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Started by phart [Ignore] 19,May,22 18:33  other posts
Hello World.
HERE will be the NEW HOME of all the strange and odd things I have feelings about. You could consider this, Phart's Brain Farts regarding world or local news.
There will be freedom of speech here.Just don't violate someone elses.

For starters,
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Really now? Well what is really despicable is the mess at the border with folks coming in willy nilly bringing their dope and their virus's and diseases we have eradicated decades ago. Instead of putting all your air into denying it, PROVE THE THEORY WRONG.
There is overwhelming evidence of a problem brewing,and unless democrats can gain from it,they would be otherwise trying to stop it.

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By phart [Ignore] 23,May,22 23:57 other posts 
I am dumbfounded as to how this happened .And to think ,had the protesters not insisted on the baby being dug up, it would have died for sure.
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By #574505 19,May,22 19:12
Now we have to worry about this only registered users can see external links
By dgraff [Ignore] 19,May,22 20:22 other posts 
Oh great more ailments from over seas
By phart [Ignore] 19,May,22 20:39 other posts 
Yep, people just can't stay out of the jungle.So apparently no monkeying around so to speak has to take place to get it,it comes from rats that happen to give it to monkeys.
By sherryann [Ignore] 19,May,22 21:11 other posts 
That's disgusting
By dgraff [Ignore] 19,May,22 21:45 other posts 
If people want to world travel they should not be left back in the United States until they stay in a hospital for a month for observation and testing I’m content with Pennsylvania I don’t need to go snooping around other countries it’s dangerous
By phart [Ignore] 23,May,22 22:02 other posts 
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I also just read that in "Cat country" ,Florida, there is a case there as well.
People need to be careful where they stick the dick.

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In humans, the symptoms of monkeypox are similar to but milder than the symptoms of smallpox. Monkeypox begins with fever, headache, muscle aches, and exhaustion.
The illness begins with:

Muscle aches.
Swollen lymph nodes.

Signs and Symptoms | Monkeypox | Poxvirus | CDC

How do you get monkeypox?
According to health officials, there are increasing cases of monkeypox, which is similar to smallpox but less severe. Experts say monkeypox is spread by contact with bodily fluids containing the virus rather than through the air like measles or COVID-19.5 hours ago

Monkeypox Cases on the Rise Worldwide: What to Know - Healthline
only registered users can see external links › health-news › monkeypox-c...
By sherryann [Ignore] 23,May,22 22:29 other posts 
another thing to worry about...thanks for the info. So it's spread thru sex? I said long ago to someone who didn't like or agree with it, but all these illegals here bring with them all kinds of diseases.
By phart [Ignore] 23,May,22 23:03 other posts 
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Yea,they are bringing in stuff that we have not had here in decades.
By sherryann [Ignore] 23,May,22 23:16 other posts 
Yuck and people wonder why we don't want them here. Disease crime and super violent crime at that and going on the dole while Americans starve

By dgraff [Ignore] 23,May,22 22:28 other posts 
Hear is something you google nuts need to check in to I received an email from the conservative beacon today with an article saying why the workers at Pfizer refuse to take the vacation for Covid the very same vacation they push upon us you people that got vaxed are screwed that’s all I can say
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Have a happy life while it last and I will see you on the other side some day

