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Started by #601496 [Ignore] 07,Jan,20 17:42
The elections are coming (Nov. 3, 2020). By the tittle you'll guess whom i WONT vote for, but that got me thinking. Who would I vote for? And why? That gave me an idea. Why not ask whom you'll vote for and why? You can come back and change your choice as many times as you like. Republicans can substitute some other Republican for Trump. Hopefully he will be gone forever by that time. It would be nice if you identify your political party (Ex: I'm R or I'm D) Lets see who gets it right on Nov 4.

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By #460385 02,Mar,20 13:11
I don't give a flying shit about politics or the damn puppet sitting in office. This is just an opinion from hard working, blue collar, ex- Marine. These fuckers are all dirty, and use this president position to further the own companies and business ventures. For fucks sake look at the Bush's. None of these jackoffs are the answer. But there's a lot of people in this country just like me. Call us white trash, call us hillbillies, rednecks, country fucks, call us whatever you want. But when all these Democrats like Bloomberg preach about taking our guns away. Good luck mother fuckers. You just dug your own grave with half the US population.
By #610414 02,Mar,20 15:31
I call you decent, hard working Americans. We differ in just one major thing, gun ownership. I hate Trump, but if that's your choice, it's your right. But guns are my right too. I don't think you are a bad person for wanting to own a gun. I think a gun is too big a temptation to maim and kill. You said half of the population would not like it. That leaves the other half not liking your choice.
By phart [Ignore] 02,Mar,20 17:19 other posts 
Find a honest politicain and he will be riding a Unicorn with the Tooth fairy riding shot gun.
I can not fathom our countrys condition right now had Trump not got in office.
You can bet your guns would be threatened much more than they are now.
I don't own but a couple older guns that are not worth stealing. But I'll be damned if some sumbitch is going to take them away!

By #592419 11,Feb,20 10:16

With that said who is the best candidate that will maintain this constitutional requirement? Sanders is a socialist and the rest of the challengers want to take your guns away, no more free speech with open borders..Raise Taxes and murder babies AFTER they are born.. ITs called BREAKING THE LAW!

There is only one person that will abide by our constitutional law to the best of his ability.. Guess Who It is?
By #610414 11,Feb,20 10:40
(I promise not to make illegal deals with foreign powers to investigate rivals in the 2020 elections..........AGAIN)

Since when is socialism a dirty word? This country is full of socialistic laws (Social Security, unemployment insurance, minimum wage, food stamps, disability insurance, Obama-care, public hospitals, forty hour work week, etc)
Taking your guns away (really, really difficult) would be a Constitutional thing and a choice of the people, not just one person running for the presidency. You do know about that other document that is older than the Pledge of Aliegence? It starts like this,

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

That's "WE, THE PEOPLE". Something you right wingers seem to forget. Only your view is right. The other part of the country got it wrong.

Raise Taxes and murder babies AFTER they are born. Tell me when has a born baby been murdered except by lunatic parents and stray bullets?

Breaking the law is what this current president, this jerk and laughing stock of the world, did. Probably will do again.
By #592419 11,Feb,20 22:29
Not a dirty word.... Its a failed word.. Name one country in any era with a socialist regime that has succeeded other than poverty and collapse?...

The president is aquitted therefore he is innocent.. No evidence is presented other than your hopes of fantasy.. There is no evidence to support him doing this other than the democrats word which has lied and continuting to lie throughout history. They know they can't compete with the truth so they lie and point fingers.. Turns out they cheated in the election but STILL LOST... People voted for trump becuase he was the best candidate,, not because ome russian KGB agent or agency forced people to vote through mind bending tricks..
Actually it is the Left is the laughing stocks.. and you are enhancing... Look at you..You're their little bending over bitch...
By #610414 11,Feb,20 23:12
Sweeden, Norway but what does that prove? You think if Sanders gets elected congress will retire? Getting aquited in a crooked court of law does not exonarate you. Tell me, why are you and your fellow Republicans stll so interested in his election if he won? And if anyone cheated (you know, like paying a porn queen to stay silent) why hasn't there been any prosecutions? If I bend over for a good fuck, it's because I like it and want it. But neither you, Trumpo, or anyone like you will ever get to try it out. I rather fuck a gorilla.Ah, baby, as always, shit cums out of your mouth and when you can't deliver, you start with the insults.
By #592419 11,Feb,20 23:31
sweeded, norway woman are raped by islamic ganges.... You forgot cuba USSR. venezuella as well as the eastern europe states that collapsed during the 1989 revolution were they had to let them go..If any form of freedom is taken away and removed it is becaue govern has control over the people meaning they can screw you anytime they want.. The never talk about ecucation--NEVER.. Never giving black in inner cities incentive to be somthing of themselves, raise taxes and take away our 2nd amendments....
The reason he gives us the inspiration and love required to be americans, perhaps for the first time since the kennedy assassination and coup by democrats.West Virginia still has jobs, ohil, PA MI, Wi are in a better position since 2001 from the 8-11 attack.
By #610414 12,Feb,20 07:00
SrCums, you amaze me. I have traded points of view with many members. You are in a class of your own. Please excuse me if I don't respond. I'm speechless and, baby, for me that is monumental. You must be fun living with.
--------------------------------------- added after 106 minutes

