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Why SYD if you are straight ?

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

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Started by #150722 [Ignore] 02,Apr,11 09:43
I don't want to be rude (not my intent) but why do straight guys like to view cocks ,I do ,I'm Bi and enjoy cocks and pussy,but if you are straight why are you not viewing SYC

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By slipper [Ignore] 02,Apr,11 16:22 other posts 
I suggest you do a search of the Forum here entitled something to the effect, into guys parts, but not into guys. It has many replies from men who are not gay or bi, but who like cocks... pure and simple. You may find it interesting reading.
By spermkiss [Ignore] 03,Apr,11 01:59 other posts 
So true. This has been discussed numerous times before. And I've said this numerous times before: ALL MEN, gay, bisexual and straight, like to look at other guy's dicks. It's a guy thing. For us gay and bisexual men, and for many straight men as well, there is, of course, a sexual interest. But even if there is little or no sexual interest, guys like checking out other guys' equipment.

There is the often repeated comment that women don't dress to impress men, but to impress other women. A related point is that when men wear snug fitting pants with an obvious bulge in the crotch, they are not doing it to impress women, but other men. They might think they are impressing and/or attracting women, but most women don't notice and don't care. But other men, even other straight men, do notice. Checking out other guys' crotches is very much a guy thing. All guys do it.
By tb1 [Ignore] 23,Mar,20 00:54 other posts 
I agree 😎😎

By #6568 02,Apr,11 10:53
No, I understand exactly what you mean......

I'm completely straight;....never had or wanted to have any sexual connection or situation with another male in any form etc. I do like this site which has helped me a lot and is, for me, a cathartic thing to come here mainly to display. I'm not an exhibitionist by any means of description, and yet it's become valuable for me to 'show off' here where people of both sexes can view and make comments.

Had I not been on the receiving end of some very adverse comments from a female partner long ago, I would not be here or want to 'show'.

While I am here I DO like to look at teh othe cocks and, very rarely, do see one that I like and admire,...but, it's NOT a sexual admiration, more a 'professional interest' as one penis owner/user considering others. When i see a good example, I tend to surmise what it would be like inside a woman and how it might pleasure her etc,, the other cock pix here are sometimes an inspiration to me but I can tguthfully say it's only the SYC pix of women that 'arouse' me in a sexual sense......

.....Hope that answers your query which seems to regularly crop up here.

By like2jack [Ignore] 02,Apr,11 10:43 other posts 
I'm straight and each day I check SYD and SYC. I always enjoy a good jack-off and like to see other cocks being stroked and cumming. I'm not into watersports but I do like to see a cock with pee streaming out of it. Looking at all the cocks is a turn on for me however I spend just as much time on SYC.

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