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The Most Cowardly & Low Acts A Member Can Do On Site

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

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Started by #569341 [Ignore] 02,Mar,19 03:45
This is my Top 4:
1) Spraying a stranger with an abusive PM and then blacklisting them before they have a chance to reply.
2) Blacklisting someone without ever conversing with them (for whatever piss weak reason people do that for).
3) Using contests like Picture Of The Month to anonymously “voice” your dislike for a member when you don’t have the intestinal fortitude to do it publicly (unless you take shelter immediately after doing so by blacklisting).
4) Slandering people behind their back or in group chat / the forum because you are too much of a jealous/ego-hurt, limp-wristed coward to bring your grievance/s straight to the member you have an issue with.

Those are my Top 4, does anyone else have any?

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By mr_blue [Ignore] 02,Mar,19 08:47 other posts 
So much easier to just be an asshole like me bro
It's all gossip about who does what(everyone here does it)... people get offended by trivial shit,get jealous....

Some people will have a discussion about something,some just want to shove their views down your throat,some play victim and imagine shit that doesn't exist....

I got blacklisted over reporting a dude for having a cat licking his that a valid reason to be blacklisted?.. I give up trying to understand people here,if I can't be bothered with their antics,I just blacklist,more peace for me...
By #570308 02,Mar,19 15:54
Here, here

By #578610 02,Mar,19 08:27
DemonCleaner, it's true, there are people who do all those things you wrote about. I am Hotpussy. Mr Dgraff wrote about Twowarmtts2 somewhere below. It's true I blocked him. Whatever I say here will not be believed or it will be refuted by him. The bad feelings happened because of a running argument with Bella in her Stuff Just Stuff forum. If you have the time and interest, go back to last September and peruse forward. Mr Dgraff took Bella's side and became abusive. But, there's more. He trolled other forums and abused Twowarmtts2 in those too and left negative comments on her page. His pet name for twowarmtts was twosaggytits. She eventually blacklisted him. Soon after that she ran into trouble with comments that were inappropriate and was banned from site. When I joined the site, Mr Dgraff became convinced I was the reincarnation of Twowarmtts2. He was relentless. I blocked him. He was the reason Bella and Blue blacklisting me without even contacting me. If you check me out. I don't have a blacklist. I have a few interests in the forums. Mostly, I like to chat with many friends I've made here. Mr Dgraff likes to criticize everybody and then be indignant when he is labeled a troll. Sorry for the rant.
My opinion
By dgraff [Ignore] 02,Mar,19 09:03 other posts 
Now tell the truth little miss hot flashes you stretched it just a little
By #578610 02,Mar,19 11:13
The proof is in the entries in the different forums. What you want others to believe or what others do believe I can’t help. All I’m doing is agreeing with Mr DemonCleaner in his statements. You can rant all you want but, you notice you are not blocked. At the moment.
My opinion
--------------------------------------- added after 4 minutes

And it’s true that Bella and Blue have me blocked because of you
My opinion
By phart [Ignore] 02,Mar,19 10:45 other posts 
forgive me but if you are not 2warm,why are you using her pics?Why speak of yourself in third person? By the way I don't need anyone else to tell me,I have pics saved somewhere that perhaps I can dig out and make sure,but I have a good memory I recconize the pics.And the fact you posted both on 2 warm page and the current page that you have been calle back to work.Unique pattern to be random accross the internet.
By #578610 02,Mar,19 11:03
Pharrell, I’m a big fan of Two. And last I’ve checked, I’m allowed to post any pics of people who give me permission to do so.
--------------------------------------- added after 12 minutes

Like many men that post pics of women to prove they can be with a woman
My opinion

By MoeJoe [Ignore] 02,Mar,19 04:16 other posts 
I agree...and I also say welcome to the internet !
By #569341 02,Mar,19 04:46
I don’t see why people think different rules apply, MJ...never will. I know that makes me sound internet/naive and old-school idealistic about how people should carry themselves; but fuck it - if you have beef with someone, fight them toe-to-toe. Having said that, i suppose cowards on the internet are even bigger cowards in real life, so telling them to change their spots is futile
By MoeJoe [Ignore] 02,Mar,19 07:09 other posts 
It's very easy to hide behind a false persona and spew shit at people....when confronted face to face with situations they turn tail and run.

By dgraff [Ignore] 02,Mar,19 05:40 other posts 
I know what your saying my friend the former member twosagytits now known as hot pussy black listed me because I can tell it's her just by what she says and lame ass lix black listed me over the excitement game years ago and just 37 black listed me because of my age
By #569341 02,Mar,19 06:14
I don’t think i’ve ever heard of those 2 members, dgr (:

By #545732 02,Mar,19 03:56
Hmmm, sounds like someone farted in your spacesuit while you were wearing it. Hope you're ok, fella.
By #569341 02,Mar,19 04:29
Say what, Wk?!
By #545732 02,Mar,19 04:31
I was just being silly
By #569341 02,Mar,19 04:34
I was just being defensive coz i just farted and was trying to blame someone else
By #545732 02,Mar,19 04:35
Oooooh it was you? Jeez, what have you been eating??
By #569341 02,Mar,19 04:49
Pissed-off protein powder (my usual diet)
By #545732 02,Mar,19 04:57
Hmm, I might give that stuff a try. This fucked-off juice is a bit bland
By #569341 02,Mar,19 05:34
Mix the 2 for double the effect, Wk 😜😠😡
By #545732 02,Mar,19 05:49
Haha! So that would make it a fuck this and kiss my arse cocktail?
By #569341 02,Mar,19 06:02
No, it would be a lot more potent eye-brow-raising / death-stare-inducing / tongue-poking / vein-popping / jaw-flexing / fist-cocking elixir than that, Wk 💀
By #545732 02,Mar,19 06:05
HAHAHA! Fist-cocking?? Hmmm... ouch!

By toohey [Ignore] 02,Mar,19 04:16 other posts 
That's ambitious. I'm not sure I'll do well on this challenge. I haven't accomplished anything on the list
By #569341 02,Mar,19 04:32
Case in point, toohey - you’re a good bloke, so you wouldn’t pull one of my aforementioned pet hates

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