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Started by #598551 [Ignore] 17,Mar,20 14:08
So there is a poll right now that asks if guys get naked in the sauna. It stipulates that some places dont allow it and has options expressing that...

So my question is if people always follow the rules about nudity in certain places.

For instance I went to a sauna at my towns rec center. It states you have to wear a swimsuit in there because its co-ed. Well I figured if I wore a towel itd be fine so I just walked out of the locker room with a towel wrapped around me. When i got inside there was only another dude in like his 40's maybe.

So I decided if it was just us guys what's the harm. I took off my towel and set it down to sit on. The dude looked over and went back to enjoying the heat. So I just stayed naked until I decided to leave. I obviously broke the rules but it didnt hurt anyone and no one seemed to mind.

Anyone else have these stories like this? Not exactly in a sexual sense but in the sense that there are just times it makes more sense to be naked or whatever especially because it was an old social norm.

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By wycowboy [Ignore] 14,Jun,20 09:59 other posts 
I would probably follow the rules and stay in my swimsuit but if someone else, male or female, came in and enjoyed the sauna nude it wouldn't bother me. I might even strip off my suit too.

By #588327 14,Jun,20 08:10
Being naked is comfortable. I thought it was a weird Idea that seeing someone else naked offended other people. We can't change our bodies so just seeing someone naked is seeing them as they are. How can someone be offended seeing someone as they are ?

By #518391 14,Jun,20 06:02
In the Uk it's compulsory to wear a swimsuit or shorts, but in Germany, Switzerland and the Nordic countries, swimsuits are banned, as they're considered unhygienic, so everyone is nude, even if it's 'mixed bathing'- very sensible
By #613471 14,Jun,20 06:13
That's it! We Germans think Nothing About being naked it public Saunas. It's normal. It's a stupid and ugly idea for us to wear swimsuits in a Sauna.

By fila1305 [Ignore] 14,Jun,20 01:37 other posts 
I don't have any stories like this. But in this case I think the emphasis lies with the 'no one seemed to mind.' If no one there present got offended by it I guess it'd be okay. It is a sauna after all.

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