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Softie Attempting To Escape The Balls That Chain

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Softie Attempting To Escape The Balls That Chain

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By RoseInBloom 02,Nov,23 10:12
Just laying around huh? 😘😘😘 looking very good
By +_dem[o]nXer_+ 02,Nov,23 15:15
He likes to seduce whilst resting, beautiful; he’s a big softie ( ) and doesn’t like to intimidate by coming on too hard ( ) . All jokes aside though, he and I are never looking as good as you! 💋💋💋👅

By *kmadeau* 02,Nov,23 12:35
Of course, he wants to escape, because a master like you makes him work hard every night, then no wonder... :
By +_dem[o]nXer_+ 02,Nov,23 15:28
That’s his job, k - he lives to serve me and he should quit complaining for me getting him “fed”

By Nawmie54 03,Nov,23 04:48
he looks a bit hungry!
By +_dem[o]nXer_+ 03,Nov,23 10:51
He’s always hungry, Nawm - too much is not nearly enough (runs in the family)

By ahardcorecase 03,Nov,23 14:05
Hey DC. my friend- He still displays that "ARCH OF TRIUMPH" look, even when he is Mr. "Softie". *(they're both monumental structures). Cheers Snuffy.
By +_dem[o]nXer_+ 07,Nov,23 06:43
Thanks, DC (: . Why did i mention the Snuffleupagus thing about the pic i posted before this one ?! That was what a really good female friend called that pic when she made a Snuffleupagus cartoon version of it

By decatur212 05,Nov,23 03:11
Looking really good I was good to see you
By +_dem[o]nXer_+ 07,Nov,23 06:51
Appreciated, as always; dec (:

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