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Started by bella! [Ignore] 07,Aug,21 02:38  other posts
In my opinion, JustWill is the smartest man on SYD and probably one of the smartest men in the world, just ask him. I've suggested several times that he should open a thread and answer member's questions. He never did that because it would cost 20 points but he's very frugal.

I'm opening this thread on his behalf, ask him anything you like with the exception of plumbing and taxidermy. Yep, as you may have guessed, he gets the two of them confused. Please start your question by "mentioning" his name, don't forget to use the "at sign", one of these things @ before and after his screen name. I will start us off....

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By bella! [Ignore] 27,Nov,21 19:49 other posts 
Hi JustWill , how was your Thanksgiving day?
By JustWill [Ignore] 29,Nov,21 12:07 other posts 
It was very nice, thank you. How was yours?
By bella! [Ignore] 29,Nov,21 12:47 other posts 
Lovely, thank you for asking! Did you stay home or were you and your ❤ guests elsewhere?
By JustWill [Ignore] 29,Nov,21 18:54 other posts 
Ryan and I hosted dinner for family.
Later that evening a small group of friends came over for our traditional post-Thanksgiving Dungeons and Dragons night.
By bella! [Ignore] 07,Dec,21 23:14 other posts 
I don't believe that Dungeons and Dragons was available when I was a kid and even if it was, I don't believe that it would have interested me. Isn't Dungeons and Dragons a roll playing game? Is there an objective and is a winner ever declared?
By JustWill [Ignore] 08,Dec,21 11:41 other posts 
Dungeons and Dragons--the GREATEST GAME EVER INVENTED!!!!--has been around since the mid 1970s.
I've been playing since the mid 80s--when I was but a lad.
It is a role playing game, but it is so much more than that...
At its core, D&D is about a group of friends gathering to create a shared story together. It isn't a 'winner/loser' type of game. The STORY is the point.
The experience of creating and building a character to actively take part in a D&D campaign is amazing!
I actually feel a bit sad for people who have never participated in a D&D session...
By phart [Ignore] 08,Dec,21 12:47 other posts 
Glad you enjoy it. I just never got into to that kind of thing. Never was exposed to it as a youth. Don't even remember hearing about it much.
I guess it is like gold panning, not many people understand what is so nice about crawling down into a creek,reading it and then going and diggin out the bull tallow and working it down to find a bunch of lead shot and iron .Then,that bright little gold dot in the bottom of the pan! You are hooked then.
By bella! [Ignore] 08,Dec,21 13:55 other posts 
Do you and your friends dress in character for this type of event or are blue jeans and a tee shirt fine?
By JustWill [Ignore] 08,Dec,21 14:13 other posts 
Cosplay is a totally different thing. We are not into that at all (though I know a lot of people who are), so we don't "dress in character". It's all about the imagination for us.
If, however, you ask any member of our D&D group what the characters 'look like'--they can all give vivid and accurate detailed descriptions of them. (Some of us have been playing the same characters for several years now.)
By phart [Ignore] 08,Dec,21 17:46 other posts 
Sounds complicated.
But I guess that is the idea,complicated to the point of clearing the mind of the everyday shit.
By bella! [Ignore] 08,Dec,21 20:26 other posts 
Okay, so D&D isn't the kind of "game" that has a winner but do the players split up between good guys vs villains? When you and your friends get together to develop a story, does the story end that night or do you get together in 2 weeks to develop more?
By JustWill [Ignore] 09,Dec,21 10:32 other posts 
I never imagined that I'd be doing a D&D tutorial on SYD.

To answer your question, no they do not split up. The player's characters (PCs) are the 'main characters' of the story, and work as a group/team (The Party) during the game. That doesn't necessarily mean that they are all the 'good guys'--that's always a matter of perspective--but they ARE the Protagonists of the story.
The 'villains"--the Antagonists--are normally Non Player Characters (NPCs) who are controled by the Dungeon Master (DM), who is the individual leading the story and making the calls regarding rules and dice rolls. The DM creates and controls all of the story characters that aren't PCs,creates the setting, and develops plot and adventure ideas as well.

Sometimes, a part of the story can be completed in one gaming session. The on-going story (Campaign) can go on for years. (Our current campaign is well into its second year--Covid made getting together to play kinda tough).
We play at least once a month--more often if time and scheules permit.
By bella! [Ignore] 09,Dec,21 11:37 other posts 
That's funny, you're funny, you conducting a tutorial on D&D!

