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Now find a slut's pussy to put it in to.

<<< Previous   Submitted by nekekal at 09,Mar,18 16:10   Next >>>
This image was commented 18 times, viewed 229 times.  

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Vote (3 points): [HOT!!!]   Votes: 12

Now find a slut's pussy to put it in to.

Vote (3 points): [HOT]   Votes: 12


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By showslut 26,Mar,18 02:16
Now find a slut's pussy to put it in to.
By nekekal 26,Mar,18 12:13
I spend my life looking. A good slut is hard to find. Lol

By #549595 27,May,18 20:58
You have a beautiful cock. Love to either taste it or feel it.
By nekekal 28,May,18 13:39
Thank you. Maybe a touch or taste could be arranged.

By #551381 09,Oct,18 12:05
fantastic cock
By nekekal 09,Oct,18 12:30
Thank you. I would love to share it with you. You could fuck it or suck it, in any order and repeatedly.

By joyraja 07,Jun,19 03:13
Very hot ...huge ... clean and healthy

By decatur212 10,Jan,20 18:00
Looking so Good mate. Nice and Thick

By #475603 07,Jun,20 18:22
Very lickable
By nekekal 07,Jun,20 18:26
Thank you. I would love to have you on it.

By Timpeter 20,Jul,21 01:47
Verynice CockHealth ..congrats
By Timpeter 20,Jul,21 01:48
How you like my Tools?

By Loverdanld 12,Nov,24 14:34
Nice cock! I've never thought of it before but I'd love to give you a handjob. I've never tucked a dick before. Picked a lot of pussy. But a cock. I know how to work my own so why not. I get tuned on by my own cock. I like cock rings. My ex girlfriend used to stick her finger up my ass while giving me a blowjob. So is anal bad?
By nekekal 12,Nov,24 15:46
Hand job sounds good. I am pretty centered on my cock. It does control my life. I have played with it, and jerked it as long as I can remember. Lots of people have done hand jobs. I love having a strange hand on my cock, and like to think that I know how to make another cock feel good.

I love cunt. The sliding of my big cock into a tight, hot, wet cunt is one of the joys of living, but anything involving my cock is very good.

I generally am not into anal but if a woman had my cock in her mouth, and wanted to play, I think that I would be up for it. As I say, my cock controls my brain.

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