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pubic hair for men

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

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Started by #272163 [Ignore] 07,Dec,12 02:41
i dont know how many times ive talked about this but it is really getting old.Why the hell dont all men especially gay shave their pubic hair off. You know guys it is more comen and far sexier to see a pussy with no hair. all pubic hair does is collect piss and other srong smells wich are not that great to sex anyway.if women can do it we should to like me.I never have hair on my dick or balls and i like to lookk at it daily because it is so sexy.I found this sight looking for shaved dick and there are some nice ones but come on guys just try it and you will see how much easier it is to take care of and how much prettier it looks. bald dick should be a new and exciting thing just like pussy was long ago. all in all pubic hair is ugly stinks and is not sexy what so ever.Shave that fucking shit off please because it is discusting and no one likes hair in thier throats

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By Gntlmn [Ignore] 18,Apr,24 11:22 other posts 
You buttfuck dead babies much?

By #711401 18,Apr,24 09:56
Smooth and hairless for me.

By Greenman1968 [Ignore] 15,Mar,24 17:09 other posts 
I prefer pubic hair on men and women. I shave my balls so they don't itch.

By ScottsCock [Ignore] 06,Mar,24 09:54 other posts 

My contribution to the no-hair club for men

By annarowe [Ignore] 06,Mar,24 06:56 other posts 

Simply trimmed

By #710451 28,Feb,24 15:25
[deleted image]

Mine is shaved

By Wrath [Ignore] 27,Feb,24 20:33 other posts 
I definitely prefer shaved cocks

By Alwaysnude [Ignore] 22,Feb,24 12:50 other posts 
I trim totry to makeme look bigger

By jocstfr [Ignore] 02,Nov,14 17:28 other posts 
I say to each his own but I like to keep a little triangle
By LGA6969 [Ignore] 09,Jul,21 18:20 other posts 
It’s like a toupee
By #711006 22,Feb,24 09:38
that is sexy

By #710894 22,Feb,24 08:02
I like a young, natural dude. I say “young” because as we age we tend to become more like an overgrown, scraggly field than a lush, healthy lawn. And then you get together to service this young dude at the end of a long, stressful day, and the marinated smorgasbord that lies before you is a treat in itself.

By exhibit [Ignore] 05,Feb,24 12:51 other posts 

Smooth balls, cock and ass. The rest if just trimmed to minimize the rug look.

By Dobka_Bottom [Ignore] 26,Jan,24 11:06 other posts 
Love to be smooth always

By Lik2play [Ignore] 26,Jan,24 10:32 other posts 
I live in South Central Kansas an I work out side every day. Ticks can be a problem for me . Ticks will crawl up my legs an bite in my crotch an I couldn't see them with all the hair. So I started shaving about 15 years ago an been shaving ever since. I keep it shave most all the time, ladies like it to . An I like

By casado [Ignore] 16,Jan,24 10:20 other posts 

--------------------------------------- added after 34 seconds

amo quando minha esposa chupa minhas bolas lisinhas.

By #591921 29,Nov,21 20:20
I just go get waxed once a month and let a hot lady wax mine away. It's fun and its clean and it opens me to a more sensitive endowment and ladies arent strangled with hair.
By Komp122 [Ignore] 30,Nov,21 16:59 other posts 
That is great

By Komp122 [Ignore] 24,Nov,21 01:24 other posts 
[deleted image]
--------------------------------------- added after 14 seconds

Shaved is the best
By LGA6969 [Ignore] 24,Nov,21 17:43 other posts 
I’ll say it is. It’s shows off your pkg. nicely
By Komp122 [Ignore] 25,Nov,21 00:55 other posts 
Thank you

By LGA6969 [Ignore] 24,Nov,21 17:45 other posts 
[deleted image]
I like to keep it trimmed most of the time

By SluttySarah069 [Ignore] 24,Nov,21 11:51 other posts 
I always keep mine trimmed - better chance of avoiding crabs!

By leopoldij [Ignore] 23,Nov,21 21:31 other posts 
I shave my balls because I like my girl to lick them and she likes to lick when shaved. This is a good reason.

By #655567 23,Nov,21 19:29
I trim mine up..Doesn't matter if you shave trim or let it grow all I care about is the end product THICK NICE CREAM....

By #652988 22,Nov,21 00:43
I think it looks better shaved
By #463848 23,Nov,21 10:40
It feels better too. If I don't shave mine, my pubic hair gets caught under the foreskin when it is soft.
By #631189 23,Nov,21 19:01
Same problem here!

By yoursINmine [Ignore] 23,Nov,21 12:43 other posts 
Love a big hairy man, love the smell, the look, turns me on. So long as there is some personal hygiene give him to me raw and hairy

By #652316 17,Oct,21 04:20
[deleted image]

I surely do not shave!

By #645870 11,Jul,21 07:01
So which one looks more appealing?

[deleted image]

[deleted image]
By spermkiss [Ignore] 11,Jul,21 11:54 other posts 
Honestly, that's really a tough call. I usually don't go for hairy men, but yours sure does look good on you. So the completely natural photo looks really good. It doesn't hurt that your have a strikingly attractive dick and balls. I downloaded this photo and put it in my Penis Portraits file.

On the other hand your shave is really sexy. You have such thick, dark hair on your chest, abdomen and legs that the contrast with your smooth, hairless play area is stunning. As the old expression goes, you don't see much grass on a playground. Again, I downloaded this photo.
--------------------------------------- added after 8 minutes

As an addendum, I've got to ask if you've ever done a full body shave? 'Just wondered. With hair as thick as yours that would be a monumental task, but I'd be happy to help you. I ask because in your shaved photo the skin looks nice and clean and smooth without any trace of shaving bumps. So a full body shave is viable.

