How did you know I am masturbating right now? My little friend is up my asshole and my penis is leaking some sweet precum. It works so very well as lube, don't you think? Today I'm wanting you to give me a little finger fuck while we jack each other off. Of course, I would return the favor for you and insert my finger you know where. Would you like that today? I could hold it in there while you cum in my mouth, I'm sure your cum tastes very salty and warm. Do you have some warm cum for me? Then give it to me please. I want a load of your cum. Just pump me full of that thick juice you unload. I can suck and suck every drop from your hot large prick. Yumm, let's get started!
I've got my 6 inch toy fully inserted up there. It feels so good. I love fucking myself. Who knew there could be so much pleasure in getting male fucked. My dildo was warmed before my fuck. Just like your cock. I could leave it in, put on my panties and precum all day. This is so very naughty of me but I feel so hot getting fucked up my hole. Will you join me today. Let's get really nasty and raw.