ever reason you want to come here NOT climbing walls and trying to be shipped in trucks...
By phart [Ignore] 21,Jul,18 20:15 other posts 
Well,To give the devil his due, Democrat as a party has changed alot over the years.
Most working class people used to be democrats.
And sadly,I can't put my finger on a exact time it all changed but it seems once they started figuring out how to get certain people free stuff in exchange for votes,it went down hill.
Anyone with common sense can see that a person getting something for nothing is going to vote to keep that party in power that made it happen.
Democrats still keep slaves. The minority's here in the US. Think before you say I am wrong. IF you give a person a check,a house,public transportation and up the check for every baby they have, you have control over that person. That person can not escape your control because they would loose their check,their house,their ride.
And they can never venture out into the work place because the pay cut would put them on the street.They make more being slaves than they would working.
I know for a fact a friend lost their job and was able to get 150 a month in food stamps for a while. She decided to go to a local college and get a degree and look for a new job. The food stamps were cut off because the college grant she was awarded was considered income. And the grant was not meant for food. So the family kept her up for 2 years in that aspect.
But yet,folks that never pay a dime into the US treasury get food stamps all the time. And sit at home. Never trying to do better for themselves.
Slaves to the system designed to get votes.

I will say right off the bat,I am firmly against taking a k1d away from their parents for most any reason.
But these immigrants are putting their chi1dren in danger dragging them across the border illegally. The adults crossing the border are committing a crime and we put criminals in jail here in the US.Or at least we try to.Sadly it is getting to be a revolving door.
So not only are the parents committing a crime coming here,they are endangering their k1ds which is criminal. I seriously doubt there is a prison or jail system any where in the world that allows k1ds to be in the same cell as their parents. Don't you think alot of murderers and thieves in jails across America would love to have their k1ds with them? What a mess that would become over night if not sooner.You can't put k1ds and adults in jail together.
So separation is the only way that is safe for the k1ds.As for their mental state,well gee,you don't reckon getting dragged up thru the desert has any affect on them?
The k1ds need to be taken good care of and the parents rushed thru the system and sent back home with their k1ds asap.And put up signs at the border telling them not to endanger their k1ds anymore or they will loose them for good.
By #559941 21,Jul,18 20:38
Great analysis. For once I can debate here..Let me reply to 2 points that you made.
As far as minorities, African Americans have been dependent on the system or establishment since they were brought here as slaves for the most part. The democrats brought them here as slaves and when slavery was abolished they formed the KKK to terrorize them out of the system but interestingly while they were doing that they were covertly focused on antisemitism. But then they came with an idea..In 1935 they created welfare during the depression and during that time education was limited by design to keep you dependent on Govt. and unqualified to work.. Why do you think African Americans live in cities? Because it is by design....With that said, and propaganda coming from high platforms they are robots designed to shut up and vote democrat....

Your other point of separating c__hildren from parents..This was set up by design too.. Ch__ild sex trafficking is an incredible money vane...Lots of c__hildre here are parent-less or have been sold to coyotes that in turn make money from the parents then sell them off to traffickers... Adult sex trafficking is also common across our border but the big money is younger... The United States establishment is not the only country and you will find that any country that does big business with Iran is over their heads on it while suppressing women with genital mutilation, throwing homosexuals off roofs and just killing you if they do not like you.. It is all about power and money.. There is no moral barriers with the democrats especially all the way left democrats that fight for sanctuary cities... The years midterm elections are going to be the most important elections in history...... I can be rest assured for the moment the supreme court appears to be in balance now...
By phart [Ignore] 21,Jul,18 21:04 other posts 
Well, this is a very diverse group of people here from all over the world with many different life experiences.I am sure there are people here that would not be alive if there was not a social safety net to catch them when tragedy struck. There will always be misfortune for some folks and the people should understand the government needs to have systems in place to help them.It is the blatant abuse of those systems that upsets us deplorables. A term that Hilliary stuck on us Trump supporters.Oh well,If loving your country is deplorable,so be it.
Before Trump was elected I sat at the breakfast table with a die hard democrat. The subject of Bill and Monica came up. He said what they did together was no one's business and should not have ever been known to the public.To some degree,he was right.But he let it interfere with his job and lied thru his teeth.When I watched all that take place I was astounded.Before that I had not been active in politics.
I considered it a lost cause to even try to vote or anything else.
Then after 9-11,I decided to register to vote so i could help Bush stay in office to finish getting the American people justice for the crimes committed against us. I was saddened by the fact nothing else really came of it.I would assume his family was threatened or something drastic took place that caused him to just lame duck it thru the next 4 years in regards to that mess.
But I have tried to look at things with somewhat of a open mind.I don't vote straight ticket most of the time. There is usually a democrat in a local position who I have saw doing something positive and I vote to keep them there.

