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What do you remember most about the first time your cock entered pussy!

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Started by #67882 [Ignore] 23,Apr,10 03:58
I remember the tight feeling the most. and how wet and warm it was!

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By #485312 10,May,15 08:27
l remember thinking, 'is that it'!!! ld masturbated for many years and thought it didn't stack up to the things ld read and seen, l wondered what all the fuss was about and thought it was not as good as my hair brush handles at giving me pleasure, was probably his first too and he was pretty small..learnt different when a 35 year old showed me how it really worked and was hooked than *lix*
By #481583 10,May,15 09:55
You have a cock?
By #496814 26,Oct,16 16:33
Inside of her for the first time, yes. Fun to read it from a female's perspective as well. Don't be an ass please.
By Dickventures [Ignore] 06,Feb,20 19:19 other posts 
I felt the same too; kinda disappointed. Though I was using a condom, so that didn't help. Got a lot better and finally tried it without a condom about a year later. Almost came instantly, was so hot

By #489480 06,Feb,20 18:09
The wet warmth wrapping around my dick felt soooooo good! I kept pulling almost all the way out & then slowly pushed in again & again just to keep experiencing that feeling again.

By #578931 30,Jan,20 14:33
I was 17 and still a virgin, my mate fixed me up with a horny girl a year younger than me who was hot for sex because her boyfriend was in the army and was away, I was hard at once, she put on the condom, this was in the '50's lay back and guided me in, I can feel it now, I don't remember how long I took, probably not very long but it filled up the condom well. A bit later she rubbed my dick around her pussy till it was hard again, put on another condom and we had a much longer bout, I think she came too that time, I still remember her name, Pauline. Never saw her again.

By woody4647 [Ignore] 30,Jan,20 00:46 other posts 
It was so warm and wet. But because it felt so good I didn't last only 3 or 4 thrusts. It was an incredible orgasm tho!

By foreskinlover52 [Ignore] 29,Jan,20 17:06 other posts 
Do male pussies count
By #574505 29,Jan,20 18:45
Yes it was my first

By fatcock66 [Ignore] 29,Jan,20 17:38 other posts 
I was virgin, she was virgin... she got on top... it felt wonderful

By DJS [Ignore] 16,Jan,20 03:35 other posts 
It was very dark in there
By #607273 28,Jan,20 21:02
too funny
By DJS [Ignore] 29,Jan,20 02:21 other posts 

By lildicktoronto [Ignore] 26,Jan,20 19:22 other posts 
Here goes the most embarrassing... I was drunk at a party. A neighbourhood girl brought one of her friends. She outweighed me by 100 pounds , sat on me AND gave me a yeast infection.
By #607273 28,Jan,20 21:04
let that be a lesson young man

By DeepThroatThis [Ignore] 28,Jan,20 15:48 other posts 
My 1st Home Run

By #522791 28,Jan,20 13:50
First thing was how wet the pussy was when I slid my cock in...second was how it gripped my cock

By #486048 27,Jan,20 20:39
it did nothing for me whats so ever

By PoloFields [Ignore] 27,Jan,20 16:37 other posts 
First, how warm it was, even with a condom on. Second, it was like having all the mysteries of sex revealed with one or two strokes.

By #574505 26,Jan,20 20:19
I remember being so hard never wanted to pull it out just keep on fucking after Cummings...
By #64328 27,Jan,20 14:54
I didnt loose my boner the first time after cumming either

By #609706 26,Jan,20 03:18
My first was my worst & eventually my wife met her~

By #64328 26,Jan,20 02:11
How warm it was inside her

By qhaos [Ignore] 26,Jan,20 01:40 other posts 
My first time was with a virgin pussy, i remember how tight she was and my cock completely wrapped by that warm, wet coat. I came in a second!

By #594553 24,Jan,20 11:14
It was amazing! So much better than I expected it to be. Been hooked ever since

By #603883 24,Jan,20 10:23
It was up in the woods we had a fort my buddies and i took her there she started grab my crotch asked if i wanted to fuck rest is history!it was wonderful

By #603797 24,Jan,20 09:30
How fast it was over..... How good it felt..... How I Knew I would be Doing THAT again real soon!!! Was 17.

By Sickboy [Ignore] 23,Jan,20 17:32 other posts 
Don't cum. Don't cum don't cum. Bollocks I came!!

By Gntlmn [Ignore] 23,Jan,20 17:21 other posts 
How heavenly it felt.

By wycowboy [Ignore] 23,Jan,20 07:50 other posts 
How fast I shot my cum,

By #463848 23,Jan,20 04:10
Absolute dismay that I shot within 30 secs.

By massco [Ignore] 15,Jan,20 18:23 other posts 
How long it took to get to that pleasure and how quickly it was over. I was all of 16 years old.

By #202392 15,Jan,20 17:18
I remember thinking, well, I guess I'm not a virgin anymore

By #603065 28,Oct,19 10:43
I remember how wet and warm it felt.Then how tight it was.I enjoyed that feeling a lot.
By german_guy [Ignore] 15,Jan,20 16:30 other posts 
same here

By andrew999999999 [Ignore] 15,Jan,20 11:33 other posts 
I remember thinking, "I'm going to fuck for the first time. Not a virgin anymore"

By RealTitsLover [Ignore] 28,May,17 20:47 other posts 
I don't remember... anything, not even where my first time was!

