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stefan123 seems to be a male, 69 years old, straight, interested in both men and women, claims to be living in Germany, On-Line

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Vita wrote (23,Mar,25 12:25):
📷 Schönes Teil … super Präsentationen !
mr_blue wrote (21,Mar,25 18:15):
Thank you 🍺
Kenny501 wrote (21,Mar,25 13:35):
I wish there wasn't an ocean between us!
Timpeter wrote (17,Mar,25 21:31):
OMG your bullballs are so awesome mmmmmmmmmmmmmyummmmmuy
geileropa wrote (16,Mar,25 06:02):
schöne eier und eine heisse eichel
anonymous wrote (14,Mar,25 10:37):
Hallo, was für geile Bilder...! Ich sitze hier splitternackt vorm PC und bin total erregt. Mein ebenfalls beschnittener Penis steht wie eine Eins. Er wartet nur darauf, so richtig verwöhnt zu werden. Ich bin bereit zum Ablutschen und mehr....
jelusic wrote (13,Mar,25 07:18):
amazing man,MAN
quint wrote (09,Mar,25 10:18):
Congratulations on hitting another 1000 mark!
german_guy wrote (02,Mar,25 14:16):
congratulations for winning the February contest 😊😊
PITBULL wrote (20,Feb,25 07:13):
Congratulations Stefan, you are the Best Member winner of February.
bella! wrote (16,Feb,25 19:18):
Big kiss! 😘
Timmmorris wrote (14,Feb,25 20:51):
Happy Valentine's Day!
Roadie_is_back wrote (14,Feb,25 10:43):
Happy Valentine's Day my friend♥️
bella! wrote (13,Feb,25 21:32):
Happy Valentine's Day, stefan123!
Couple69n wrote (06,Feb,25 23:20):
Happy Anniversary ❤️
t-rex wrote (31,Jan,25 05:34):
Happy Anniversary 🍺
Jamie wrote (30,Jan,25 16:22):
Happy Anniversary my friend
JasonAnDaddyShowDick wrote (30,Jan,25 07:10):
❤️🇬🇧, Happy Valentine's from Jason
bella! wrote (30,Jan,25 05:23):
Happy Anniversary! 😘
Laidbackdude579 wrote (24,Jan,25 10:21):
Very nice dick dude


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Member since February 2, 2018
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