Do you use a Cum Sock?

started at 02,Sep,23 03:46

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As a man with a big horny penis that needs frequent attention I find myself masturbating at least once a day. When I don’t have a bottom to dump it in, my load goes in my trusty cum sock. I figured if I’m busting so frequently I don’t want Wipes and Tissues to go to waste on all my cum. The problem with wipes and tissues is they can rip and leak or get caught in my foreskin, such a pain.
This is where my cum sock comes in handy, absorbent and durable for a frequent masturbator. When I’m jerking off and need to shoot my load I insert my penis into the sock and let loose without worry of cleanup. After a few loads it gets smelly and super gross so you wash quickly and good as new.
I’m wondering why more people don’t do it though? Super efficient to have a trusty cum catcher, just as long as you wash. Saves trees too! 😂.

Want to know if you guys use one too and will you use one now maybe?

I always use a cum sock! Just like you Nick!
I use it sometimes or have used a sock once or twice.
No. I’ve never used a cum sock.
I’ve never used a cum sock but I’ll try it now!

Total Votes:65

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