I know some folks here think I am the second largest asshole on earth. If that is their opinion, then so be it.
But each of us has to **** at night.And to do that,we have to act and do things that we are comfortable with. There is no way in HELL I could have brought myself to put a check mark beside Hillary for president. "Oh what difference does it make" In reference to the men that died in Benghazi. Destroyed electronic equipment to hide what was in it from we Americans. What would she have done once in office? She was rude and mean to all the white house staff as first lady,can you imagine how she would treat people as Prez? The folks that can't get past her loosing,well, there is 2020, put on your big girl panties and run her again. when she looses that time, keep her in mothballs for 2024.
By #559941 21,Jul,18 22:36
Establishment covers all leftists and some rights. Numerically the senate and house is run conservative but it is far from that. That is why Obama-care reformation struggled to make adjustments and why building the wall is still on debate. Even tax-reform was called crumbs now they want it back..Only a handful of Republicans follow the president in senate but what is remarkable and miraculous is that he has followed up on most of his promises in only 18 months and is still pushing forward. Other than foreign policy balancing for security of our nation he needs to work on infrastructure and making education being run locally and correctly then after that he is running on "House Money" yet he is only half way through his first term....Imagine that !!

The Democrats know their power is dwindling and they are fighting tooth and nail.. So is the EU, So is Hollywood... It is all being exposed and no longer valued. My focus is to honor our constitution---I don't care if it is Donald Trump, Daffy Duck or Bozo,,, if they use their power with responsibility to protect americans and its law I will vote until I can't vote no more...
By #562152 17,Aug,18 20:15
@ Godzilas
Baby,,did it hurt???
By #559941 10,Aug,18 15:00
I am a democrat. Yes it has changed. 1961 it was different. Now it is socialism since its leaders are extreme LEFT.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 11,Aug,18 06:59 other posts 
Is there any difference between the democrat and the republican party? They both consist of assholes.
By #562152 17,Aug,18 20:16
Leo,,you are calling the whole population (or almost all) of the USA assholes
By leopoldij [Ignore] 18,Aug,18 03:06 other posts 
I'm Sorry for appearing to be so. What I meant to say is that I don't think that politicians, of any flavour or denomination, are honest. Some more than others, of course, but politicians are politicians mostly for their own sake, regardless of party.
By #562152 17,Aug,18 12:31
The 2017 figure is the lowest since 2010, when 40.3 million people were on food stamps
You said

Anyone with common sense can see that a person getting something for nothing is going to vote to keep that party in power that made it happen.
Democrats still keep slaves. The minority's here in the US. Think before you say I am wrong. IF you give a person a check,a house,public transportation and up the check for every baby they have, you have control over that person. That person can not escape your control because they would loose their check,their house,their ride.
And they can never venture out into the work place because the pay cut would put them on the street.They make more being slaves than they would working.
I know for a fact a friend lost their job and was able to get 150 a month in food stamps for a while. She decided to go to a local college and get a degree and look for a new job. The food stamps were cut off because the college grant she was awarded was considered income. And the grant was not meant for food. So the family kept her up for 2 years in that aspect.

