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Guys... who wishes they were born a girl?

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Started by #557415 [Ignore] 29,May,18 23:32
Idk if its weird but i donetimes think itd ve cool to have been born a girl. Id be so sluty hahaha

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By phart [Ignore] 03,Oct,22 09:21 other posts 
Happy to be able to stand up and pee.

The original poster of the question says they would be so slutty.
I doubt it, they would use the puss as a tool to get want they wanted out of men same as the rest of them

By LGA6969 [Ignore] 03,Oct,22 09:00 other posts 
no I like my dick thank you

By #574505 01,Oct,22 13:52
No thanks I'm happy thw way I am.have a cock to fuck with , have mouth to suck, have a asshole to get fuck.
By SluttySarah069 [Ignore] 02,Oct,22 17:22 other posts 
Smae here - I love having a cock and balls and an arse that can be (and is0 fucked. I'd love bigger tits though.

By JustANormalGuy [Ignore] 01,Oct,22 14:20 other posts 
Read somewhere and no idea if true, male orgasm 5 seconds, female orgasm 23 seconds average .........

Is this true/possible?
By What-once-was [Ignore] 01,Oct,22 15:02 other posts 
Mine usually go on for like 5 to 15 seconds and the two female friends I've talked about it with say theirs are between 30 seconds and a minute on a really good one so I'd say there is something to that for sure.
Not only that, but women can have several of those in a row, in a short time.
The shortest period I have ever achieved was 10 minutes or so to the next one, but more often it's pretty clear that was it for today. I've heard of guys being multi-orgasmic like women, but I don't know if they are just lucky or that it's a skill that men can learn.
By What-once-was [Ignore] 02,Oct,22 13:15 other posts 
You can learn it, but it's more prostate orgasms rather than dick orgasms.
Not saying you need to be into anal (although a toy really helps), you can learn to massage it with you pelvic muscles and that can lead to orgasms.
They aren't like the shooting ejaculations that a dick orgasm is (at least not after the first one or two) but they are more drippy and body orientated rather than just around your dick.

By Dev01 [Ignore] 01,Oct,22 21:57 other posts 
No.... I don't want to be angry for 3 weeks of every month

By PITBULL [Ignore] 01,Oct,22 09:46 other posts 
I wish was born a girl because I could have the baby of the man I love.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 01,Oct,22 20:30 other posts 
That's brave! Having a baby is very low on my list of women's experiences,
that I would like to experience. It makes me happy I was born a man.
By PITBULL [Ignore] 01,Oct,22 20:36 other posts 
I only have the desire of my boyfriend of 5 yrs to have his baby. I love him very much. He is no longer around but the memory still there.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 01,Oct,22 20:47 other posts 
Ow wow, that's a special motivation. I'm sorry for your loss.
By PITBULL [Ignore] 01,Oct,22 20:49 other posts 
but the memories are a blessing for me

By Moench [Ignore] 01,Oct,22 17:24 other posts 
not for ever but one or two days to see how its feel to be a women. playing with my pussy my big titis and have sex with a big dick

By leopoldij [Ignore] 01,Oct,22 12:56 other posts 
The only reason for me to have been born a girl would be so that I could be so slutty. I'd be able to fuck anytime, rather than have to go through endless
negotiations and pretend I'm interested
in things other than fucking

By What-once-was [Ignore] 01,Oct,22 11:48 other posts 
The way I see it, this body is just what I'm driving right now rather than being an integral part of the "me" so I'm fine and either really but if I was given a 100% choice on what I was/had I would go with a female body with both sets of fully working junk and if I had to be one or the other then I think women look more aesthetically appealing and sure having a period each month would really suck but I think having a pussy would be worth it, they seem like more fun to have than a dick if I'm honest.

By curvy8 [Ignore] 01,Oct,22 07:44 other posts 
I am jealous of my gf because she can cum at least three times but for me it is only once.

By SLUT! [Ignore] 01,Oct,22 07:41 other posts 
No, if it isn't forbidden then it's no longer the sweetest.

By routemaster [Ignore] 30,Sep,22 23:06 other posts 
Never! I love being a man and a gay man too.

