Hello, all my dear ones.
I wanted to put up a thread here as more of my friends will see it here than anywhere else, and I can offer more detail.
My mother has been diagnosed with a rapidly-progressing dementia. It's like a combo of Alzheimer's Disease and Parkinson's Disease. She's been in and out of the hospital, and I've been traveling a lot. It's been devastating to me as she's very unsafe at home, but I can neither move in with her or take her in with me, and as long as she's deemed competent (she may be in the few moments when the docs evaluate her, but she clearly is not when she is at home), she has the choices. I have Adult Protective Services involved, and I fought to get her the right diagnosis. They, at APS, agree that she is unsafe at home, but our hands are tied at this juncture. It is breaking my heart in two.
Also, I got my first foreclosure warning. It looks like I'm losing my house as of the beginning of February.
And any guys who were prospective boyfriends fell through, and the one guy I had been seeing on and off (dick suck guy) and I are through completely.
My own health has deteriorated significantly. I have a rare immune disease that is going without treatment as I don't have access to it (financially or otherwise). And I have long-term Lyme Disease and co-infections (one like malaria)--for those not in North America, I believe it's called Tick Borreliosis--and a newer infection, but due to the immune problem couldn't tolerate the treatments. I've been flirting with death for awhile (not on purpose!!!).
All the trips have caused my widespread pain and stiffness to get worse, and I am so fatigued. I'm not getting many things done, and that includes being able to keep up with messages and comments here.
I love you guys (and women!) I hope I can be here more soon. It's just so fucking nuts right now.
Lyme disease is nasty but not fatal.
As for`friends`their are true ones while the guys you have had abuse it by getting their dick sucked, you letting them fuck you then vanish at the slightest problem.
Both get pleasure but the friendship is sexual.
Think positive and the future will come good.
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