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my cock always points down

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my cock always points down

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By #127566 13,Nov,14 20:27
Nice cock!
By nekekal 07,May,18 12:47
Thank you.
By #636724 01,Mar,22 13:13
By nekekal 01,Mar,22 13:22
Thank you.

By #446697 16,Feb,15 23:35
Hot cock!!
By nekekal 22,Feb,15 15:28
Thank you.

By #476791 02,Oct,15 22:53
By nekekal 20,Nov,15 16:17
Thank you.

By #366252 18,Feb,16 10:03
By nekekal 24,Feb,16 13:34
Lol, I have heard that before, but I promise to be gentle and will stop if we hit bottom.

By #484484 08,Jun,16 16:47
great cock.
By nekekal 09,Jun,16 00:40

By tb1 04,Jul,16 13:56
Gr8 dick
By tb1 18,May,19 14:14
I’ll bet it’s succulent too
By nekekal 18,May,19 14:52
I have been told that it is suckulent.
By tb1 19,May,19 01:44

By ali1 26,Dec,17 10:12
perfect tool
By nekekal 28,Dec,17 02:16
Thank you. You have nice cock pictures.

By #549595 02,Mar,18 17:51
I can think of a lot of things I'd like to do with your beautiful cock.
By nekekal 02,Mar,18 19:37
My cock loves attention. There are a lot of things my cock would like done to it.

By andiknall 12,Mar,18 09:08

By stefan123 19,Mar,18 08:21
aone awesome dick
By nekekal 19,Mar,18 13:44
Thank you.

By #484484 07,May,18 11:57
that is a tremendous cock.

By #556510 14,May,18 19:59
micky uk
yes love the way a guys cock points down wards when
on ones knees to suck cock rather than pointing upper most
great looking cock yep
By nekekal 15,May,18 12:57
Thank you

By cut1972 02,Jun,19 06:26
nice cutcock!
By nekekal 02,Jun,19 11:34
Thank you.

By Funwhole 30,Aug,19 13:58
I'm in sandpoint will you fuck me?
By nekekal 31,Aug,19 23:01
Thanks for the offer. Probably not, but I will think about it.

By #526336 04,Dec,19 14:37
Mmm so hot! I'd love to ride your cock
By nekekal 04,Dec,19 16:26
Thank you. I would love to have you on my cock. Sliding down, tightly filling yourself up. Riding like the wind catching the hot jet of cum.

By anonymous 10,Apr,20 20:03
it looks a lot like my dick, mine has 7 and a half inches for 6 inch thick ,,, tells me the size of your beautiful cock so I jerk off for you,,,, ,,, petering
By nekekal 11,Apr,20 13:31
You are right, my cock is similar to yours. About 7 1//2 long. Some days maybe a bit longer. And about 6 1/3 inches around at the head. The head is the biggest part. The shaft is a bit wider in one spot, but it is not cylindrical at that point. Much thinner than it is across.

Thanks for asking.

By kneelsoften 15,Apr,20 16:35
That is the perfect angle for a cocksucker kneeling in front of you. I'd love to hold my lips tight around the base of your cock while I give it a hug with my throat muscles. I feel completely controlled by a dick when it is all the way down my throat.

By NICALEX69 27,Apr,20 13:27
Great nice cock
By nekekal 27,Apr,20 13:50
Thank you.

By sigma30 24,Jun,20 02:32
looks awesome!
By nekekal 24,Jun,20 02:44
Thank you.

By #620471 07,Jul,20 12:44
OMG I bet it feels and tastes as awesome as it looks!
By nekekal 07,Jul,20 13:41
I know it would feel good for me. Hopefully you would enjoy it.

By #620471 07,Jul,20 12:46
That's a mouthful that I would enjoy for a VERY long time!
By nekekal 07,Jul,20 13:41
One can only hope.

By #533479 28,Aug,20 06:50
It's a beautiful big penis

By olmano 03,Oct,20 01:56

By NICALEX69 17,Oct,20 01:14
Lovely cock
By nekekal 17,Oct,20 01:17
Thank you.
By NICALEX69 17,Oct,20 01:19
You are welcome !
By nekekal 17,Oct,20 13:16

By rocket1 27,Feb,21 19:12
I need some of that!
By nekekal 27,Feb,21 19:30
I would hope to give you all of it. Maybe twice.

By Poohbear 19,Sep,21 08:24
I’ll bet I could make your cock stand up straight!!!!!
By nekekal 19,Sep,21 14:37
I doubt it. But I would love to let you try. Achingly hard gets almost to horizontal.