BTW, That 5th of scotch must have gone down smooth.
By #592419 12,Feb,20 10:09
My point of bending over was not a direct attack at you. It is only just to give a visual of what is not only happening to you but to our nation as well being divided into hate so that while you are busy hating each other they are stealing right from under your eyes. This is called "Bend over Bitch". Here is a good equations to follow to have a better visual.
Democrats and false or rhino "republicans" is MIGHT MAKES RIGHT
Conservatives(not neccessarily Republican) is Right makes Might...
By #610414 12,Feb,20 10:24
So you say
By #592419 01,Mar,20 13:42
I say this too.. [deleted image]
By #592419 11,Feb,20 23:32
It was not a crooked court.. Trump was declined costitution right in the congress and because of this show bias of the trial..
By #610414 12,Feb,20 07:04
What constitutional right was Trump declined (as you put it)? Explain with examples
By #588327 13,Feb,20 23:11
Sweden and Norway are not socialist. They are capitalist just like USA. They just have a higher tax rate and no military. You want to try again on a successful socialist country ? Or do you want pay more taxes and give up the military.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 14,Feb,20 06:45 other posts 
Pretty sure both Sweden and Norway have military, pretty sure Norway had a big role in ww2 and were founding members of NATO....and still has conscription....
By #610414 14,Feb,20 07:08
Strictly speaking, you are right. But let me show you this from a site that is very anti-Sanders Democratic Socialism.

During the 1990s, the Nordic countries shifted from Socialism Mach 5 (an open, free and competitive economy with very high marginal tax rates) to something between Socialism Mach 6 and Socialism Mach 7. While the details differ from one to another country, marginal tax rates were reduced to moderate levels, and various aspects of social insurances and social services were privatized. For example, parents could choose between government and nongovernment schools, and hospitals contracted-out many services. The reason for the shift was the relative stagnation that beset the Nordic countries. While the United States once enjoyed a standard of living only 70 percent of Sweden’s; by the 1990s, Sweden enjoyed a standard of living only 70 percent of the United States.

According to the latest edition of Economic Freedom in the World, Norway is the #25 country in the world and Sweden #43, out of 162; with the United States #6, and Singapore and Hong Kong first and second.

Germany describes its amalgam of free-markets and social insurance as the “social market.” Chile, with its privatization of Social Security, could be said to have moved completely to Mach 1 capitalism. The United States, somewhat uniquely among capitalist countries, practices extensive credit-socialism, and has a national government as well as many home-owners and students deeply in debt. There are positive and negative things to say about many real-world capitalist countries; but nobody - not even Ocasio-Cortez - wants to be associated with real-world socialist countries.

Clifford Thies
Clifford F. Thies is the Eldon R. Lindsay Professor of Economics and Finance at Shenandoah University. He received his Ph.D. in economics from Boston College.
Full Bio

The point is that those nordic countries, at one time, had a very strong socialistic system. They did some changes to be more equal to our capitalistic system.
Their system is best described as compassionate capitalism.
The Nordic countries practice mostly free market economics paired with high taxes exchanged for generous government entitlement programs.
First, it is worth noting that the Nordic counties were economic successes before they built their welfare states. Those productive economies, generating good incomes for their workers, allowed the governments to raise the tax revenue needed to pay for the social benefits. It was not the government benefits that created wealth, but wealth that allowed the luxury of such generous government programs.