All I know is who the girl was, and that we fucked a lot that weekend...
--------------------------------------- added after 3 hours

Since this post, most parts of my first time have gradually been coming back to me... I'd never tried a condom on before... I told her I'd never used condoms cuz the (made-up) girl before her was on birth control and a virgin before me. This was just a slutty co-worker, practice before I went after the girl I really wanted, and I didn't want her thinking that it was something special to me.

I'd heard how girls tend to feel a strong emotional connection with the guy who takes their virginity, whether they plan on it or not, and knowing that I wouldn't feel that way, I didn't want her thinking that I might. I also didn't want her treating me like a **** who can't figure out how to fuck on his own. I've matured since then and eventually realized that being able to listen and follow instructions in bed (assuming you're comfortable with it) is actually more mature than being too proud to.

Eventually, after her and I'd already fucked for the last time, I found out that she'd kept it to herself, but she actually thought I must've been a total male slut before her, based on stories she heard from her friends who heard stories from people who went to my high school. Stories that I sure as hell didn't make up, and I'm still very curious who did...

Back to what I was talking about... I fingered her on the bed until she reached to grab a condom outta the box and tore it open. The first one went flying when she tried putting it on me, and the second one broke when she used more f.orce. It was definitely too small. We went back to the store and got large ones.

I can't remember if it was my mother's or father's house we went back to (I'd been drinking), but it was way too late for anyone else to be awake. She did manage to get the condom on me that time, but it was so tight that it kinda hurt. Shortly after I was inside her - sadly, the only thing I remember about the feeling was the warmth - it was obvious that the condom had cut off my circulation, so I pulled back out and pulled it off.

Unwilling to make me wait longer before getting off, she gave me some combination of my first handjob and my first blowjob (again, I have no memory of my thoughts about how it felt, other than awesome), we headed off to the store again, this time to get the biggest ones they had - XLs. I remember drinking more liquor in her car on the way.

Back in the condom section of the store, she said something about being sure this time (not that there was any other option), ripped one outta the box, tossed the box back on a shelf and pulled me into the unisex handicap bathroom, where I turned around and locked the door... I can't believe this, my first time was in a public bathroom, but at least it was also private at the same time, and spotless.

She pulled down my pants and put the condom on, I lifted her skirt and pulled her panties down, lifted her onto the edge of the sink, where I finished pulling her panties off, and fucked her until we both got off at the same time. I waited until my throbbing and her heavy breathing eventually slowed down before pulling out. I remember us cleaning up with huge smiles on our faces.
--------------------------------------- added after 3 hours

Just a few details I forgot... This happened in the summer, the year I graduated high school, right around my 18th birthday. She was 21, so she'd bought all the liquor I was drinking. Since she later thought I was a total male slut when I was younger, she must've thought I hadn't bothered with condoms until then. She never found out that she took my virginity, and I did remember noticing just hot wet she was once we actually fucked.

By #303909 28,May,17 19:05
I am gay but had sex with woman before and the first thing that struck me was the warm feeling.
By #487206 28,May,17 20:40
Same for was so warm that's probably why I busted so quick

By #497672 27,Oct,16 15:47
My cock slid in and I was surprised at how it seemed to keep going in and thought I had nearly gone through to her back. the she started to move her pussy down to match my thrusts ; she was thrusting down as well.

By #496814 26,Oct,16 16:31
How tight the condom felt around my dick. After this negative experience with condoms I never really accepted them as a viable anticonceptive. Even though I later found a few condoms which didn't ruin all my fun..

By #519017 26,Oct,16 16:03
How different it was to masturbation. How quickly I came. And after all the frenzied hype about sex thinking was that it? It got better with practice though!

By Mrfrisky [Ignore] 08,May,15 22:22 other posts 
It was very wet from her thinking all day about "doing it". Later it smelled like smoke. We weren't watching the dinner baking in the oven like we were supposed to. Meal ruined with Mom thinking she knew what must have happened. She couldn't prove it though.

By #48122 20,Jul,10 19:44
I remember how warm and wet it was and thinking, "Holy shit, this feels awesome!"

By #88663 20,Jul,10 10:43
How warm it was!! That was amazing

By slipper [Ignore] 26,Apr,10 01:02 other posts 
The incredible feel of my frenny as she slipped down over me!

By #66968 25,Apr,10 22:21
I remember how warm ad wett and tight it was! she screamed and pushed me away softly! but i left it in for a good minute and just let it all sink in n think about wat 2 do next!!

By #41276 24,Apr,10 09:36
That I had about a second before I came! ha! 16 years old at the time horny and hard as hell...
By #46165 25,Apr,10 22:15
same. i slipped in, had enough time to think 'mmm...warm and wet', then i shot off

By hytiger [Ignore] 23,Apr,10 08:16 other posts 
My thought was "is this really what all the fuss is about?"

By #6568 23,Apr,10 04:03
My first time was a complete fiasco! We found it unexpectedly difficult to get joined and by the time we had managed it I was wedged up against the bed head and could not make any movements!......

......Fortunately she started to giggle so I got another chance!

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