You go shopping for food??? $150.00 a month is$37.50/week ,,you think you can eat on that?? You think someone would stay in the program for long?
My oldest son, Chuck, is permanently disabled from an accident at work. He collects his full Social Security benefit of $1100 per month ($275/week) and thank God he gets food stamps,,they gave him an increase last Jan 1, now he gets a whole $15.00 per month. He's flush,,,
And, I lived many years in Miami, it's Cuban heaven and the gate to Latin America,,,section 8 housing, medicaid and fod stamps flow freely. In all that time i've never heard of free housing, free meds or abundant amounts of food stamps. The section 8 housing is horrible, in bad areas of town and there's a waiting period of several years. Something else,,,if you think women get pregnant to collect benefits than baby,,you don't know what having a baby is all about,,,that poor women or any woman may be stupid enough not to use contraceptives, i'll give that one to you, but to imply that pregnancy is a money making situation,,,no.
You say you have a friend who's family supported her for 2 yrs after loosing her job, presumably to get a degree in college. All my kids and I worked to pay for our education. The family decided to support her?? great, kudos to them, but your friend is lazy, she could have worked and paid for college herself....
It's funny that the same people that complain that the great unwashed segment of our population gets free stuff and then complains they aren't getting their fair share,,,You know what??? i never knew a staunch, right wing republican refuse unemployment insurance when he/she looses his/her job
By phart [Ignore] 20,Aug,18 00:31 other posts 
I drew 6 checks for 110 bucks of unemployment.I found a job and took it. Some just choose not to look for work and enjoy the whineing and bumming.
By #562152 20,Aug,18 06:52
But that was 12 weeks of unemployment, and you did not send it back. The amount is substandard and meant as a help. It's like I say,,,you right wing conservatives talk with a forked tongue. Your bitch is "everyone else is **** the system, EXCEPT ME, so I can use the system. "
By #559941 20,Aug,18 20:47
Democrates give out free money to those that vote for them. Their primary voters bases are Blacks, Hispanics by using race cards,, the one thing they blame republicans and non-conformists over yet they are pure racists themselves
.and NON AMERICANS... They even use people that are over 120 years old.. Figure that one out since you have a "Mind"..
By #559941 20,Aug,18 20:24
Democrats are to steal..Not to earn. Ironically the ones that support them are the one's they are stealing from.
By #562152 17,Aug,18 09:15
When the Berlin wall was up many East Berliners tried to escape to the west. Under your suggestion, should they have gone to an embassy and asked for political asylum?? Maybe we should have sent them back,
By #559941 20,Aug,18 20:48
Actually, that is correct. They went to the embassy.. Sending them back is illogical since they know how to work for a living. The one's the democrats let in are the one's that do not want to work..
By #562152 16,Aug,18 17:49
But sadly,Trying to explain to folks overseas that have suckled off Americas tit for so long what the problems are is futile.
I could not beleive my eyes when I saw all those folks in england last week in the streets. How did folks that lived and worked in those buildings on those streets get around? Are there that many folks in England that don't work that have nothing better to do that run around in the street and bitch about a man that don't even run their country? Hell,back in the 1700's we fought a bitter war to free ourselves of the tyranny of England,many folks died.But when the Germans came to invade England,America was there for them and again,We lost alot of good men. I guess none of those dipshits slithering down the streets of London or that were holding Balloon strings remember that basic history.

phart,,you've never seen a demonstration here in the states?? In a global economy, they get targeted by trump's policy too and have a right to bitch. Yes, we fought for our independence from England in 1776. At the time it was the right thing to do, but, you can't equate that to WWII. We were helping England wit the Lend/Lease program without being at war with Germany. England was fighting the Germans 3 years before we started fighting the Germans too. And we didn't declare war on them. The day after Pearl Harbor when the Japanese attacked us, Germany declared war on us,,we just carried the war to them. England profited but it was for us to win, and we did it in the fields of France,,like we did in the first world war. This is why this country is in such bad shape,,everyone knows a few things but not the whole story
By #562152 16,Aug,18 17:52
Nato, America has been spending more than anyone else. All members should spend their fair share.Why would anyone want less? Paying less then your fair share is called sucking or bumming off America.Trump wants to fix that.