In other words, they had very generous programs to help their citizens, and that's what Sanders and other "Democratic Socialism" proponents want. To you and people with your mind-set, you automatically think Venezuela, Cuba, and such. No one wants that.
What I want is a successful economy with safety programs for the less fortunate or poorer citizens. You can have a super-powerful military without the huge expenses of Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Iran, or N Korea.
This should make you happy. This makes your point........ kinda.

America’s is a mixed economy and so are Scandinavian countries’. It is the mixture that differs.

As someone who grew up under socialism and is still, barely, in his 30s, I hope to relate a few ideas to the young people who are “feeling the Bern.” First, Sanders is not a socialist, but a social democrat. Second, the United States does not have a strictly capitalist economy, but a mixed one. As such, it combines a high level of private ownership of capital and the means of production with relatively onerous regulation and taxation. Third, to the extent that what anti‐​capitalist Sanders supporters really want is a Scandinavian‐​style social democracy, with its high level of wealth redistribution and income equality, they should consider that even some of the most socially democratic countries on earth are, in one crucial way, more capitalist than the United States.

The idea, Petro, is what's best for our people.
--------------------------------------- added after 23 minutes

And Mr Blue is right. Both, Norway and Sweden have a military with both also having an Army Reserve.
By #588327 14,Feb,20 13:34
We spend more money, almost crazy money on our military. Because we want that benefit. People want to know were the free heath care money is going that other countries have. We spend it on the military. We spend money on lot of other things. We have FEMA every summer just about another hurricane will hit and people living along the beach area will get flooded out and we will spend more money trying to help them and most of that money is probably wasted. Look at Puerto Rico. The found wearhouses full of hurricane relief supplies rotten and all wasted. How about illegal people in the US. They generally take the low paying job they may or may not pay taxes. If they have kids we have pay for their education. They don't have a high number of illegals in Norway and Sweden that I hear about.

Look at how we spend our money in US vs Norway or Sweden. We have bigger house. So we probably spend a bigger percentage of our income on homes. They have smaller home because it more expensive so they can only afford a much smaller place. Because they spend more money on taxes I would say.

In the US everyones has a car because you need one to get around and go to work. We have spend our money and buy a car. So we can't spend that money on taxes to pay for national heath care. Their are probably so many little different thing that people are not thinking about or don't know because we don't live in Norway. They have great vacation times off. They get like 30 day off every year. That normal to them we work 70 hours a week take very little time off.

We would have live the whole Norway life style to have the same benefits or cut spending like the biggest one is our military. Who want to cut the military to same size as Norway ? That's no aircraft carriers and stealth bombers, probably no drones and probably no nuclear submarines.
By #610414 14,Feb,20 18:37
Petro, if you look at this chart/website, you'll see that Norway spends more on everything.

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As far as the insane amount of money we spend on the military, I don't believe we have to. If we stop these non-ending wars, we could still have the same military but with much less cost. One to one Norway is pretty identical to the US including transportation (cars), housing, energy. The point is that they have better safety nets than the US.
You keep saying, "we have these costs so we can't get into more debt. I think that's false. It's backwards. If we have to spend more to help our people, then, by all means, spend less on military, encourage families to be more frugal. Stop crazy projects like building a useless wall on our southern border. Limit presidential campaigns to 6 months duration and only special public money be used to finance it. All candidates have the same amount.
By #588327 14,Feb,20 20:37
Everyones should look at the list of prices for everything. I don't think people want or could even afford to live like that. A car it basically double the US price. Stuff like soda and cigarettes they tax crazy because it a direct cost to cover for Heath insurance.

Maybe other people will comment. I don't think people want to pay that much money to have a system like Norway. It would require a big change to your average American. Let's see who get elected as the next president and see if Americans like the idea.
By #610047 01,Mar,20 12:42
He fucking admitted it himself! WTF more "evidence" do you need!?!?!
By #592419 11,Feb,20 23:35
I'm NOT a right winger.. I'm a moderate. There is no such thing as a right wing that support the president. they are hired to pretend to be right but are left in term..

