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first cum

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by #13162 [Ignore] 18,Nov,10 11:19
how old were you when you first cum?

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By 3fdfd [Ignore] 11,Jun,11 09:19 other posts 
13 - not long before my 14th birthday

By JeffinKS [Ignore] 07,Jun,11 18:44 other posts 
I was 9 when I had my first cum..... remember it very clearly still was the best feeling

By #7976 03,Jun,11 18:47
Somewhere around 7 or 8.

By #88663 08,Jan,11 15:17
I was 11 the boy across the street and I had been jerking each other off for about a month he would cum all the time I would just get the sensation of orgasm, than one afternoon he was jerking me off and I shot my first load!

By #38932 23,Nov,10 23:52

By #22771 23,Nov,10 23:18
11 - 12

By 1historian [Ignore] 22,Nov,10 08:17 other posts 

By botanic [Ignore] 22,Nov,10 07:37 other posts 
I was 14 and I had been watching a play on TV called the parachutist . It was about a French female agent captured and tortured by the Germans in WW2. Although ( this was the 60s ) it was not visually graphic , the soldiers described how they stripped her and pushed a rifle barrel up her cunt . This image stayed with me as I went to bed that night and whilst thinking about it , I had a massive orgasm with so much cum I didnt kniow what to do. This first orgasm was really alarming but sooo opleasurable I nearly fainted ! I have to add that I have had no sadistic tendencies ,, despite a sadistic act being associated with my first orgasm.

By #70814 19,Nov,10 05:05
Jacking off since 7, first cum 13.

[deleted image]
By #23212 22,Nov,10 03:32
Damn nice pic of it too! But I hope you've had 'a few more' since then.
By #70814 22,Nov,10 06:29
A few, indeed

By #48122 20,Nov,10 13:51
I had wet dreams at about 11 or 12, but didn't cum from jackin off until about 16.

By #43094 20,Nov,10 03:20
at 12

By #6437 19,Nov,10 07:22
I was 10 have been jacking off since

By #64328 18,Nov,10 12:04
Awesome orgasms from 8 till 13 Dry orgasms 3 to 5 times a day. At 13 I have to be more selective where I did it because of the cum.

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