pasibix's answers to questions of the day

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Do women enjoy having their assholes licked? YES

can this site makes you gay by looking at all the cocks!🌈💋🤎? NO

If one half of a couple wants to chat with you Should they disclose which one is chatting? NO

Have you ever been in a glory hole before? NO

are guys and gals still into hairy loose pussies? YES

When using a public toilet, do you stand back from the urinal so other occupants can check out you dick? NO

Would like to be fuck with a 8 1/2 inch thick cocks .😁? YES


Shold there be a category "Feet? YES

Would like to be Rim before getting your Asshole fuck.🤪? YES

Do you think this site should have a "dark mode"? NO

Do you enjoy prolong (4-6hrs) self pleasure sex sessions? YES

Is exhibitionism your biggest kink? YES

If anyone has insecurities about their body, male or female, does this put a barrier up and prevent sex being the best it can be? NO

Any guys out there have the urge to suck or wank a cock, but have no interest in kissing, cuddlijg etc. Just cock play? YES

Do you enjoy huge anal insertions? YES

Are you over 60 years of age? YES

will you suck a pierced cock? NO

Do you like to cross dress? NO

Do you like swallowing your own cum or giving yourself a self-facial? YES

Is forepay required for sex? NO