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Toilet Cubicle fun with another???

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by #94718 [Ignore] 18,Nov,10 16:36
Just wondering what it was like if anyone's ever had a little something extra in a public restroom or not....

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By knewbi [Ignore] 11,Jul,22 11:24 other posts 
So far I have never had another guy in a public rest room. Had a few women though. But, I have jerked off many a time in them after seeing some guy or gal that got my motor running and needed to be relieved.

By #662360 28,Jun,22 13:58
As I’ve written in a blog. I was once in a strip club watching girls strip when a guy asked me if I “wanted one” and made it clear he was offering a hand job. I was feeling lonely, frisky and frustrated and up for anything. I’d enjoyed being wanked by boys at school before so I had experience. We went to the public restroom of the place, dropped our trousers and pants then hand jobbed each other till we came over the cubicle wall. We had a brief relationship after that.

By #116477 21,Nov,10 13:02
Yeah I 'had a little something extra in a public restroom' once..
Trust me though you wouldn't have wanted to be there..and it wasn't restful at all.
It was Brown and definitely a few 'extra' portions over the limit.. It was like giving birth to a lunatic gorilla, but a lot smellier(I would imagine) and with nuts too..

By MoeJoe [Ignore] 22,Nov,10 04:07 other posts 
Cloned ?
By #116477 22,Nov,10 11:19
No I'm not Brown - you must pay more attention
By #116477 22,Nov,10 12:17
p.s. You'll have to be a little sharper and wittier than that to snipe effectively
By MoeJoe [Ignore] 23,Nov,10 04:51 other posts 
I must have touched a nerve or I wouldn't have gotten that clever comeback.
By #116477 24,Nov,10 10:44
Incorrect - it was lame(weak)- no nerves touched or damaged. No, I just always give 'that clever comeback' haven't you noticed a pattern yet?
By MoeJoe [Ignore] 24,Nov,10 15:42 other posts 

By #3997 19,Nov,10 12:48
No but have been offered in a restroom, I have had a little bit extra in an adult book store

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