White_Mamba wrote
(30,Nov,24 16:36):
White_Mamba wrote
(26,Nov,24 14:09):
This member will be going to the cunt site
White_Mamba wrote
(24,Nov,24 20:22):
BJUK is a cunt
Fake_Patrol wrote
(22,Nov,24 16:13):
Your page is filthy. Pitbull will hear about this
White_Mamba wrote
(22,Nov,24 13:03):
The butt plug won't work. Not unless its the size of the fist of King Kong. LOL Too loose.
Sir-Skittles wrote
(18,Nov,24 20:41):
Jamie LMAO!
Jamie wrote
(18,Nov,24 17:08):
But plug is to train your Asshole for taking cocks.
White_Mamba wrote
(18,Nov,24 16:36):
You're nothing but a filthy cunt using and photoshopping an 8 year old onto the site.
White_Mamba wrote
(18,Nov,24 16:11):
Your fucking page is filthy. This is going to get reported to the clean air act.
(17,Nov,24 17:26):
You are in violation of the Clean Page Act rule. Clean your page.
White_Mamba wrote
(27,Oct,24 00:51):
You are in violation of clean air act. Your gag order is in reinstatement
White_Mamba wrote
(17,Oct,24 00:31):
I ask neutral people if you belong going onto the cunt site and they said its required.
White_Mamba wrote
(08,Oct,24 00:13):
You are permanently stamped on the cunt list.
White_Mamba wrote
(05,Oct,24 16:12):
you're a cunt, you belong on the cunt site and I wont stop trying until you end up there. You're a fucking fake anyway so what difference does it make
bjuk wrote
(26,Sep,24 14:17):
I’m not being moved
White_Mamba wrote
(26,Sep,24 06:17):
You will need to be trained to act like a woman before you are switched over to the cunt site.