By dgraff [Ignore] 22,May,22 07:57 other posts 
So what ever happened to all the woken Democrats that were on this site spouting off about how great joe Biden was going to make this world they all seemed to disappear are they hiding out with their heads hung low the only one i see is Cat from this country and she is a die hard she will stick with the Democrats as they are being flushed down the shitter
By phart [Ignore] 22,May,22 08:07 other posts 
Some people,even democrats,are capable of being ashamed of themselves.
By #610414 22,May,22 09:06
Come on, guys. Republicans are not much different from Democrats. We, both, want pretty much the same things. Yeah, Biden has been slow out of the gate, but, you have to admit, he has good intentions. This brings me to the following. Your ex-buddy, mate, Messiah, Trump. He could have handed Old Joe a better economy. He let Covid run wild and let the economy pancake. Obama gave Old Tub of Lard a solid economy. Joe had to fight 1st: a crappy attitude from rabid Trumpists fueled by Lardass swearing he got robbed. 2nd:a new, shaky opening of the economy just as a second wave of Covid hits contributing to the biggest shortage of world goods the world has ever known. 3rd: a Senate with no clear majority. 4th: a worldwide shortage of petroleum, real or manmade. And now 5: the Russian/Ukraine war.
Do you guys, honestly, I mean midnight-in-bed reflections, really believe anyone else, especially that Clown Tub-of-Lard, could do any better? I don’t think so.
By phart [Ignore] 22,May,22 09:14 other posts 
Yes I honestly think Trump could have had a better situation for us right now than biden.
But frankly,it would have just kicked the can 4 years down the road and this mess would be for 2025 and etc.
The democrats hate successful republican economy's. it makes them look unnecessary. Trump gave us cheaper fuel,more jobs. Obama left us high cost fuel and no jobs
biden is just obama 2.0.
By #610414 22,May,22 09:44
Read it and weep.

Biden versus Trump comparison. I know that this comparison is silly since so many factors affect job growth that are beyond the president’s control. But, everyone knows that if the situation were reversed, Donald Trump and his crew would be all over Fox and everywhere else touting the comparison. I’m doing this for them. As it now stands, President Biden has created 6,215,000 jobs in his first eleven months in the White House, compared to a loss of 2,876,000 jobs in the four years of Donald Trump’s presidency.
By dgraff [Ignore] 22,May,22 09:23 other posts 
Were do you get this crap 💩 from Obama left us in terrible shape and the economy was way better 2 years ago slow coming out of the gate the old guy is still bending over to tie his shoes if you can’t see what is going on around you then you need thicker glasses the country is falling I would not be surprised one bit if we see a civil war again only this time it will be the political parties I my self know already were they are all located in my state
And Erie all city’s that could burn to the ground very easily
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Fire is beautiful 🔥 I better get my flame thrower all shined up and ready to go
By #610414 22,May,22 09:58
Mountain Man, your memory is getting crappy. Did you forget that Obama inherited the biggest Depression in the history of this country? Did you forget it took him his first term to get a handle on the economy? And that by the time he turned it over to Lard-ass, the economy was ticking like a Swiss watch? Lard-ass, the man who knew the art of the deal, almost bankrupted us. Don’t take my word for it. Get the official numbers about the national debt when he came to office and what he handed Biden. Go see all the stuff he got rid off that people needed and now Biden has to put back.
You want to talk revolution? I abhor guns and violence, but, right now, I would gladly take up arms against the likes of Trump and his followers. They brought hatred and despair to this country and made us the pariah and laughing stock of the world
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And BTW, Mountain Man, your “FLAME THROWER” is only good for a good piss.
By dgraff [Ignore] 22,May,22 10:11 other posts 
I’m saying this as a friend try turning off your computer forget about google open your eyes wide go out side and look around talk to real people turn your hearing aid up listen to what people are saying you’re smarter than this candy quit backing a political party that is about to be crushed you have no idea what’s coming save your self while you still can before you end up going down on the Democrats ship
Just trying to help you my friend
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Oh and by the way the Great Depression was 1929 to 1947 Obama wasn’t even born yet but my father lived through it
By #610414 22,May,22 11:00
In 2008, we were hit by the biggest financial shock in world history, worse even than the Great Depression.
Indeed, during the 1930s, “only” a third of U.S. banks failed, while in 2008, former Federal Reserve chairman Ben S. Bernanke has said, 12 of the country’s 13 largest financial institutions were on the verge of going under when they were bailed out.
Generally, when I’m on site, I’m on my IPhone or IPad. I don’t live in a mountain. I have a good amount of friends and a large extended family. Many are Republicans and I am not blind, but, when Old Joe beat Lard-ass, I celebrated that. I’m not sorry.
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Oh, BTW, the Great Depression lasted until we entered WWII on Dec 7, 1941.
By dgraff [Ignore] 22,May,22 13:15 other posts 
I do believe they called it recession in obumma management not a depression and Obama fucked up he should have let the banks go under and what was he thinking bailing out GM and Chrysler that cost me lots of tax dollars ford didn’t need bailed out but then again they weren’t handing out big bonus money to their management
By #610414 22,May,22 13:24
You have any idea what would have happened if Obama had let the banks go under?
By phart [Ignore] 22,May,22 13:35 other posts 
Yea, the world would have suffered for a while,and recovered in a different way. AND when the banks did recover,people would not trust them as much with their savings,and banks would be more carful in how they loaned money and so forth.