By stefan123 23,Jan,22 12:53
one awesome dick
By nekekal 23,Jan,22 14:20
Thank you.

By #655976 22,Apr,22 04:48
Would love to suck and then swallow your load
By nekekal 22,Apr,22 13:56
Trust me on this. I would love to have you suck my cock and swallow my cum.

By buchanan 04,May,22 14:30
You are really 74? Women must love your bad boy.
By nekekal 04,May,22 16:12
Really 74. And most women hate it. I only ever met one woman that was excited about fucking it and could take it all in balls deep.

Almost everyone else fucked the first half if they could get it in, rode it woman on top for a bit, then got off and used their hand to make me cum. Good news, no one got pregnant. Bad news, almost no one came back for seconds.
By buchanan 04,May,22 16:15
I thought women wanted a big cock like yours.
By nekekal 04,May,22 16:25
There must be a few who do. But mostly the desirability of a big cock is male myth.

A womans cunt is not actually very long. Typically 4 to 6 inches. They stretch somewhat and can get longer when aroused, but at the end they have a cervix which is pretty sensitive. Very few women like the cervix punched and very few can accommodate an 8 inch cock.

Width wise the cunt can stretch a lot and it feels good to them. The best cock would about 6 inches long and kind of fat.

But mine is too long And too fat.
By buchanan 04,May,22 16:27
But you have a porn star cock! Women are always saying they want a big one. Shit, I have always been self conscious about my small cock.
By nekekal 04,May,22 17:32
I should have been in porn. In my do over life I would be. Use my natural talent. Or attributes. I think that I have the perfect cock for porn. Big head, arrow straight, and hard most of the time.

Unfortunately, in real life, women find it painful. When I first started to fuck some women, they all either wanted to get on top or suck it. I thought that the way everyone fucked was with the woman on top. I really liked it, but they did it so that they could control the depth of penetration, and the speed that it went in. A lot of women just took one look and decided to suck it instead. But no deep throating. Mostly just trying to get the head in their mouth
By nekekal 04,May,22 17:33
You have a nice cock.
By buchanan 05,May,22 11:21
At 74, you have no problems getting it up? No problem getting hard and off? I am 64 and wonder how long I have left before it doesn't work anymore.
By nekekal 05,May,22 13:32
I would probably be happier if it was a problem getting it up. It seems like it is always hard and demanding attention. I have gotten that I masturbate nearly every morning in the shower so it behaves all day.
By buchanan 05,May,22 13:33
I keep expecting my cock to stop responding but like you, always horny and masturbating every day. Maybe I should use pros.
By nekekal 05,May,22 13:39
Pros? I would like to find some cunt rentals. It would be so good to stick it into a nice warm cunt. It won't work forever. It seems nobody wants to fuck an old guy.
By buchanan 05,May,22 13:41
A pro will fuck an old guy for money. But it's very difficult these days to find a pro much less a reliable safe one.
By nekekal 05,May,22 13:44
Yeah. That has been my problem. I have been unable to find one in the area that I live in. Rural. Otherwise I would be a regular customer.
By buchanan 05,May,22 13:46
Despite the bad rep, Craigs List was good. But all such sites where you can find someone reasonable and local have been banned. Can't even find a massage parlor for a happy ending.
By nekekal 05,May,22 13:50
Yes. Before the border closed to canada there were a few women who travel down here from canada and advertized on craigslist. But now it is a fucking wasteland. I would travel but the wife won't let me go alone. She doesn't fuck, suck, or even touch me.
By buchanan 05,May,22 13:52
Worthless wife! There used to be a reliable place where I could fuck Asian girls but everything changed and now you can't find anything.
By nekekal 05,May,22 14:06
true. Hope springs eternal. Otherwise what is the use. I don't care about ethnic origin. Anything with a warm cunt would be fine.

True, the wife is worthless.
By buchanan 05,May,22 14:07
I have fucked all types. For some strange reason, many black women have wanted to be fucked by me.
By nekekal 05,May,22 16:20
I only got the chance to fuck one black woman. Tall, leggy woman.. She liked to say that women were all the same size in the horizontal and the same color inside. And she was right. Nice and tight too.

Otherwise I am mostly fucker of white women. No reasons why. I would put my cock into anyone willing.

By decatur212 12,May,22 14:09
He is a very good looking Fellow mate
By nekekal 12,May,22 14:15
Thank you.

By Reduncut 16,Jul,22 17:54
Lovely dick and balls guy
By nekekal 16,Jul,22 17:57
Thank you.

By HairyHank 01,Aug,22 15:16
Looks heavy!