Now we're getting somewhere, there's dice involved. My guess is that there is a gameboard, too. Like the game Monopoly, you land on certain spots and you're required to take a card from the Community Chest, does D&D work that way, too? Is D&D a spectator kind of a game, could I or someone else find watching the players entertaining? Tell me more, please.
By JustWill [Ignore] 09,Dec,21 12:59 other posts 
Nope, no board.
Maps are sometimes used to keep track of locations or settings, but most of the game play relies on imagination.
The dice have nothing to do with "movement" of a token like in Monopoly.

It's more fun to play, but it is also fun to watch.

By bella! [Ignore] 09,Dec,21 06:16 other posts 
JustWill , the only thing I have to ask you at this time is, are you aware that mr_blue checked into SYD/SYC only hours ago? Yeah, it was nice to see him, I hope that his obligations are such that they allow him some free time to check in with more frequency.
By JustWill [Ignore] 09,Dec,21 10:15 other posts 
I am aware now.
mr_blue is a good guy! I hope that he is doing well

By gradurgaur [Ignore] 08,Dec,21 03:53 other posts 
Hi @Justwill you are so Wise maybe you can help me out.

1.Why is the sky Blue?

2.Is Santa real?

3.What dose @JustWill want for Christmas?
By JustWill [Ignore] 08,Dec,21 11:30 other posts 
As I have said before, I am not really all that 'wise', I just happen to know a lot of stuff about a lot of things.

1. The sky is Blue because the Earth's atmosphere aacts s a prism when sunlight hits it. Because Blue light rays are shorter and slower, they refract differently than the other colors of the spectrum and cause the sky to appear to be Blue

2. Santa is as real as you wish him to be. Just like Jesus!

3. For Christmas, JustWill would like the psychic ability to make people pee themselves upon command when they say stupid things. Or a pet goat, whichever is easier.
By phart [Ignore] 08,Dec,21 12:41 other posts 
goats are great pets,plus they keep the grass mowed!
By JustWill [Ignore] 08,Dec,21 14:15 other posts 
Maybe I can get a pet goat that has the ability to make stupid people pee themselves!
By phart [Ignore] 08,Dec,21 17:33 other posts 
The bucks ,"male goats", willingly pee themselves to draw a mate. Pee right in their own face.
Little scoundrels will shit on a pile of Alfalfa hay to eat a wild onion.And if a doe,the female ,eats onions that RUINS the next 2 batches of milk to!
By bella! [Ignore] 08,Dec,21 14:00 other posts 
You want the psychic ability to make folks pee themselves!? Do you enjoy people smelling like urine? There's something very wrong with wanting that.
By JustWill [Ignore] 08,Dec,21 14:07 other posts 
I used to want the power to make their heads explode, but I have mellowed a bit with age.
As for the pee thing--I just igure that if you are going to say stupid shit, you should have to look stupid while you are doing it.

By bella! [Ignore] 07,Dec,21 23:06 other posts 
JustWill , where in the heck are you?
By JustWill [Ignore] 08,Dec,21 11:22 other posts 
I'm right here.

By bella! [Ignore] 21,Nov,21 19:25 other posts 
JustWill , just wondering whether teachers still impose detention upon students or is detention a thing of the past? When I was school aged I had the healthy fear of being given detention, just wondering whether young people of today have the same fear?
By JustWill [Ignore] 21,Nov,21 19:51 other posts 
These days, giving detention is more of a pain in the ass than it is worth.
Almost all of the time it is used, there are complaints from the offending student's parents because a teacher had the nerve to inconvenience them by giving a consequence to their asshole kid that required the folks who spawned it to alter their schedule in some way.
I prefer to give out massive writing assignments for bad behavior instead. If the kid doesn't complete them, I can have the pleasure of docking their grade point average. If they do the assignment, I have the pleasure of knowing that I am fucking up their free time.
By bella! [Ignore] 21,Nov,21 20:03 other posts 
A very interesting approach, assigning a writing assignment rather than detention! Of course, why fuck up your time by sitting there with the little darlins' when you can just fuck up their free time! Do your colleagues share your approach or do they lean toward detention?
By JustWill [Ignore] 22,Nov,21 14:01 other posts 
Most of them just go the "pile on the extra work" route. It's less of a pain in the ass.
By phart [Ignore] 29,Nov,21 13:48 other posts 
Oh my, reading this reminds me of my sentence writing during recess in elementary school.
After learning the tricks of the "trade" from a friend, I learned how to hold 3 pencils just right and write 3 lines at once. Not perfect but it worked a couple times until Mr Burch caught on to it. then instead of 200 sentences it was 500. Um, still took just as long as 200 used to. I know I always liked his 65 Pontiac Wanted 1 for years.