As for jobs being created by biden, GEEZ, people just went back to jobs that were already there!!
We already had janitor jobs,pilot jobs,driving jobs,you name it,the plandemic was used to keep them at home and prompting the jobs to vanish as companys went under.A new company would pop up,and those people go to work for it. NOTHING CREATED.Just moved around.Changed so people would be under the false impression things were changing.
By #610414 22,May,22 14:24
Call it what you want. The truth is the truth
By #610414 22,May,22 14:48
So you say , but, the reality is that it would have been an economic disaster that we would still not have recovered yet.
By dgraff [Ignore] 22,May,22 17:18 other posts 
You just seem to have all the answer’s why don’t we just let you run the country I will stockpile food water ammunition and boogie trap my land and sit back and wait for worst kinda hell this country has ever seen
By phart [Ignore] 22,May,22 17:31 other posts 
By #610414 22,May,22 17:42
At least I think I have many, not all, the answers. You just sit on the sidelines eating peanuts and criticizing. What do you propose? Get rid of Old Joe? How? Impeachment? Article 25? And then what? Impeach Kamala? Impeach Pelosi? And what if the midterms go for your party? They would never get anywhere 65 in the Senate. Not enough to break a filibuster. So, Mountain Man, you guys are fucked at least until 2024. Good luck mining your land ( make sure you make a map)
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And, exactly, what do you suggest we do about the economy? Would you nationalize the oil companies? Through California out of the Union? Like I said, “all mouth and no ideas. “
By dgraff [Ignore] 22,May,22 20:59 other posts 
Bull shit you don’t think you google every thing you know
Yes let’s get rid of old joe how assassination
Yes Kamala must go how death 💀 by a giant black dildo
Yes Pelosi must go how death ☠️ by 2 giant black dildos one in the pink one in the stink then we can weed the rest out as we go
By #610414 23,May,22 07:29
Mountain Man, I implore you to clarify this last post. We all have strong opinions but you are stepping on crap.
By dgraff [Ignore] 23,May,22 07:32 other posts 
Hahaha I’m a funny guy ain’t I
By #610414 23,May,22 07:39
Too funny sometimes. Baby, I would be heartbroken if something happened to you
By phart [Ignore] 23,May,22 09:30 other posts 
Oh hell, the worse thing that could happen to all 3 is for the republicans to win the mid terms and in 2024 and unravel every bit of the shit the dems have done.Peelowsee and biden will be in nursing homes cursing and hating on everyone,but nothing they can do but watch and weep as America brings it's self back on it's feet.
By #610414 23,May,22 09:58
Or…..Republicans win midterm and loose 2024
By dgraff [Ignore] 23,May,22 10:49 other posts 
I know for sure the blacks and the Puerto Rican people are regretting the way they voted last presidential election now that it’s hurting there pocket oh well I guess our government will have to up their food stamps

By phart [Ignore] 23,May,22 09:27 other posts 
Remember me saying something about fucking responsibly?
Well someone didn't and now look at the mess we have going on.
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By dgraff [Ignore] 22,May,22 10:19 other posts 
Forget about all that google shit and learn how to play guitar
Play guitar ba baa play guitar oh yeah
By #610414 22,May,22 11:05
I DO play guitar, trumpet, and clarinet. In High School I was in band and played trumpet. My older brother taught me how to play guitar.
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Good wine
Good food
Blue Ridge Mountains
Hot chocolate in Boston
Good jazz bars in Atlanta
Crewing in sailboat in the Gulf
Beaches in Baja
South Beach salsa disco
Calle Ocho
These and so many more things are way more important to me than SYC, Google, or a computer.
By dgraff [Ignore] 22,May,22 17:21 other posts 
Good for you I’m glad to hear that keep backing the democrats and they will be gone in a flash

By Dev01 [Ignore] 20,May,22 01:01 other posts 
Know your enemy, war is born.