By #662360 06,Sep,22 03:38
I certainly don’t wish I was born a girl. But sometimes when I’m masturbating I fantasise from the girl’s position.
For example I imagine slowly undressing for him, posing nude in the kinky poses he likes while he runs his hand over my naked body, his hand ruffling my cunt bush and teasing my slit, then him having me in some exciting position. Sometimes I put on my wife’s panties to make that fantasy feel more real.
Do other guys have masturbation fantasies from the woman’s angle?

By Dev01 [Ignore] 05,Sep,22 20:04 other posts 
Fuck being cranky for 3 weeks of the month

By Richie [Ignore] 05,Sep,22 14:55 other posts 
It would be easier for me if I was born a girl. I don't want to be a girl. But sometimes I feel like a little girl inside. I don't want to be a grown woman, just a young, cute pretty little ballerina girl with blonde braids who wears pretty little pink dresses and curtsies when asked. Yeah I'm screwed up in the head.

By wombatboy [Ignore] 05,Sep,22 00:06 other posts 
Love being a guy but... as an exhibitionist girls have it all there are so many ways a girl can display herself from simply no underwear to full nude. Also a naked girl is never seen as threatening but a naked man is always assumed to be a pervert or ****

By #610414 20,Aug,22 09:25
So does this one
PA-FREDDY is a blind asshole. He complaines about the looks of women members. This poor excuse of a member has been blacklisted 91 times not counting all the members that left the site because of him. And you want to see what he looks like? Get your laugh here:


By PITBULL [Ignore] 19,Aug,22 20:09 other posts 
If I was born a woman I would have at least one child.

By #676980 14,Aug,22 15:37
I do because I am a sissy little cross dressing slut whore I love dick love getting used and abused by men

By #275407 02,Jul,18 19:24
I wish I was born both with a vagina and a working penis so I could enjoy both sexes
By #659439 19,Jun,22 21:18
Was a time when I was young I wanted to be
By Dev01 [Ignore] 19,Jun,22 21:23 other posts 
Codes, that would mean you could go fuck yourself
By #574505 19,Jun,22 21:50
By #275407 20,Jun,22 01:32
Now that's funny when someone would tell me to go fuck myself, I can say, "ok"
By Dev01 [Ignore] 20,Jun,22 02:40 other posts 

By knewbi [Ignore] 13,Jun,22 13:11 other posts 
No, not really. But had I been I am very sure that I would have been once hell of a slut!!

By nekekal [Ignore] 10,Jun,22 01:07 other posts 
I would have been a whore. Getting paid to get fucked. How great would that be? But I would probably be a ugly woman as I am not a fantastic guy.

By #667453 08,Jun,22 20:13
I love being a male

By #560692 01,Jul,18 05:06
Obviously I wish I was born a biological female

By #460385 11,Jun,18 14:50
I donetimes think itd ve a cool girl too.

By cardinal [Ignore] 30,May,18 16:28 other posts 
Being a woman you could practically almost choose to be both sexes at once while masturbating just projecting of the image would be more feminin alot of women probably like men more that way less hairy and more kids ass
By leopoldij [Ignore] 31,May,18 23:18 other posts 
 I'd rather say that being a woman you could almost  choose to be both practically sexes at while masturbating just once projecting of the image would be more alot of women feminin probably like more men  that way less hairy ass and more kids.
By #23212 31,May,18 23:37
(Although it's not 'politically correct to make fun of 'brain challenged' types.)
By leopoldij [Ignore] 31,May,18 23:57 other posts 
Excuse me sir, but
1) I made no fun of anyone, I just tried to understand by applying the rules of mathematical logic;
2) English is not my maternal tongue, I therefore apologize in advance for failing to abide to its grammatical and syntactical rules as precisely as your fellow American;
3) Political correctness is a disease and I therefore completely avoid it.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 01,Jun,18 00:26 other posts 
Proof of my claim number 3 follows:

What do you call a blonde who dyes her hair brown?
Artificial Intelligence.

What is black and screams?
Stevie Wonder answering the iron.

Politicians and diapers have one thing in common: they should both be changed regularly... and for the same reason.

Yo mama is so ugly when the devil saw her, he started praying.

