We were at a concert sitting on the lawn. We were chatting while the concert was going on. We were on the slope of a hill and we had a large section of the lawn covered with blanket so it was a bit of a jumble. My buddy was sitting above me on the hill to my right and his wife was sitting next to him. Well his cock was visible hanging partially out of his shorts. I didn't realize at first since I had polished off a bottle and a half of wine and was now working on my third beer. I didn't realize his sister sat down right beside me and was watching me stair at his prominent cock. She whispered in my ear, that's a nice one, you should see in erect. OK I have a fetish I have come to realize after his wife explained he had a fetish and all the women love his shows. We were at a concert later in the year and my buddy hadn't shown up yet and I too was primed to accidently showoff. Being careful I let her check me out while she was getting a glass of wine. She came back and giggled you two are so alike. Well the rain started and we grabbed the tarp and umbrellas and covered up. I felt a hand grab my cock and pull it all the way out of my shorts, as she whispered in my ear thats a hot piece of meet.
So now I get the look from the women and actually my buddy when I wear shorts. So I'm looking for the next step?
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