So if you look at it the dems are lying that a right wing exists. in the middle of the bird is the truth and pure morality.
By #610414 12,Feb,20 07:06
Right winger? I said fucking swinger. I know your dick is "moderate"
By #592419 01,Mar,20 13:41
Hotpussy, 2warmtts, asshole, fucking bitch or any other name you use Trump will win in 2020.
You're so fucking dumb I can't believe it. You change your name because nobody even likes you here.. The country is being dragged into the mud from people like you.
By #610414 01,Mar,20 16:57
People like me? More than half of the electorate feel like me. It's people like you that is ruining this country. People don't like me? You have a grand total of 2 friends and 17 people that have blocked you. I have this account since Feb 2 and already have 56 friends. Who's the asshole, dumb, fucking BITCH? Trump may or may not be reelected, but, either way you are a dirty little,,ah, BITCH for life. I consider it an honor not being liked by you.
So believe this: this dumb blonde believes the world would come out the winner if you would stop using oxygen.
By #592419 01,Mar,20 23:12
[deleted image]
Nobody likes you here.. Beat it..
By #507704 12,Feb,20 09:47
Trump has broken ever law under the Constitution, he’s trying to take away pre-existing condition. Taking money from Medicare and Social Security, He loves autocrats and has slapped the leaders of the free world in the face. He accepts no blame but blames others. Hitler rounded up the Jews and Trump is rounding up anyone who does look like himself. Be careful of what you wish for Alice.
By #610414 12,Feb,20 10:23

By #610414 26,Feb,20 21:55

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President Donald Trump on Wednesday placed Vice President Mike Pence in charge of the US government response to the novel coronavirus, amid growing criticism of the White House's handling of the outbreak.

At a wide-ranging White House news conference, the President defended the White House's response, stressing the administration's ongoing efforts and resources devoted to combating the virus.
"Because of all we've done, the risk to the American people remains very low," Trump said.
The President did not close the door to Senate Democrats' call for more than $8 billion in emergency funding for anti-coronavirus efforts, despite Democrats' dramatic jump from the $2.5 billion in total funding proposed by the White House.
"We'll spend whatever is appropriate. Hopefully, we won't have to spend so much because we really think that we've done a great job in keeping it down to a minimum," Trump said.

By phart [Ignore] 27,Feb,20 16:12 other posts 
Well, just who the hell would you rather be in charge of the situation? A man that is appointed by our President,or some flunky? I think Pence will do a fine job. We don't hear much out of him. Because he is busy doing what he was elected to, be second behind Trump.
I have always felt like term limits were in the best intrest of the country and it should stay the way it is.BUT at the same time, this past 3 years for Trump have been made very difficult for him to do what he was elected to do because of the losing parties constant harrasment. VERY unfair that has happened. Hopefully once he is reelected, the nay sayers numbers in congress will be reduced to a point they are simply crying babies in the corner of the room and Trump can get downt to FIXING things instead of beating back the hounds of the democrats.
By #610414 27,Feb,20 16:23
I would have wanted someone that is, at the very least, a medical doctor. I want someone that tells it like it is and not be a yes man ass kisser to the president like Pence is.
The first two years of his presidency, Trump had control of the House and the Senate. He has packed the Supreme Court with conservatives. This last year he has the control of the Senate to block all legislation. He OWNS the Justice department. How much more does he need to "succeed"? Oh! Wait a minute, I know. He needs a regiment of SS troops to jackboot their way through dissenters. Maybe he can declare himself "El Supremo" for life.
By phart [Ignore] 28,Feb,20 08:54 other posts 
naw,don't need to be dictator or any troups.The dems need to get the hell out of the way for a while and let our country recover. The virus thing is going to really punch our economy hard and we don't need the Dems kicking it while it is down for more control
By #610414 28,Feb,20 09:53
PHART, what does this country need to recover from and how many more years does Trump and the Republicans need to "recover"?
And, while we are at it, why should the dems (28% of the voters) move aside? Why not the repubs (also 28%)? Why not we all step aside and let the independents (41% of the voters) fix what, supposedly, both our parties fucked up?

By #610414 25,Feb,20 11:40

Is anyone able to explain the "common law" marriage aspect as it relates to Canada? Google states common law marriages are not legal yet they are recognized IF you live together for 12 continuous months OR if you have a child/children together and there was a third OR. I guess what I am hoping to understand is; 1) can you claim your "spouse" on your income tax and 2) should the union dissolve, is there a possibility that alimony would be paid?

[deleted image]

By #610414 25,Feb,20 10:26
[deleted image]

The Dow tumbled more than 1,000 points and marked its third-worst point drop in history

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By #610414 19,Feb,20 17:49
[deleted image]

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By phart [Ignore] 12,Feb,20 09:53 other posts 
Ask a anti Trumper,how the country would be right now had another person got the election.I bet the answeres would be funny.
By #610414 13,Feb,20 11:15
First, lets be honest and really describe the country in November 2016. What was so wrong with it? Why did we need to "MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN"?. By all accounts, we were on the good side of the line. I can't say how different the country would have been under another person as president, but, I don't think the country would have been so divided. I don't believe we would have had an impeachment. I believe corporations would be paying their fare share of taxes. I believe we would still be held as the greatest country in the world by friends and foes. If that's funny to you, then, I hope history treats you right.