Come on
Yes I know my enemies
They're the teachers who taught me to fight me
The elite...
All of which are American dreams and gone.

Is it the Knights Templar, Illumanati, The masons or just a billion of dumbfounded dipshits.

Some say a comet will fall from the sky
Followed by meteor showers and tidal waves
Followed by fault lines that cannot
And some say the end is near
Some say we'll see Armageddon soon
I certainly hope we will
I sure could use a vacation from this
Stupid shit, silly shit, stupid shit
One great big festering neon distraction
I've a suggestion to keep you all occupied
Learn to swim
'Cause Mom's gonna fix it all soon
Mom's comin' 'round to put it back the way it ought to be...

Fuck L. Ron Hubbard and
Fuck all his clones
Fuck all these gun-toting
Hip gangster wannabes

Fuck retro anything
Fuck your tattoos
Fuck all you junkies and
Fuck your short memories

Fuck I'm all fucked out and tired 🙂🙃
By tecsan [Ignore] 20,May,22 04:46 other posts 
Well put and wish I was all fucked out and tired.
By dgraff [Ignore] 20,May,22 05:41 other posts 
I must say you are the only one on this site that I ever heard mentioned the knight Templar I’ve found interest in for many years it must be way over every one else’s head
By Dev01 [Ignore] 20,May,22 07:02 other posts 
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutesMost have no clue of who they are --------------------------------------- added after 4 minutesThere store name is the masons
By dgraff [Ignore] 20,May,22 07:23 other posts 
Yes absolutely did you ever watch the tv show called curse of oak island it’s based on the free masons good show very interesting
By Dev01 [Ignore] 20,May,22 07:31 other posts 
I do recall seeing it in a glimpse
By #610414 20,May,22 08:02
Really Mountain Man? The short way to learn about it is watching “The Maltese Falcon” movie with Humfrey Boggart. Good flick. The hard way is to Google The Order of the Knights Templar. Their pillage of the Holy Land and their part in the Crusades.
By Dev01 [Ignore] 20,May,22 08:17 other posts 
So you say catholism... many rungs like all . Google don't make me throw this around ... ask me a question about all. Just remember if you don't like the answer it's over. Apart from jacking off every idle time I have read many books . And just saying masons ain't just an American thing

Take much more and time to understand that stuff. Not feed off Mr google, Fuck took alot of searching wildman, pesidon and the 120 other aliases he has/had but we all love pizza. Like a mouse to cheese. Fuckin nowhere tangent

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Many here still resent the fact they been found . Google earth and street view seem to shut fuckers up real quick. Look at ya dollar bill .... stinks of Masonary
By #610414 20,May,22 08:42
So have I. That’s the start. Google clarifies it.
There is no known historical evidence to link the medieval Knights Templar and Masonic Templarism, nor do the Masonic Knights Templar organizations claim any such direct link to the original medieval Templar organization.

A gulf of time certainly separates the end of the age of the Templars and the advent of speculative Freemasonry. The fall of the chivalric order began with the mass arrests of French Templars on 13 October 1307 – an infamous date thought by some to have inspired the ‘Friday the 13th’ superstition. The knights were accused of idolatory, blasphemous rituals and sexual deviance, and the Grand Master of the Templars was among those who were burnt alive. The order was eventually extinguished in 1312 – many, many generations before the Freemasons emerged as a secret society of thinkers and influencers.
By Dev01 [Ignore] 20,May,22 08:48 other posts 
You have a bac in Google studies nice

Google shows us who you are, no anonymity just incase you forgot
By #610414 20,May,22 15:46
And why would I need anonymity? Not only am I proud of whom and what I am, I also don’t now nor will I ever give a fuck what people think of me.
By Dev01 [Ignore] 20,May,22 08:51 other posts 
Oh so you like Google? The same response as you would see from a Internet drive... so to speak...
By Dev01 [Ignore] 20,May,22 08:53 other posts 
Oh so you like Google? The same response as you would see from a Internet drive... so to speak...

