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Started by #23725 [Ignore] 12,Aug,10 15:16
Balls don't seem to vary as much as dicks do, they are either tight or loose. What do you class as BIG BALLS, examples please

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By routemaster [Ignore] 06,Aug,15 06:21 other posts 

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By tb1 [Ignore] 01,Sep,15 09:31 other posts 
nice nuts, dam nice

By #467057 31,Aug,15 05:12
[deleted image]


By #265678 30,Aug,15 19:15
By #485312 30,Aug,15 21:48
[deleted image][deleted image]

theyre awesome balls brunoo, very nice packages *lix*

By Zodiac [Ignore] 30,Aug,15 14:21 other posts 

By #485312 30,Aug,15 06:27
[deleted image][deleted image][deleted image]
beautiful long balls *lix*

By #485312 16,Aug,15 21:33
[deleted image]
like the matching cock *Lix*

By #124665 16,Aug,15 16:35
Exhibit A:

[deleted image]

By routemaster [Ignore] 05,Aug,15 03:21 other posts 
By #485312 05,Aug,15 04:24
never seen musical balls before, very talented *lix*
By routemaster [Ignore] 05,Aug,15 09:58 other posts 
You should hear them playing Tchaikowsky's Piano Concerto No. 1. Puts Liberace's version to shame
By #485312 10,Aug,15 03:12
aahhh, but can they play 'chopsticks' ??? *lix*
By routemaster [Ignore] 10,Aug,15 04:28 other posts 
They can and also do a mean Connie Francis medley too
By #485312 15,Aug,15 10:53
untold talents you have RM, you amaze me always lol, *lix*

By routemaster [Ignore] 03,Aug,15 22:39 other posts 

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By JeffinKS [Ignore] 03,Aug,15 21:07 other posts 

By dickisgreat [Ignore] 04,Feb,15 23:53 other posts 

What do you think?
By #485312 03,Aug,15 07:07
l think theyre great *lix*

By CreativeOne [Ignore] 08,Oct,14 23:16 other posts 
[deleted image]

Here are a couple of mine from my page .

[deleted image]

As far as what I classify as being big ... well , anything larger than golf ball size .
By 3fdfd [Ignore] 10,Oct,14 22:45 other posts 
love your balls
By CreativeOne [Ignore] 17,Oct,14 21:27 other posts 
Awwwwwwwwe , Thank You so much for saying that "3fdfd"
By #485312 03,Aug,15 07:07
that's a nice set of clangers you got there *lix*

By routemaster [Ignore] 13,Jan,14 19:58 other posts 

Are mine big enough for you???
By tb1 [Ignore] 15,Jan,14 22:10 other posts 
oh yeah!!!
By routemaster [Ignore] 15,Jan,14 22:31 other posts 
Many thanks my friend
By 3fdfd [Ignore] 03,Sep,14 12:42 other posts 
wow !
By #485312 03,Aug,15 07:07
lm sure lve liked this vertical set before, but l'll like it again *lix*

By routemaster [Ignore] 04,Feb,15 11:00 other posts 

By bigealas [Ignore] 21,Oct,14 18:11 other posts 
If I can't put both balls of my partner into my mouth - they must be pretty BIG!!!

By routemaster [Ignore] 13,Oct,14 04:58 other posts 

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[deleted image]

By routemaster [Ignore] 09,Oct,14 01:23 other posts 

By #251613 08,Oct,14 23:48
I have pretty good sized balls

[deleted image]

By #471466 07,Oct,14 16:31
How a.bout mine?i

By #219002 16,Aug,13 21:29
i hsvr big balls, how do i embed a pic
By JeffinKS [Ignore] 18,Aug,13 16:19 other posts 
[deleted image]
By bigone21 [Ignore] 07,Oct,14 16:23 other posts 
nice low hangers!

By iowaguy [Ignore] 15,Jul,14 17:57 other posts 
By 3fdfd [Ignore] 03,Sep,14 12:41 other posts 
Don't sit on 'em, Iowaguy
By iowaguy [Ignore] 24,Sep,14 23:55 other posts 
Yes that would be quite uncomfortable.
By bigone21 [Ignore] 07,Oct,14 16:19 other posts 
@iowaguy: now that's BIG balls!!

By routemaster [Ignore] 07,Oct,14 02:35 other posts 

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By routemaster [Ignore] 27,Sep,14 23:31 other posts 

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[deleted image]

By routemaster [Ignore] 05,Sep,14 22:50 other posts 

My big balls enjoying some nudism at home

By routemaster [Ignore] 19,May,14 11:12 other posts 
By 3fdfd [Ignore] 03,Sep,14 12:41 other posts 

By doedeldi [Ignore] 14,Jul,14 10:20 other posts 

By #445126 18,May,14 07:07
[deleted image]
By #463304 07,Jun,14 09:41
Damn dude

By #460982 18,May,14 00:49
[deleted image]
By routemaster [Ignore] 18,May,14 02:08 other posts 
Not just a pair of HOT BIG BALLS, a NICE HOT BIG DICK too

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