By johnwish 12,Feb,23 05:38
Nice big mature cock!
By nekekal 12,Feb,23 14:25
Thank you. It is that.

By Just4Fun69 06,Apr,23 12:42
Great Looking Cock!
By nekekal 06,Apr,23 13:17

By SonOfSodom 12,Jul,23 19:56
I would flick my tongue up & down; in & out of you until I could TASTE that preciously hot SEMEN.
By nekekal 13,Jul,23 00:47
Yes. Please. Hot tongue soon hot cum.

By chris51 31,Aug,23 11:35
By nekekal 31,Aug,23 11:50
Thank you. I enjoyed the pictures on your page.

By NICALEX69 12,Oct,23 01:26
Great cock ! I love it
By nekekal 12,Oct,23 12:50
Thank you. It is always nice to be appreciated. I wish that you could see it in person.

By Poohbear 16,Oct,23 15:59
Nice fat cock I’m sure I will enjoy sliding up and down on it😀😀
By nekekal 16,Oct,23 17:02
I would love to have you enjoy my cock. It would be awesome to have you get the head into your cunt and slide down to my balls.

By JackinKing 09,Mar,24 15:29
Nice cock buddy!
By nekekal 09,Mar,24 16:10
Thank you.

By anonymous 21,Mar,24 22:12
I'm sucking you and I'm going to make you so hard you're going to ask for more and more ,, ,, petering
By nekekal 21,Mar,24 22:46
Please. More and more.

By SonOfSodom 09,May,24 21:38
I would suck you very nicely and swallow all of your Seed.
By nekekal 09,May,24 22:07
Perfect. Any time would be good.
By SonOfSodom 10,May,24 01:30
You would love my Mouth. Your Penis would spit Sperm so forcefully into my mouth after I had teased you with my Lips & Tongue for so long. You would not be able to help yourself. I would swallow your Sperm. Then you would fall asleep with your Penis resting inside of my Mouth and Piss while my Lips were still wrapped around your Head. I would swallow as much as I could of your Urination and allow the rest to spill out from the sides of my Cheeks.

By footluvr2010 05,Aug,24 22:20
You have a great looking cock
By nekekal 06,Aug,24 11:19
Thank you. It is always nice to be appreciated.

By SACO 09,Oct,24 04:25
very nice cock big head
By nekekal 09,Oct,24 12:13
Thank you. You have a pretty nice cock yourself. I don't think mine has ever been limp for that long though. I get mine out and it gets hard.

By Loverdanld 13,Nov,24 15:04
Awesome cock! I'm not gay. But I think I'm bi. I've never been with a man, but I'm thinking about it. I think I could give a guy a good handjob, and a gentle blowjob. I don't think I'd do anal. But I would give anal. This one guy one here I was talking to told me, around a gay, or bi guy, I'd just have to whip my dick out, and the fun would start. He said with a cock like mine I could get any gay, or bi guy to suck my dick. I've never tried. I'm thinking I want to. It's so hard to find a woman. I think being with a guy might be awesome.
By nekekal 14,Nov,24 14:09
It is hard to find women. I would even pay them if I could find one. In texas you could get a "full body" massage where they would finish by jacking you off. That is a great relaxer. Lol. In Nevada you can just rent a woman for whatever you want. I was in germany, with the wife so it was a sexless trip, but found that in brothels there, you can pay a flat fee for the night. Like $100 a night and they will fuck, suck, and jack you all night as many times as you can stand.
By Loverdanld 14,Nov,24 14:29
That sounds cool. It's been a while since I've tasted a pussy. I love the taste. Love playing with the lips, and I love the hood on the clip. Love lifting it up and reviling that little button. Flick that bean girl! Turns me on watching a woman masturbate. I love jurk of instruction videos too. Especially when they mastubate while talking dirty. I love dirty talk. But I'm a writer, so I love description, and stories.

By juppy 09,Dec,24 19:33

By Cutejeans 18,Dec,24 11:06
Nice cock!
By nekekal 18,Dec,24 13:38
Thank you.

By Thickermushroom 21,Dec,24 08:33
That’s a nice big cock!
By nekekal 21,Dec,24 13:35
Thank you. It is pretty big and I like it.

By Cutejeans 06,Jan,25 21:31
Love your cock! wish it was deep in my butt right now!
By nekekal 06,Jan,25 22:21

By Sojamon 19,Feb,25 03:35
Perfect penis
By nekekal 19,Feb,25 12:32
Thank you. I wish more people wanted it.
By Sojamon 20,Feb,25 02:41
I could do so much with it
By nekekal 20,Feb,25 12:30

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