Google gets fuckers almost thinking they right.
By Dev01 [Ignore] 20,May,22 08:55 other posts 
Google don't clarify shit. Pinches your personal info then sells it That's the problem with Google's degrees. Cheap for a reason
By Dev01 [Ignore] 20,May,22 09:01 other posts 
Cat that is just googled shit. You know alot, let's not go into search crap.. well because it will make you look silly. , Fuck tpler fuck Masons so..... soooo ... yeah. T's Friday night here. Just saying top of a google page ain't necessarily right. Comes about the fold,money
By #610414 20,May,22 11:01
Yes. It is Google shit. The truth is that the Masons, along with some other powerful societies that we only know they exist, control many parts of many governments throughout the world. They are the real holders of power. The Biden’s, Trumps and Putins think they shake politics and power. NOT
By phart [Ignore] 20,May,22 13:47 other posts 
And you think none of those people you just named don't know the "handshake"? Just how naive can you be?
That is why they are "secret". and keep it that way.
It is people like Bill gates and george soros that are in some kind of group that is all to powerful, that works the opposite of what any mason i ever knew would stand for.
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By #610414 20,May,22 15:23
The only mason you ever knew fixed the stucco in your house.
By phart [Ignore] 20,May,22 21:19 other posts 
Oh forgot to add this, there aint no stucco on this house! BRICK !

Sorry to burst your bubble my friend, but i am in the company of quite a few Masons ,and no they don't lay brick.
I grew up and went thru high school with 2 fellows who's fathers were Masons and both are in the lodge themselves to this day. Could I have been a part? Yes, plenty of things were done over the years to try to squeeze that question of me,that concept of asking on my own free will. BUT what I have heard and read over the years,there are MANY rituals,phrases and such to learn and recite,and remember, And my memory is sadly shorter than my dick, so I was honestly afraid I would screw up.
By #610414 20,May,22 15:25
Ok DEV01, what do you search for and where? Surely not in an Aborigine bonfire reunion.
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BTW. When I quote from Google, I do so because they are able to put the ideas, the knowledge, if you will, into a precise and chronological order. I’m 70 yrs old. I’ve been using the internet for 25+/- years. Before that, I had only books. In my lifetime I must have read close to 10k books AND I’m still a member of Kindle. In my puked/IPad/laptop and phone, at the moment, I have access to at least 65 books and several hundreds on file. I have books from English, Spanish, and French literature. Mostly fiction but reference books too. My favorite is mystery but also historical fiction. There’s little that I can’t talk about. At least know enough to go and look at Google to affirm what I believe to be.
By Dev01 [Ignore] 22,May,22 01:48 other posts 
Actually I did search just recently on a boil on my bum "must be a over 50s thing" and it said to use honey. So I did and it sorted it so I take back what I said.

Guess what I meant was google has lots of misinformation, Especially in the first page results. 🙂
By #610414 22,May,22 07:43
There are several search engines on line and millions of sites with specific info, but, YOU are responsible for the acceptance of the info you get. If possible, back-check in another site. When my kids where in school, The Enciclopedia Brittanica was their Google and if TEB said something, it was irrefutable.
By dgraff [Ignore] 20,May,22 09:07 other posts 
Good lord you want me to sit through a black and white movie now your asking a lot of me
By #610414 20,May,22 15:21
It’s a classic. So is Casablanca. You want color? Try “The African Queen”. Sorry, forgot. You are probably more into “The Little Mermaid “
By Dev01 [Ignore] 22,May,22 02:39 other posts 
I do like the dam busters, and that Black lab they called nigga. No way you could call that ,that these days

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