Bige69's answers to questions of the day

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is it cool if you want to fuck and get sucked by guys but not want to return the favor? YES

Would you try sounding at least once in your life? NO

Do you actually like the taste of cum? NO

If you found out that a guest in your house had a page on here, would you tell them or not? YES

Do you enjoy big anal toys over a real cock? NO

If you was an actor, would you accept a role requiring you to appear nude on stage? YES

Have you ever been recognized while being nude on a webcam? NO

Would you like to eat your own cum in your partner's mouth after a blowjob? NO

Would you let your woman finger your ass while she sucks your dick? YES

Do you like to see nasty personal fights in the forum? NO

Do you think 6.5inches is big for a cock? NO

Which do you prefer, smooth, shaved pussy (yes) or big soft tits(no)? YES

Would you slide your rock hard cock through a glory hole and not care who is sucking you off? YES

do u like to watch couples? NO

Do you and your partner masturbate in front of each other? NO

Have you ever received or been in a double penetration? NO

Do straight men - look at other mens cocks in the shower? YES

Men: ever put on women's panties to masturbate? NO

Astroglide over Vaseline? YES

Guys, Girls & Shemales. Have you ever sucked off a total stranger? NO

If you were recieving oral from a stranger and found out part way through it was a member of the same sex, would you let them finish (yes) or stop(no)? YES

Do you prefer foreskin over cut cocks? NO