By dgraff [Ignore] 21,Nov,21 06:25 other posts 
Hey justwill I was just wondering about something I’m 6ft 6in tall and weigh 225 I wear a size 13 extra wide boot if say I had smaller feet like size 9 would I have balance problems and fall over a lot I’m going on 60 and still pretty agile and move pretty well yet
By phart [Ignore] 21,Nov,21 08:27 other posts 
that explains the large cordless hole punchers you have been buying, they are heavy metal, thus used to help maintain balance.
By dgraff [Ignore] 21,Nov,21 08:45 other posts 
Hahaha did you ever wonder why John Wayne had a slight limp it’s because of the weight of the side arm on one hip I prefer to carry a matching set one on each hip
By JustWill [Ignore] 21,Nov,21 13:36 other posts 
What's with all the feet stuff this week?????

In answer to your question:
If you had feet too small to balance on it would have been because you were either born with a developmental growth issue or you had your toes removed for some reason.
Under normal circumstances, genetics dictates that a person gets the right sized feet to balance their body when walking.

Fun Fact: The length of a person's foot from toe to heel is normally the same as the length of their inner forearm from wrist to elbow!
By dgraff [Ignore] 21,Nov,21 13:40 other posts 
Nice 👍 thank you it was one of those dumb things I wonder about I’m going to measure my fore arm to see if that holds true
By bella! [Ignore] 21,Nov,21 13:46 other posts 
You could of said witch toe!
By JustWill [Ignore] 21,Nov,21 14:11 other posts 
Okay, that was like fingernails across a chalkboard.

I am putting you in time-out so that you can think about your rude behavior, missy...
By bella! [Ignore] 21,Nov,21 19:12 other posts 
Gee, you're putting me in "time-out" rather than giving me "detention"? Thanks for not going all "school teacher" on me!
By JustWill [Ignore] 21,Nov,21 19:55 other posts 
Need I remind you that, to some degree, this entire thread is about me going all "school teacher" on folks?
By bella! [Ignore] 21,Nov,21 20:07 other posts 
And as KC and the Sunshine Band would say, "That's the way, aha, aha, I like it, aha, aha...."

By Dev01 [Ignore] 21,Nov,21 19:35 other posts 
Justwill, Do you think stinky watch bands are a thing of the past on Syd/Syc? Or will they make a re emergence in 2022. I tried to find something I couldn't Google BTW

By JustWill [Ignore] 21,Nov,21 19:41 other posts 
I fear that the happy days of stinky watch bands on SYD/SYC are, sadly, a thing of the past.

I predict that 2022 on the site will be the year of My Step-Dotter Gots Titties!!

or some such grotesque junk.
By Dev01 [Ignore] 21,Nov,21 19:47 other posts 
I predict your prediction is right.

By bella! [Ignore] 20,Nov,21 07:45 other posts 
Good morning JustWill ! I need help with something that is related to the English language. Please help. Sometimes I find myself using the phrase, "in regard to...." however it seems that the majority of people say, "in regards to....". Grammatically speaking, which is correct? Thank you.
By JustWill [Ignore] 20,Nov,21 13:21 other posts 
This is actually one of those little grammar things that annoys me.

In brief, "in regard to"--using the singular form of the word-- is correct because, in this usage, the word regard means "in REFERENCE to".

An easy way to remember this is that preposition "regarding" means the same thing as "in regard to" or "with regard to" (As in: Regarding pudding, I prefer chocolate over strawberry.)
Whereas the word regardSing does not mean anything at all.

The plural form "regards" normallly means GREETING, AKNOWKLEDGEMENT, or RESPECT as in "give my regards to..."

