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Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by BALLZDIXNCLITZ [Ignore] 03,Jan,13 09:46  other posts
What is with some people who post pics on this site that have NOTHING to do with exhibitionism, voyeurism, or anything at all to do with SEX!?
What are you thinking posting pics of animals, cars, motorcycles, or even city skylines of buildings? These are not people or their bodies! WTF?!

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By BALLZDIXNCLITZ [Ignore] 04,Jan,13 14:34 other posts 
See also: "CATEGORIES"!!!

By #284666 03,Jan,13 10:38
I guess that's my que to insert a gratuitous beaver shot, alas I can't give a red rats ass to be motivated. BTW, there's nothing in the site rules that state people have to post pic's of their crotch salami or hoohoo. What what eva! I do what I want.
By BALLZDIXNCLITZ [Ignore] 04,Jan,13 14:30 other posts 
I make no implications that we should be limited in our expression; merely that judgement be used and post in appropriate subject heading. This is the reason for categories! That way, if you wish to see specific body parts, that's what you look for. If you want more personal interests ( which I sometimes do if I want to get to know someone more on a personal level), you can seek their page, "not categorized" category, "miscelanious",or even private uploads.

Someone who wishes to post here, but does so only with images irrelevant to the subject heading, and does not take time to understand the majority of the reason for this site ( namely, to share images of bodies) clogs up the system for others.

My point being: there's nothing wrong with posting what you wish, just be appropriate what is posted where. You wouldn't seek a site intended for architecture to find penis pictures. You wouldn't generally seek a site dedicated to sewing to find tips for your golf game in a forest.

Freedom of expression is a wonderful thing!!! But a city skyline is not a pussy! And a clock is not a cock!

It's just sensible to be appropriate for the subject!

By bella! [Ignore] 03,Jan,13 10:59 other posts 
If you get tired of looking at dicks and pussies, please feel free to visit my page. I have a picture of the Windsor, Canada skyline, the GM Renaissance Center, the headquarters in Detroit, Michigan *AND* a picture of White Castles, Roseville, Michigan.
By BALLZDIXNCLITZ [Ignore] 03,Jan,13 11:05 other posts 
Yes. They are interesting pics. And appreciate sharing part of your life. But, you don't post them as "Pussies", correct? That's my point.
You're Awesome, BELLA!
By #218130 03,Jan,13 14:58

By #316049 03,Jan,13 10:46
With only 50k members to view our pics (the reason why us posters joined and post), I reckon we should take all the members we can get (that aren't haters/abusive or underage)
--------------------------------------- added after 0 hours

After all, tose pics can't appear on the 2 main pages and canonly be found by searching through profiles
By bella! [Ignore] 03,Jan,13 10:54 other posts 
No, there are sub headings and catagories.
By #68656 03,Jan,13 11:02
Every one of my pictures including those of the dogs can be seen publically and also in my galleries. They are placed in their respective appropriate categories.
Just for interest over the years I have received quite a few PM`s commenting on the dogs and have met several fellow dachshund owners with whom I keep in touch.
By #218130 03,Jan,13 14:53
By #218130 03,Jan,13 14:53
That's my point!

By #68656 03,Jan,13 10:34
My dogs had a read of that, their eyes glowed with both amazement and amusement.

[deleted image]
By BALLZDIXNCLITZ [Ignore] 03,Jan,13 11:02 other posts 
John, I like you. You're a level-headed guy! And you are also intelligent! Enough to know that there is nothing wrong with posting pics of your dogs or funny situations ... in the CORRECT categories! You would certainly not post the above pic as "Recently submitted PUSSIES" or "Piercings"! Those who look at your page and interact with you learn much of you. It is good to get to know more about someone like you and what your life is about.
I'm sure you have the pups in "misc" category and not "Tits" either. You understand.

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