As far as Nato is concerned, the USA is by far the riches country in the alliance,,,while you are right it seems unfair, remember that Nato was formed to combat the Soviet Union in Europe to give the US a buffer to mount a counter attack. We fully knew,Europe would commit it's territory to war.
By #562152 16,Aug,18 17:55
The border between us and Mexico is all but a blur.He wants to fix that. Try immigrating into Mexico illegally. Hell,just try to do a temporary transfer down there to work for 6 months getting a factory up and running.Armed guards just to get you to work and home!

Whatever the lawlessness is in another country (Mexico) it doesn't mean we have to be concerned,,,as far as the border being a swiss cheese, ok, it's true,,those hordes of locust are taking over the states,,why,,just the amount of Taco Bells opening up is frightening,,,
By #562152 16,Aug,18 17:58
Frankly America was against the wall and Trump was and still is the only damn 1 with the guts and balls to stand up and try to fix anything.And the only person crazy enough to take the job.

You really think there were no other options?? There were many Republicans that would have been excellent presidents even if you didn't like Hillary. And while we are at it , what was so wrong about her?????
By #559941 20,Aug,18 17:41
She was responsible for neglagence that costed 4 lives in Libya.. Where was Obama during the crisis? we still don't know.
She used foreign interests through her foundation and the HAITE earthquake crisis to steal from Americans by donating,, only place that the money ended up was in her pocket..
Her and obama signed the uranium deal which gave 20% of our uranium to Russia... The one country she says is the worst enemy.. She colluded with Russia,, not trump..
Her server had classified documents which by itself is a felony and should have been in jail since 2013...Her book "WHAT HAPPENED" She never takes a loss into her own responsibility,, always blame blame,, she lost fair and square.. Her campaign sucked and Bill was furious with her..She didn't listen,, not she blames trump and the russians which is a lie since the investigation is going down the toilet quickly now..
By #562152 16,Aug,18 18:00
Ask alot of the first Iraq war veterans how they got home from over there when the fighting was stopped. Trump Air,that's how.He only ask the feds to pay for the fuel.His planes,his crews.His tab.
Has Hillary or Soros or Biden done that?

No, but the President then was a good old Republican, Jeorge Bush Sr. and as these vets were part of the military, they had transport home.
By #562152 16,Aug,18 18:03
2, Trump has sat down face to face with Little Rocket Man and Putin. That is far more that the Democrats seem to want to do.

Little Rocket Man used the meeting for propaganda,,and Putin did the same,,,they used Trump and he thinks he did good, Ha, meeting other leaders does not mean anything got done
By #559941 17,Aug,18 15:27
Do you work for MSNBC CNN?
By #562152 20,Aug,18 06:54
No, I just like the truth and **** it when unjust, uninformed bitching clouds that truth
By phart [Ignore] 20,Aug,18 16:34 other posts 
"unjust, uninformed bitching clouds that truth"
We should all hat$ that regardless of which side of the isle we are on.
By #559941 20,Aug,18 17:35
you mean the truth that Obama is not a true american, hillary selling classified documents while corrupting the FBI and CIA operatives? Oh and don't forget breaking 4th amendment rights to privacy with the trump campaign and creating false fisa warrents...
Not caring about North Korea, China, What he did in Europe with the Iran Deal in mass rapes in scandinavia, UK and Germany which is worse hit? You can explain to me how all of this didn't happen... As history will show this president tried to destroy our constitution by claiming socialism and failed ! and invader from another country,, more Left Wing corruption and bullshit..
By #562152 20,Aug,18 19:42
Blah, blah, blah, you believe what ever you want. I won't call you a fool or ask if your mom dropped you on your head as a baby. It would not be right. But, just like you believed the garbage you post, I can convince myself that my assumptions about your are true .
By #559941 20,Aug,18 20:13
more insults... GEt out of the 3rd grade and give validity, not stupidity.. liberals are basically nothing but stupid people with an attitude.. Moderates don't have an attitude,,
By #562152 20,Aug,18 20:21
You need a mind to have an attitude
By #559941 20,Aug,18 20:44
I agree.
By #562152 21,Aug,18 09:05
Perhaps you are right,,,while i didn't mean to insult you, the intent was there. So, let me try something else. Please explain what you meant by this:

