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Are any men brave enough to wear mens leggings in public without shorts over them.

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by #591921 [Ignore] 06,Jan,20 23:47
Are any straight men brave enough to wear men's leggings in public without shorts over them. I've found they are very comfortable,and one brand I like best are ergowear. Yes they show everything but so do women's and they wear them everywhere. I do however wear longer shirts so that its not completely obvious when I go out to walk because they stop cramps. I got cramps trying to exercise after a bad accident and the sales person at the sport shop told me they would stop the cramps.

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By #613564 04,Sep,20 02:01
Brave enough?? What is the challenge??
Not like some lady lover challenged you to wear women's flower panties, under white tights, that totally show, and also your bulge!!
Guy's leggings in public is like, whatever! That's been done before, and no big deal!!

By #64328 13,Aug,20 14:16
Not leggings but bicycle shorts and I got a thrill out of the fact they leave nothing to the imagination. It fun to see how everyone eyes cant help but look at the package
By german_guy [Ignore] 13,Aug,20 15:33 other posts 
same here... wear my bike-shorts....and they show a lot
I enjoy that

By #275407 13,Jan,20 00:37
I have several times and almost got raped in the process /fterhecbeohxpic.html
By #551147 13,Jan,20 19:48
Lord have mercy!
By #551147 11,Aug,20 21:47


🇺🇲 TRUMP 2020 🇺🇸

By onthelose [Ignore] 11,Aug,20 17:30 other posts 

By onthelose [Ignore] 11,Aug,20 17:30 other posts 
I have been thinking of earing some yoga pants. That is if I can find some to fit me.

By andrew999999999 [Ignore] 03,Aug,20 11:44 other posts 
Personally, I find the combination of shorts over leggings ridiculous. Wear shorts, or tracksuit bottoms.

By german_guy [Ignore] 13,Jan,20 14:52 other posts 
why not???

By Shaved [Ignore] 13,Jan,20 13:55 other posts 
Wear mine while exercising, walks in the park, and on road trips without shorts. I stopped for gas and a woman in her 50's at the pump next to me kept looking at me and she said she liked to see men wearing them and I looked sexy in them. They are so much more comfortable than most anything else other than wearing nothing at all

By #275407 13,Jan,20 00:36

By #511878 11,Jan,20 07:28
Fuck yea. Get the trend started and people will lose their mind. BET. I dont understand how legging became Jeans overnight and most dont even bother with a shirt that covers the waist band.
By #591921 12,Jan,20 19:22
I do wear a little longer shirt. I dont care who sees but it isn't just out there. I want to try a pair of ergowear space cut silver ones,they have a dark grey also,just to have something other than black or white. White is to see thru and black almost hides everything. I like women being able to see the shape ,size and all that the entire outline but being see thru can be trouble. I really wouldn't mind them being transparent personally but I'm sure there are plenty of people out there that would take offense to it or just not care to see that in public. I mean kids and stuff would just be like way to far for wearing around kids. Now somewhere like yoga class or somewhere like an exercise area like a place to run or walk thats just a bunch of adults,hell if they haven't seen one before its about time they do if their over like 25 or something. I mean get real.

By #608173 12,Jan,20 18:06
Really . I can't understand why men wear shorts over there leggings . they just look ridiculous .What's the point?. I just wear mine as is . No one takes a blind bit of notice . What the hell are you worrying about .
By #591921 12,Jan,20 19:10
Same here

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