Next time on The Wonderful World of Words With Will, we will discuss why people who write "could of" or "should of" should be killed on sight.
By bella! [Ignore] 20,Nov,21 15:06 other posts 
Speaking of annoy, when I think of annoying a specific name ALWAYS pops into head, yep, it's Twowarmtts.

She "mentioned" me again and and when I logged out to see what that vile, old gutter rat had to say, it looks like she "mentioned" you, too. That old biddy is so hateful and she just cannot keep her filthy mouth shut.

After reading my post in this thread, she reposted it in her thread with modifications. She wrote; "Good morning JustWill I need help with something that is related to the English language. Please help. Sometimes I find myself using the phrase, “MOTHER FUCKING HOMO , but in regard to you should it be FUCKING HOMO? I’d like to know and so would Bella! the BITCH."
By JustWill [Ignore] 20,Nov,21 16:06 other posts 
And yet, she wonders why I keep her perpetually blacklisted.
By bella! [Ignore] 20,Nov,21 16:36 other posts 
I would like to think that she's not that stupid but apparently I am wrong about her.
By phart [Ignore] 21,Nov,21 08:28 other posts 
Well if you look around at actors on tv,the 1's that "act" stupid on tv,are really smart.The 1's that act "smart" on tv, are the 1's you read about in the papers doing stupid shit.
By bella! [Ignore] 21,Nov,21 09:17 other posts 
Using your analogy, it is apparent that twowarm falls into the later category. twowarm seems to have access to a good amount of reading material from which there is a sizeable amount of "copy and paste".

For someone that would like others to believe that they immerse herself in reading and current events, it is regrettable that she allows herself to say such hateful things. Another thing that saddens me is that members as well as her "friends" turn a blind eye and allow this bad behavior to continue.
By phart [Ignore] 21,Nov,21 11:09 other posts 
I would like to see the insults stop for sure.
As for me,I know you watch me go back and forth with her and it is for good reason.
1, To ignore people who think the way she does, is to fertilize the problem. That is why America is in the shape it is in now. Ignoring the liberal mindset for to long.
2, We can never expect any positive change in the liberal mindset if we do not gently educate them. Don't just blab a couple factoids at them ,explain why the factoids are true.
3, it annoys a liberal to have to constantly be faced with Reality.They tend to live in a alternate reality that every problem is solved with a bit of love and a hug.Wish it were true but it aint.
By bella! [Ignore] 21,Nov,21 12:17 other posts 
I will give you a plus 1 for addressing her liberal stance on things but my remarks are really directed to the members and her "friends" that turn a blind eye to her bad behavior aka her abhorrent and vile name calling.

I really don't give a rat's ass if she's going to refer to me as a "bitch" however for her to continuously refer to members as "MOTHER FUCKING HOMO" is not okay with me. Apparently some members can forgive and forget while some members don't want to get "involved". As far as I'm concerned, both types are complicit. And as Malcolm X said, "If you don't stand for something, you will fall for anything."
By JustWill [Ignore] 21,Nov,21 13:25 other posts 
First, as a person who tends to take a 'liberal stance on things', I would like to offer a strongly felt to your first comment.

Second, haven't you noticed that the folks who are her "friends" here also tend to be people that no one else on the site has much regard for (see what I did there? either?
By bella! [Ignore] 21,Nov,21 13:41 other posts 
The couldn't tell the truth if her life depended on it, wack-job is completely fucked in the head. I don't give a rat's ass whether admin believes the bullshit that spews out of candymandytwowarmbonbonbarbarahotpussyangel!cat's mouth, or not. She is incapable of telling the truth. I'm tired of seeing her use the term "MOTHER FUCKING HOMO" on any man and especially someone that I admire.

Okay, I'm going to take a deep breath and exhale slowly.
By JustWill [Ignore] 21,Nov,21 13:19 other posts 

The first two "points" you make are pretty much exactly how we liberals think about conservatives.
Except for the "gently educate" part, because we understand that most of the conservative "right" don't have the mental skills to learn new concepts. They just believe and repeat the nonsense that their leaders tell them to without really putting much thought into it at all.
As to your third point: What truly annoys us is having to constantly face STUPIDITY and sheep-like IGNORANCE. Most conservatives have a very hard time distinguishing fact from belief.
By JustWill [Ignore] 21,Nov,21 13:39 other posts 
I would 'like' to own a pet unicorn but, as a realist, I have come to grips with the fact that some things just aren't possible.

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