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need to be circumcised

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by royal [Ignore] 30,Dec,23 04:05  other posts
any guys who also fantasize about being circumcised, seeing their foreskin removed and their head exposed permanently? I so badly want to watch my foreskin removed

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By cricrilover [Ignore] 30,Dec,23 04:27 other posts 
I had myself circumcised in 2012 out of personal desire and after years of being unable to do so due to marital reasons, but as soon as it was possible I went to see the urologist to ask him to cut everything very short. I had a long, tight foreskin and I really don't regret it, especially since I have since undergone a subincision meatotomy.
Get circumcised, don't wait any longer and you will see that you will not regret it. If you need help or advice, don't hesitate to ask me by private message.
Very happy new year 2024 and a beautiful circumcision as a project
By royal [Ignore] 30,Dec,23 04:34 other posts 
very much admire you sharing and encouragement! ive been shy seeking a urologist with having a subincision myself however I would hope that they would assist in opening up my cock. id love to keep chatting

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