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Circumcised Germany guys

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by #518391 [Ignore] 23,Jul,18 04:18
It seems to me that there are more circumcised guys here from Germany than other European countries...I wonder why this is- medical reasons, religion or fashion? It would be interesting to have feedback on this question.

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By #573687 13,Dec,18 21:09
I am from Germany and got cut with 26 years (or so).

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By #532369 21,Nov,18 05:07
Germany hasnt a different circumcision-ratio than other european countries. I grew up here and i know that round about 80% are uncut. German boys are just circumcised for medical reasons. No social or cultural aspects like the in the usa or south korea.
By #121361 27,Nov,18 15:51

--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes

i and my Ladys love to Play with The Foreskin.

By german_guy [Ignore] 21,Nov,18 16:04 other posts 
I am from Germany and most guys I know are uncut

By JustWill [Ignore] 23,Jul,18 14:42 other posts 
It could just be that a greater number of German guys who post here happen to be circumcised.
By #518409 24,Jul,18 06:23
It could be

By #518409 24,Jul,18 06:22
Ironic given that Germany persecuted Jews in the 30s and 40s and of course removing foreskin and exposing the glans are generally essential rites for most Jews.
I guess the large Turkish population there generally have to circumcise also.

I don't know really how prevalent it is in Germany.

Incidentally there is a German circumcision forum called Cutting Club. It is very good.

By #555742 23,Jul,18 22:25
Im not sure how it is in Germany. In the USA most people get circumcised although thats changing. Mainly its religious reasons but also because its been the norm.

I was born in Europe and where I am from the majority of the people aren't circumcised. Those who are its because of medical reasons (like too much extra skin) and religious reasons perhaps.

I'd say if I had to guess in Germany like the USA it's probably considered to be the norm but I could be wrong.

By #539358 24,Jul,18 01:47
For most European countries intact penises are definitely the norm. Unlike in the USA where they tend to cut when they’re born, in Europe we tend to only do the operation for medical reasons. The only exception to this is for religious grounds, which obviously as time does on, will become more prevalent. But I’d say Germany is the same as Britain, France, Italy etc... and most guys born there are still intact.

By #556112 23,Jul,18 23:53
I feel more naked when everyone immediately sees my glans.

By spermkiss [Ignore] 23,Jul,18 14:04 other posts 
Can't say that I've noticed about circumcision, but I have noticed that it seems as though a higher percentage of Germans go hairless. Which would make one believe that circumcision is done for fashion.
By #539358 23,Jul,18 17:59
I’d agree there. One the nudist beach in Gran Canaria there are lots of naked German guys and hardly any have any pubic hair

By just16cm [Ignore] 23,Jul,18 17:10 other posts 

I can only speak for myself, and I was circumcised out of medical reasons.

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