As history will show this president tried to destroy our constitution by claiming socialism and failed ! and invader from another country,, more Left Wing corruption and bullshit..

What did you mean??? Why did he try to destroy the Constitution? How did (and is that possible) he claim socialism and failed? And,,what Left Wing corruption and bullshit are you reffering to??
--------------------------------------- added after 5 minutes

also,,,what did you mean with this???:

you mean the truth that Obama is not a true american

Are you saying he is Kenyan?? Is Kenya trying to take over the USA?
--------------------------------------- added after 8 minutes

How about this????

hillary selling classified documents while corrupting the FBI and CIA operatives?

Are the FBI and the CIA operatives corrupt?? do they work for a foreign nation?? Are they letting lawbreakers to get away??
--------------------------------------- added after 11 minutes

And this,,,i can't believe how this was allowed to happen.:

Not caring about North Korea, China, What he did in Europe with the Iran Deal in mass rapes in scandinavia, UK and Germany which is worse hit?

How many women were raped in Scandinavia??? I assume it was in Norway and Sweden.
By #559941 21,Aug,18 13:48
The new world agenda, having called as such is trying to control our increasing world population through diversion and politics. This has been going on forever but now the idea is to get rid of democracy and invoke global socialism. Since you support these candidates that support this theory and you are all the way left there really is not point to debate with you since you already have your mind made up...

???>>>>As history will show this president tried to destroy our constitution by claiming socialism and failed ! and invader from another country,, more Left Wing corruption and bullshit..
He tried to get rid of our 1st, 2nd, and 4th amendments.. With increased socialism, soon women will lose their rights to vote (19th amendment.)
Obama is not a true american legally... He is just as legal as illllegal aliens crossing the border.. He was not born in the USA,,, I dont care if it was kenya, Canada, Mexico or even Iran for that matter.. His social security number was a duplicate from a dead man and fake..

How about this????

hillary selling classified documents while corrupting the FBI and CIA operatives?

Are the FBI and the CIA operatives corrupt?? do they work for a foreign nation?? Are they letting lawbreakers to get away??
Hillary was selling classified documents with her unsecured server. Around August she got scared that she may lose and go to jail so she paid Christopher Steel money to meet up with Russian intelligence and link up with the CIA, The Media(Fake Media), FBI..Bruce Ohr and his wife who worked for Fusion GPS coordinated... The FBI's job was to get 4 fake fisa warrants with no valid evidence approved to spy on the trump campaign which is a felony of 4th amendment rights of another citizen. after time, Obama always checked on how everything was going..

How many women? So many that you can't count because when they are gang raped the police do nothing about it because of left wing corruption and terror... These gangs r ape them in broad daylight while the rest of the gang beats up anyone that tries to stop it... **** the women to be raped while their chil dren are f orced to watch... This is all over Europe and it was going to happen here if Hillary was elected.. Norway , Sweden, Germany,,,England, France and many countries in Africa.... sharia law does not tolerate women to be exposed at all.. you must wear burka..and these bastards are raping and the police do nothing... Thanks to the Iran deal and islamification of global proportions..

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