By #610414 13,Feb,20 11:08
And he keeps trampling the laws of this country. We have a monster and we are out of silver bullets.

By #485312 09,Feb,20 00:24
cant wait till he wins the next election, the impeachment just made him a certainty to win now... shows the other side has nothing to give but bad facts, bad attitudes and bad candidates.. that Pelosi woman is a waste a air, she needs retiring before she wastes any more money on this shit fight with no relevance to how America is run ... GO TRUMP .. *lix*
By #610414 09,Feb,20 11:57
Lix, no relevance? America, the USA really, has never been run like this. He's making us out as the joke of the world. And what exactly has he done for this country? Fifty-one Senators admit he's guilty of committing what the articles of impeachment accuse him off and they are all too mch of a pussy to convict him. I am a Democrat so my views are biased but would a Reagan, any of the Bushes, Or any previous president have acted like he did and does?
Would Alfred Deakin have acted like this joke of a president? I bet not.
By #485312 10,Feb,20 21:52
our news reported he was impeached over rigging the election, so how does a ukranian, who doesn't get to vote at your election, make any difference to the outcome of the election. ??? our news also reported he was impeached on 'trumped up' charges, with no evidence, just a bunch of Hillary lovers with their knickers in a knot because he's a mans man, who just happens to love grabbing pussy. well good on him, l hope he gets more pussy to grab, and looking at his wife, he's got some seriously hot pussy to grab and fuck. l would still call that WINNING, as Charlie sheen would say. like l said before, we don't think he's a joke, but that women ripping up the papers, shes a joke, shes done nothing for your country but show the world she's not got laid for a LONG , LONG TIME *lix*
By #610414 11,Feb,20 09:39
Lix, The actual impeachment was twofold. The most important is a fear by the founding fathers of the Republic. It's been around since the 1790's.

Trump’s alleged attempt to strong-arm Ukraine into smearing a political opponent fits well within this framework. Using the office of the president for personal political benefit comports with both the standard understandings of bribery and the broader category of high crimes and misdemeanors.

Voting Ukranians are not the problem (not possible).Trump tried to rig the election by getting dirt against an opposing candidate. Now, if he had gone to the Justice Department, a branch of the executive branch (the president) and asked the head of it to investigate the Bidens, he would have been ok. Congress had voted to help the Ukraine by granting money and materiel. This was a lawful order by Congress and the President had no authority to interfere. He did interfere. He withheld this help until the Ukrainian president agreed to investigate Biden Jr and the connection to his father, VicePresident Biden. This is unlawful action in the United States and qualifies under High Crimes and Misdemeanors as reason to impeach.
The second part of his impeachment is that he, in the best legal description of English Law, obstructed justice by not allowing witnesses to tell the truth or testify.
These were not trumped up charges. The transcript of the call to the Ukrainian president was actually released by THE WHITE HOUSE (Trump himself). He also, famously, a few weeks later, verbally asked the Chinese the same in a televised news blurb on the White House lawn.
He's not a man's man. Reagan was a man's man. Clinton was a man's man. Putin is a man's man. Obama is a man's man. This jerk buys his way through life on the money his daddy left him. I don't put down a man (or a woman either) for licking to grab pussy. I do put him down for not asking for permission first. I don't think you like to go to the supermarket and have the produce manager grab your snatch. I certainly don't and this is from a self described slutty whore. BTW, Hilary is a non-issue. It happened 3 yrs ago. When will it be time to let that one pass and actually have this jerk of a president own up to his fuck ups?
As far as Nancy Pelosi tearing his speech, well, there's no love lost between these two. Most people don't realize or know that in her position she's the 2nd in line to the presidency behind the VicePresident. As a legislator she has help pass many important legislation.

