would you masturbate in public if you could? YES
have you ever masterbated in public? YES
do you like BBW? YES
Ever drive a car naked, yes or no? YES
Have you ever masturbated at work? YES
Would you have sex with a friend on a regular basis? YES
Has a straight guy ever blown you? YES
Wher you prefer to cum on, Face (Yes) or Mouth (No)? YES
Do you like to watch your wife fucking another guy? YES
Do you like looking at cut dicks? YES
do u like to b naked in front of people? YES
When matubating and fantasizing, do your fantasies get naughtier over the years? YES
Do you like using a same sex doctor? YES
would you let two Black men fuck you at the same time? YES
Would you let your woman finger your ass while she sucks your dick? YES
Do you find yourself being more turned on by seeing a nice big cock than a pussy? YES
Have you ever pissed urine into your own mouth ? NO
Is a hairy cock hotter than a shaved cock? NO
If a Hot woman asked your to play with her boyfriends cock would you? YES
Do you enjoy the games offered on this site? YES
Do you want to watch your wife get fucked? YES
Have you ever had sex in a public toilet? YES
Have you EVER caused a woman to gush or squirt? YES
On the same note as the other day, however, would you eat someone elses cum oozing from a pussy? YES
Would you let your partner use a dildo on you? YES
Men: ever put on women's panties to masturbate? YES
Would you let your woman finger your ass while blowing you? YES
Would you suck a dick if you knew nobody would ever find out? YES
Ever pulled you cock out while driving and jerked it? YES
Are you a grow-er (Yes) or a show-er (No)? YES
Do you like to lick your own pre cum and cum? YES
do men enjoy masturbating with other men on skype? YES
Do you like to masturbate in front of a mirror? YES
Do you prefer to masturbate with a dry cock? YES
Have you ever tried anal sex with another guy? YES
Have you ever fooled around with someone in a public place? YES
Would you suck your own dick or eat your pussy, if you could? YES
Have you ever tasted your own cum? YES
would you let a woman use her toys/strapons on you? YES
Do you regularly masterbate in the shower? YES
Have you ever used a strap-on to fuck someone? YES
Have you ever flashed the head of your cock to one of your friends? YES
Are you big enough to satisfy your partner? NO
Have you ever been caught wanking by your parents,brother or sister ? YES
Have you ever eaten out an asshole? YES
When sucking cock, would you prefer it to be shaved? YES
If your partner asked you to let someone the same geder as you watch you having sex would you agree? YES
Do you like to get fucked in the ass? YES
Did you ever masterbate with friends growing up? YES
do you talk with your wife/husband about your cuckold fantasies? NO
Would you like to be gang banged (Male or female)? YES
Would you let a user on here fuck your partner? YES
What do you like better; shaved BALLZ (yes) , or hairy BALLZ (no)? YES
Straight guys, do you like watching other guy masturbating on video or webcam? YES
Would you fuck your ass if you had 100% successful chance of a hands free orgasm? YES
Do you masturbate to orgasm while on this site? YES
would you like to fuck a cum dripping pussy ? YES
do you like taking pics of your cock at the beach? YES
If you are ask to cum on camera you do it yes/no? YES
Have you ever been involved with double penetration (dp) either giving or receiving? YES
Have you ever masturbated or suck another guy and nobody would ever suspect that you have? YES
Do you like to masturbate on webcam? YES
straight [Yes] or bisexual [No? NO
MMF threesome : would you let the other guy cum first to slide your cock in her creampied pussy ? YES
Have you ever sucked a dick? YES
Is your shaft thicker than your cock head [Yes], or your head thicker than your shaft [No]? NO
Do you think it is enjoyable too tie your balls up and jerkoff? YES
If you are gay, do you mind getting compliments on your dick and ass from ladies and straight guys? YES
would you dare to walk in public on a leash? NO
Have you ever been able to have a hands free orgasm alone without anal or prostate stimulation? NO
would you taste anoter man's semen on a pussy? YES
Can you cum only from sucking on a big beautiful hard cock? NO
Have you/Would you broadcast yourself masturbating/having sex in a livestream? YES
Would you ever share your wife for a MFM threesome? YES
Do you like being watched while fucking? YES
Do you always cum when sucking off other men? NO
Have you ever exposed someone's nudes against their will? NO
Have you ever had sex outside before? YES
Guys, have you ever, or would you ever be double penetrated? YES
Would you like getting "caught" jerking off in your car and watched by another guy? YES
Should SYD create a live webcam room where people can get naked and have fun in a group? YES
Would you help another guy do his Prince Albert piercing? NO
would you let me watch you pee ? YES
Does it make gay/bi a straight guy if he enjoys anal play with himself? NO
Have you ever shaved someone elses genitals? YES
Do you like play with butt plugs or dildos? YES
Have you ever had sex with someone of the same sex? YES
Have you ever flashed your cock or masturbated in public? YES
Loud moaning during male ejaculation , do you like it.? YES
Do you prefer bareback (yes) or safe sex (no)? YES
Do you want to servie a big thick cock, Yes? Or a little cock, No? YES
Would you watch while I fuck your wife or husband? YES
Do you like a hairy pussy? YES
would you like to circle jerk and cum on a table with other men ? YES
Have you ever ejaculated in a jaccuzi? YES
Have you ever inserted foreign objects into your anus ( asshole)? YES
Do you like dick piercings? NO
Do ya think nudity is something that should be more widely accepted? YES
Have you ever masturbated in a public place ? YES
Do you like to compare penis size? YES
Do you like to cum on your naked body/face when masturbating? YES
Do you like the taste of your own cum? YES
Do big cocks turn you on more than little cocks? YES
do you finger your ass hole? YES
Do you like play with anal toys? YES
Have you ever eaten someone else's cum? NO
Would you like to see your partner have sex with another person? YES
do you save/download people's images on here? YES
does the race of your sexual partner matter to you? NO
Do you wish you could shoot your cum further than you do? YES
Should your partner be taller than you are? NO
Does anyone else have a craving to try cock but has no other interest in men...purely for cock? YES
Would it make you hard if a family member caught you naked? YES
Do you enjoy the smell of your partner's pussy/dick after a few days without showering? YES
Would you enjoy being the opposite gender? YES
Would you send a dick pic to a woman if she asked you for a pic? YES