By doedeldi [Ignore] 11,Jul,21 06:54 other posts 
Never shave.

By #613564 10,Jul,21 04:51
OK ****!
Maybe a lot of straight guys don't shave, because their ladies don't like the idea of sex with a Toddler!
**** kids, don't have hair, so how creepy is that, that you want guys to shave clean, and others think women should, too!
By #535408 10,Jul,21 06:56
Completely agree. The origin poster is long gone and I believe everyone is entitled to thier opinion so I'll share mine. Who ever originally created this thread this was a complete dumbass

By #631189 09,Jul,21 18:36
Wow, lots of pube anger there. Personally I keep mine clippered really short (fellow foreskin owners will understand!) but each to their own!

By #645870 09,Jul,21 17:44


I go either way depending on how I feel.

By #643024 29,May,21 15:06
I love to be shaved but agree that once it starts to grow again it can be troublesome and cause irritation. Atthe moment i have hair but it will soon be time to shave again, I guess you could say that I can't make up my mind

By phart [Ignore] 24,May,21 19:43 other posts 
the right side of my balls and crotch were shaved to fix a testicular torsion when I young. when that started growing back I was constantly scratching my croch. NO way in hell would I shave it clean. All I do is wash and clean myself in the shower and let it grow and be natural.Now, on the other hand if I had someone getting close enough to my dick that the hair was a distraction,If they wanted to TRIM, the hairs, no problem.trim it abit.BUT no no shaving.Eheh.
By #643120 25,May,21 22:25
Oh yeah, I was sharing a communal bathroom when I was in a school dormatory. Got the dreaded sabre tooth crotch crickets and had to shave (It was required of everyone in the dorm). I vowed NEVER again was I going to shave and suffer through that three weeks or longer hell!

By #643120 25,May,21 22:23
Not trying to be rude, but if you are finding people with pee in their hair, their sorta dirty. I dont have that problem, the women I am with dont have that problem. Nor with odors either. I will say, I think guy or gal looks better with hair and women, especially everywhere.

By #275407 24,May,21 19:58
Phart, I'm not into smells, I personally like clean washed nice smelling, I'm not into smelly unclean, but that's just me, to each his own.

By #638707 24,May,21 16:06
I shave mine very often

By #562152 05,Dec,18 15:29
As a woman, I do like a trimmed man, just for the look, but, this is something that the owner of the "bush" has the only say so. This country, for the last 70 yrs, has gone nuts over the natural smells and looks of the human body. When my man gets in bed with me I like to smell his heady, masculine scent and i know he likes mine.

By #557060 05,Dec,18 13:31
Honestly, i highly disagree with your post.
Preference is a subjective matter and as such, something that is enjoyable to you, may in fact not be to others.

The whole trend in shaved pussies came from the atribution of beauty to youth, and so, since younger women had less pubic hair, shaving became the norm.

I personally find hair on women to be a sign of maturity, and an acceptable amount of it is a positive for me, taking in consideration the overall appearance of the vagina (some pussies are better looking than others, and some do look better with a bit of hair).

Myself, i shave every three months, more as a higiene concern than anything else. I don't let my pubes get thicker than a few centimeters, since otherwise i tend to consider it a sign of poor higiene (as hair is just another surface for the body to concentrate natural oils, sweat and flakes of dead skin).

On the appeal side, i think it has to do with preference, on the site there are plenty of overly chubby guys with thick bushes (which makes their dicks look like the head of a thumb poking out of a plant) and that personally is a lame choice, slim men do benefit from shaving, specially if their member size is above average compared to the body, these mentioned before as well can sport some hair, since it won't affect the display of the penis, which is different from fat guys, since they look more fat shaved, and a layer of hair hides the fat, just remember that it all depends on personal opinion, and that's mine.

By Gntlmn [Ignore] 05,Dec,18 08:50 other posts 


By wycowboy [Ignore] 05,Dec,18 08:20 other posts 
Shave it if you like but I am leaving my bush alone. Showering and washing it every day keeps the smell down and, honestly, I have never noticed a strange smell coming from my pubes, or my wifes which is unshaved since she grew it 40 some years ago.

By #480031 04,Dec,18 22:50
What a horrible nasty man. Glad he has left this site! I happen to prefer natural pubes, but if people want to shave them off that's their business.

By #545468 13,Nov,18 23:08
I agree ... Shave it off. Nothing ruins a great blowjob more than having to deal with pubes. Also feels great to have a shaved groin slap against your ass when you're being fucked

By hotlicker69 [Ignore] 18,Apr,17 20:15 other posts 
I have a hairy chest so shaving complety wouldnt look right but i do keep everything very neatly trimmed [deleted image]

By #532987 17,Apr,17 21:20
Interesting how everyone is different. I have been bald pubes since my first visit to Club Hedonism in Jamaica twenty years ago. Bald pubes and ball sack contribute to elevated sensation and sensitivity. I find looking and admiring a beautiful dick and shaved tight ball sack more astetically pleasing to the eye. For practical reasons I prefer to lick, kiss and nibble on a ball sack sans hair. Bald provides more pleasure to the person I am attending to and more taste and flavor for me. Regarding females I also disagree. My wife doesn't shave her pubes or pits s my request. Her hair captures her feminine essence and retains the fragrance and flavor that arouses me to almost instantaneously seeking orgasmic release

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