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As far as her getting laid schedule, well, I doubt it's any worse than Melania"s, Our First Whore Of The Land.
By #485312 11,Feb,20 15:16
mans man Clinton got a whole of pussy while in the whitehouse. they tried impeaching him for fucking the staff, this is just what most men in power do, and that was another waste of time.. Obama got the black vote, that's how he got in, riding on the coat tails of oprah and the actors guild. Reagan was an actor, he acted his way through his presidency, because you yankies love bullshit and pomp and ceremony, he played that part great. when you start electing actors as presidents, shows just how much the American people think about their country, gee, we wont get a politician to do a politicians job, we'll get an actor, who can pretend hes doing the job, and look good while he's doing it. at least now you have a business man at the helm, who can count and understands finance. get used to it, because you got another 4 years of this insane bitching to come, and no amount of barking in a tiny little forum at the back of one of the smallest sex sites on the net, will change that outcome. *Lix*
By phart [Ignore] 11,Feb,20 16:25 other posts 
It was shown during the impeachment hearings that newspapers and folks were saying they wanted to impeach Trump,even BEFORE he was elected.They hate him because they can't pull his puppet strings,there are none.Your tv down there tells more of the truth apparently than ours. Even the Ukrainian president said he felt no pressure. The dems just called the leader of a small country a liar.
By #610414 11,Feb,20 18:09
Lix, I don't know how much exposure you have to Trump in your TV media. I suspect as much as we get from the land of the Koala Bear. Trump can hardly count, let alone comprehend economics. This genius of modern day finance and business, had six (6) bankruptcies. The six bankruptcies were the result of over-leveraged hotel and casino businesses in Atlantic City and New York. How the fuck do you bankrupt a casino? But, by any measure, the man is good at real estate deals. How this helps the country, it's hard to see. Maybe he can sell Alaska back to the Russians. When Reagan got elected, many people said what you've said, "A movie actor for President?". I did too even though I voted for him the first time. I thought Carter was a good man but the most ineffective president ever. The whole world flicked their nose at him. Reagan pumped up our military to the point it cause the old USSR to go bankrupt trying to keep up. And then he got Gorbachev to tear down the Berlin Wall. Not bad for an actor. The current Jerk managed to get a golden shower in Moscow, spanked by Stormy Daniels, and get impeached. In this country the general public is easily led by catchy phrases and funny hats. The average citizen is ignorant where Thailand is at, Does not know were we send our kids to die (Afghanistan) Iran is a dark blob in some world map And Australia is a place where Crocodile Dundee wrestles crocodiles. Most people don't know that Puerto Rico is a US territory, let alone Guam, or the US Virgin Islands.
A few years ago, a very prominent Congressman sent a very strong worded letter to the governor on NEW MEXICO. He told the governor that US policy is not MEXICO"S business. NEW MEXICO has been a state since 1912. So, yeah, we do stupid things, like electing the current jerk. What we also have is the most educated, the biggest pool of scientists from all walks of life, the most Diversified economy and the strongest military. We come, or used to come to the aid of any country who was trampled by a bigger one. We are still the policemen of the world .
The Aussies contributed 7,672 Australian soldiers in Vietnam, 531 killed, 3000 wounded. The USA lost 58,220 trying to protect the world from the Communist menace. Korea was bad and the US fought in World war two to save the world from another nightmare. Even in Australia.
I won't get used to this jerk. Because in this country we accept the decision of the electorate, we suffer the outcome, but, we also have the right to bitch until we are raw in the throat. And if the jerk performs a high crime or misdemeanor, we want him impeached.
By #607191 11,Feb,20 18:15
Praise where praise is due Well spoken
By phart [Ignore] 11,Feb,20 21:27 other posts 
Well I hope Ludens still makes the Cherry cough drops because you may have to bitch for 4 more years!.

Edit,yep,still making them
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they also have a handy flu tracker on that site,just enter your zip code
By #485312 11,Feb,20 22:30
yeah. my point exactly *lix*

By phart [Ignore] 09,Feb,20 09:35 other posts 
I feel it will be a very tight race have hatred on both sides .The only way for sure it will be a landslide is if Bloomingidiotberg runs as a independant.
By #610414 09,Feb,20 11:59
Whatever the results, as long as the campaigns are run honestly, then the choice of the people must be accepted. That's us, our way.
By phart [Ignore] 09,Feb,20 16:45 other posts 
I think someone called Putin to get the results of the Iowa caucus.The dummy Dems tried to use cell phones to handle something as immportant as their caucus. DUMB!
By #610414 09,Feb,20 16:50
You got that right. Some smart college kid decided to play dungeons and dragons with the caucus. Well. I’ve seen worse.

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