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By #365376 06,Feb,15 22:24
Nice like
By basque9 06,Feb,15 22:37
Thanks so much hot your equipment too!

By tb1 06,Feb,15 23:28
sweet, sexy and superb
By basque9 07,Feb,15 00:34
Thanks hot mate!
By tb1 07,Feb,15 09:54
luv the way your nuts are hanging
By basque9 07,Feb,15 12:12
Thanks..they are pretty full in this pic, mate!
By tb1 08,Feb,15 00:37
need an oil change buddy?
By basque9 08,Feb,15 10:38
You can change my oil, do a lube job and tighten my nuts anytime you like...check out my chassis as well and I will let you test drive me when you are done with all that foreplay!
By tb1 09,Feb,15 00:08
hot dam, would luv to do all that m8
By basque9 09,Feb,15 12:37
I love getting serviced really good!

By anonymous 06,Feb,15 23:30
Very large soft dick with huge nuts.
By basque9 07,Feb,15 00:34
Thanks anon!

By cskyy 06,Feb,15 23:42
is that soft looks like its starting to get hard
By basque9 07,Feb,15 00:36
It is very soft; I am cut and the minute it starts to get semi erect all the skin slides back away from the head.

By #127566 07,Feb,15 02:42
By basque9 07,Feb,15 12:07
Thanks good mate!

By anonymous 07,Feb,15 10:24
Yummy! Your cock is nice and thick and love those huge balls
By basque9 07,Feb,15 12:10
AW gee, anon, you are really being nice to me; much appreciated!

By kalebi 07,Feb,15 10:52
soft or hard. I love it both!!! It's just a beauty!!!
By basque9 07,Feb,15 12:11
Thanks to my sexy European friend, Kalebi!
By kalebi 07,Feb,15 12:45
By basque9 07,Feb,15 16:41

By #443003 07,Feb,15 13:00
So damn thick - even in repose.
By basque9 07,Feb,15 16:42
Thanks good friend, Allan....girth is what he is known for, mate!

By anonymous 10,Feb,15 16:16
Would you want to fuck my wife\'s 50 year old white hot pussy? She 5\'6 140lbs. The harder the better.
By basque9 10,Feb,15 18:36
You mean you would let me and not get angry?

By anonymous 10,Feb,15 23:25
Do you know how perfect your cock is soft, semi and hard?
By basque9 11,Feb,15 14:52
NO, you have to tel me!

By anonymous 11,Feb,15 12:34
Yea I\'d let you. It was her choice...
By basque9 11,Feb,15 14:53
Oh that is awesome!

By anonymous 11,Feb,15 21:32
You could do her any way you want..
By basque9 11,Feb,15 22:48
I will decide how when I see the relative size of things!

By anonymous 12,Feb,15 13:28
She wants to know how you\'d do her..
By basque9 12,Feb,15 16:33
I prefer face to face so I can see her tits and face!

By anonymous 16,Feb,15 10:38
She likes it from behind good and hard ..
By basque9 16,Feb,15 11:01
That's always a good way to start!

By anonymous 16,Feb,15 11:13
True, ya gotta start somewhere i guess. She\'ll take whatever you give her..
By basque9 18,Feb,15 07:28
Yes we must try all positions to find the best fit!

By #484160 18,Feb,15 00:05
how long is it when soft?superman
By basque9 18,Feb,15 07:30
It ranges between 7 and 8 in length and is always 7 or more inches in girth when soft. I am a shower and grow relatively little from soft to hard.

By anonymous 18,Feb,15 11:54
Yes, any and all positions would you be good. Take your pick.
By basque9 18,Feb,15 13:02
I want to try them all!

By anonymous 18,Feb,15 21:50
I think you should bang her in the ass..
By basque9 20,Mar,15 15:57
Why not!

By #431655 20,Mar,15 12:05
By basque9 20,Mar,15 15:57
Thanks mate!

By #501413 18,Jul,16 09:22
Wow ,it's huge and so sexy

By Timpeter 21,Nov,24 02:15
Yes sir MrBasque i think when Jesus takes you home you sould donate your LargePeter Extrordiaire mmmmmmmmm

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