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I知 considering cutting this last remnant of my frenulum, th

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I知 considering cutting this last remnant of my frenulum, th

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By nokaraoke 07,May,24 05:04
I知 considering cutting this last remnant of my frenulum, that tiny piece of skin connecting the two sides of my pee hole. Does anyone have any good suggestions for me?
By anonymous 24,May,24 10:58
Your pee hole is perfect,please don't mess it up. The circumciser left a small piece of the frenulum though. You could leave that, or have it removed. Your penis is perfect to me either way
By nokaraoke 24,May,24 11:02
Yes, I've decided to leave it alone. I did make a tiny cut into it with a razor, but it's not very noticeable.
By anonymous 24,May,24 11:05
Yes, please don't mess with perfection. It is so beautiful

By hytiger 19,Jul,24 07:55
Cut it, big slits are hot!

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