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The Pissy Rant-Fairy: A Tale of SYD Terror

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick   [Drama Queens Fighting section]

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Started by #89828 [Ignore] 07,Jul,12 13:26
(I heard this story from a neighbor, who heard it from his cousin’s plumber, so it must be true.)

Legend says that the Pissy Rant-Fairy is a warped, twisted and humorless creature that lurks in the shadows of SYD; haunting the discussion forum with rambling, raving comments laced with accusation, innuendo and barely concealed disdain. Victims of Pissy Rant-Fairy attacks report that it claims to have an agenda, but that its message is always lost due to the condescending and insulting nature of its barely coherent lectures. Though the PRF pays no regard to the feelings of its victims, it takes great offense when it feels that its reputation has been called into question, and has been observed to fly into a snitty, little tantrum when called on its odious behavior.
No one has actually ever seen the Pissy Rant-Fairy…photos do not exist, but it is rumored that the PRF was once a normal human , and that some life-event (perhaps terminally bunched panties) caused it to believe that it was superior to all others. Its fractured psyche drives it to cast aspersions and look down its nose at others. Its victims are left confused, irritated and offended by the puddle of self-righteous contempt it leaves in its wake.
Beware! No one knows when the Pissy Rant-Fairy will swoop down to strike, though the legend reveals that saying “anal sex” three times in the forum is almost certain to summon this dark creature from the underworld…

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By #220845 07,Jul,12 14:55
cool story

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