Here's what they said when Pope Frank was chosen. We have a new Pope. The Vatican has chosen the first ever Argentinean Pope. So once again, a bunch of old white guys got a Hispanic to do a job they didn't want to do.
By #550094 01,Jun,18 23:43
and #3_3 is soOo true!

And, I friggin LOVE the Yo Mama jokes!
You should start a forum topic just for That!
By leopoldij [Ignore] 02,Jun,18 20:23 other posts 
Glad I amused you man.

However, going back to the original topic, let me remind you that cardinal spoke thus:

"Being a woman you could practically almost choose to be both sexes at once while masturbating just projecting of the image would be more feminin alot of women probably like men more that way less hairy and more kids ass "

I'm my attempt to understand (apologies, for English is not my native tongue) I rephrased, using the simpler English that I know, thus:

" I'd rather say that being a woman you could almost  choose to be both practically sexes at while masturbating just once projecting of the image would be more alot of women feminin probably like more men  that way less hairy ass and more kids. "

Do you think I understood correctly what cardinal said?
By #550094 02,Jun,18 23:22
I'm trying to read that over and over again,
but it seems to me that the cardinal might have
some sort of "broken English", because the way he
expressed his statement has me confused.
He's Argentinean, therefore I wonder how it originally
came across, from Him, in Spanish...
...perhaps it would make more sense to me in Spanish.

If his statement was translated through Google Translator,
we all know that Google is not so amazing at rebuilding
the translation into the proper grammar structure.

The Spanish language varies in dialect among many
Spanish-speaking countries.
Therefore my Puerto Rican Spanish slightly differs in
meanings and contexts from the Spanish that is spoken
in Argentina.
By #23212 08,Jun,18 00:52
I'm curious how you know that this SYD member, 'cardinal' is from Argentina.

Also, I do speak some Español, and I have found Google Translate to do a rather good job. It is much better when trying to translate something that is NOT 'retrasado'.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 08,Jun,18 08:30 other posts 
So what if he's from Argentina. The word order in a Spanish sentence is SVO: jo hago lo que quiero. Same order in English. I do what I like. And in French. Je fais c'est que je veux. And in German. And in Swedish. And in Portuguese.
--------------------------------------- added after 16 seconds

--------------------------------------- added after 27 seconds

But not in Japanese.
By #550094 10,Jun,18 02:05
You misspelled the Spanish word for "I" as 'jo'.
In Spanish, it's yo.

In the Spanish language, most of the time the J is
pronounced as an "H" (like "huh").
Example: Jorge, in English is George... in this
Spanish name, the 'g' is also pronounced as an "H".

Sometimes the J is pronounced as a "G" if the
Spanish male person has an English first name,
like "Jerry", "Johnny" or "Jimmy"; and the female
person's name is "Jenny"...

..."Jasmine" is a rare case, because the J can be
pronounced as a "G"; or as a "Y" uttered with an
almost-inaudible "g" before it (gYasmine) depending
on the vocal accent of the Spanish person who is
pronouncing the name Jasmine.

Just a lil Spanish lesson here.


Now, back to that Cardinal guy... all this time
I was under the impression that he was an actual
Cardinal, like a prieest!
Now I've come to learn that he's a SYD member! LOL

Y'all had me going there for a good while, Thanks!
By leopoldij [Ignore] 10,Jun,18 08:50 other posts 
Ah yes, I know. Of COURSE I made a mistake bit, to my defence, I as writing in Swedish a few moments earlier. I am = jag är , in Swedish and the g is silent making the jag be pronounced more or less as yo. Mea culpa, of course. Thanks for spotting it.
By #550094 10,Jun,18 01:48
Wait a second..... he is a SYD MEMBER???

But I---- HOLY SHYYYIIIIT, here I was thinking we were
talking about an actual Cardinal, a CARDINAL, as in,

And I thought his statement was from a news media article,
or an interview!!!

WOW! Me thinks me has been jerking off TOO much!
By leopoldij [Ignore] 10,Jun,18 08:51 other posts 
He MAY be a priest. When was the last time you heard a priest talk? They make absolutely no sense.
By #550094 11,Jun,18 10:06
And, they make absolutely no noise either,
when they

Otherwise the Vatican would be in a wide-spread panic!

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