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don't laugh

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by #72118 [Ignore] 09,May,10 13:11
do you laugh at small ones like mine.

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By #23212 09,May,10 18:34
No I "do NOT laugh at small ones like yours". Besides you told us all to "don't laugh", and most of us do what we're told. But, hey, if laughing at your nice dickey turns you on, then OK. You don't have any friends at all yet--are you waiting for laughter?
By #72118 09,May,10 18:44
i don't know much about this, but i am trying to get used to people seeing my small pecker
By #23212 09,May,10 18:59
Most of us here have seen many more way, way smaller ones than yours, both here on SYD, and on many other sites on the Internet! Many guys are very proud of their cute little ones. More importantly, most of us, I feel, don't really care much about how long we are, don't bother measuring, because when it comes to having great sex play, length doesn't really matter. Perhaps after 60 years of worrying about nothing here, you too will just relax, stop measuring and comparing, and go and have lots of fun with your very nice dick. OK?
By #59848 11,May,10 18:14
I don't know if I'm really proud of mine, as much as I just accept what's been given to me. Look, so I don't have a big dick, its not like I picked it out at the Dick Lot and got home and was like "Shit!, its too small!"
By #23212 11,May,10 20:38
"Not a lot of women left that want sex".
"They just want to suck my wallet."
"What are your measurements?"--over and over again.

As I and a number of others have caringly, and gently tried to tell you, you may not be able to change your dick size, but you most certainly CAN change whom you choose to be with, your obsession with size and measuring, and your attitudes.

By MoeJoe [Ignore] 11,May,10 14:38 other posts 
It's not that small....and besides I never laugh at anyone's cock no matter what size.

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