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Laying naked in the garden, got hard in 2 minutes

<<< Previous   Submitted by notenboer at 28,May,20 18:39   Next >>>
This image was commented 8 times, viewed 203 times.  

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Vote (3 points): [HOT!!!]   Votes: 21

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Laying naked in the garden, got hard in 2 minutes

Vote (3 points): [HOT]   Votes: 21


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By starsky 29,May,20 04:46
Wat een prachtige foto van een prachtige pik
By #533479 11,Jul,20 16:14
...en 'n lekker sitplek vir my ook!

By #215748 01,Jun,20 00:42
Mooi cock wat jy daar het.

By marc66 21,Jan,21 08:13
By notenboer 21,Jan,21 08:18
that is indeed what i did!

By bella! 09,Feb,21 16:24
That's a beautiful cock, notenboer!

Thank you for your interest and participation in HEADS-UP FEBRUARY! 😁 a free theme photo contest exclusively for men by submitting this picture! Just a reminder, this will be an ongoing monthly contest providing that there is an interest. The winner will receive a trophy awarded by the site, as well as excess points. Points awarded will vary from month to month because it is based on the number of men that participate.

The picture that you choose to submit can be ANYTHING as long as the picture does not feature a woman or female parts. Providing there are 40 or more participants, I will personally award the winner a one month premium paid membership OR 1050 points. Winning members shall be exempt from winning the premium paid membership OR 1050 points for a period of 90 days. If you have any questions, please free to reach out to me.

The contest began 6, February with 60 participants. I wish you good luck and may the hottest cock win!

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