If you are married is it ok to have some masturbating friends on the side? YES
Do you like to swallow your own cum in your partner's mouth? YES
Do you like women pissing on your cock? NO
Would you fuck a drag queen? YES
Would you consider leaving a significant other due to lack of sex? NO
Have you told your spouse about everyone youve ever had sex with? NO
does all dicks of all sizes make u hard and horny? YES
Have you ever had someone finger you or jerked you off until you came in public? YES
When you were younger did you fuck your older neighbor? NO
Have you ever try or still sometimes doing selfsuck ? NO
Have you ever watched a family member have sex? NO
Should members falsely representing themselves with pics off the internet be banned? YES
Have you ever had an audience while receiving a handjob? YES
If you are ask to cum on camera you do it yes/no? NO
Have you ever sucked a dick? YES
Would you jack off with another guy watching? YES
Have you ever sucked more then one cock at a time? NO
Do young girls like to be fuck by older men? YES
Have you ever been woken up with a blowjob? NO
Does it hurt to take it in the ass for the first time? YES
If you had to choose one for the rest of your life: TOP [yes] BOTTOM [no? YES
Do you need a mild whipping to get a hard-on ? NO
would you fuck a guy asshole or a fad girls asshole? YES
Have you ever masturbated in a public place ? YES
Do you like to cum on your naked body/face when masturbating? YES
Do you like pubes or no pubes better? NO
Do you like the taste of your own cum? NO
does the race of your sexual partner matter to you? NO
Do you like to go without underwear? YES
Have you ever exercised in the nude? YES
Would you drink a coffee with some cum in it ? NO
when you're wanking, do you imagine that your mouth is full of CUM ? NO
Does anyone else like to have your cock pulled stretched and bit and chewed on? NO
Do you like having your ass eaten and fingered? YES
Have you said "NO" to someone who you really wanted to have sex with? YES
Would you like to be a cum dump for a dozen or so breeders? NO
Have you ever enjoyed dirty panties? NO
Would like it if there was a law passed that you could go naked anywhere? YES