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You are uncut so is that common in Iceland as a foreskin wou

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You are uncut so is that common in Iceland as a foreskin wou

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By #542930 18,Apr,18 04:00
You are uncut so is that common in Iceland as a foreskin would keep your cock warm. I am happy to volunteer to cum over to you & suck your cock so as to keep it warm.
By gradurgaur 25,Apr,18 16:42
Yes most men in Iceland are uncut is very good because it can be very cold in iceland in winter time

you are always welcome to visit

By #542930 28,Apr,18 03:50
I expect that a foreskin is good to keep your cock warm but I could keep it warm for you anytime but I am too far away

By palsss 06,May,21 17:51
Sexy dick

By PeterPeter 09,Feb,23 21:31
I like your cock
I like how you can see the outline of your big head through your foreskin

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