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Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick   [Drama Queens Fighting section]

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Started by bella! [Ignore] 02,Apr,13 18:51  other posts
I encourage and welcome you to say what you want to say about whatever you want to, right here. Anything/Everything goed, say something.......

WARNING: You, your views and/or opinions may be attacked.

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By #396572 03,Oct,13 07:41
If Superman is super and Wonder Woman is wonderful, what`s the outlook for Batman?
By #201583 03,Oct,13 11:23
He's just plain old batty.

By #136427 03,Oct,13 07:59
I like to jerk off, and cum all over my self. However after I have popped I always wish I didnt cum all over my self. I squirt so much dometimes I need to shower to clean it all off...

By bella! [Ignore] 02,Oct,13 19:18 other posts 
I believe that there are just as many SYD members that have "monthly cycles" as there are SYC members......maybe more!

By bella! [Ignore] 01,Oct,13 10:28 other posts 
I just received a PM with a picture of a puckered up asshole and a hairy pussy. Uh, gee thanks.
By bigguy [Ignore] 01,Oct,13 11:47 other posts 
Wasn't mine! If I get one like that I probably wouldn't mind it would not be the 1st time.

By bella! [Ignore] 01,Oct,13 07:58 other posts 
Where da party at?

By bella! [Ignore] 30,Sep,13 13:11 other posts 
Who is a Libra?
By #288235 30,Sep,13 13:56
I m
By bella! [Ignore] 30,Sep,13 16:30 other posts 
By #396572 30,Sep,13 15:52
me, balanced, emotional, deep....
By Ray10754 [Ignore] 30,Sep,13 16:02 other posts 
I am oct 7
By bella! [Ignore] 30,Sep,13 16:36 other posts 
Seriously Ray, your birthday is 10-07? Let me guess, will you be 49?
By bella! [Ignore] 30,Sep,13 16:33 other posts 
To bigg, me too. Based on some members here, I would also have to add bitch to that list. Your birthday is when?
By Ray10754 [Ignore] 30,Sep,13 18:13 other posts 
Yes Bella 10/7 is the day I was born! LOL Ahh to be 49 again and know what I know now! I wish! 59 is the magic number this year
By Sickboy [Ignore] 30,Sep,13 16:53 other posts 
Aries, all the way!! ....
By bella! [Ignore] 30,Sep,13 17:05 other posts 
Crazy man!

By bella! [Ignore] 30,Sep,13 18:03 other posts 
Is it possible? Could it be? Will our Federal Government shutdown at 12:01/00:01 and come to a complete standstill?

By #427069 25,Sep,13 01:47
I'm making an offer "Who wants a gift?!"...Everyone should receive some, I had 92 points yesterday, now it's 55 and still going. Think of deleting the profile after running out of them...
By bella! [Ignore] 25,Sep,13 03:33 other posts 
There's no point of sending people gifts if you are going to delete your profile. When you delete your profile any gift you sent will disappear. If you've really decided you want to leave and to delete your profile the kindest thing to do is to vote "HOT" for pictures. It will cost you 3 points to vote and that person will receive 2 of those points. Also, some of the gifts you received might be able to be cashed in for additional points, look at that possibility as well. aoog, thank you for participating in the forum!
By #427069 25,Sep,13 19:27
Shouldn't the ratings and the points be removed the same way after deleting the profile?
By bella! [Ignore] 25,Sep,13 19:30 other posts 
Comments will be deleted but the points are not subtracted.
By #428387 30,Sep,13 12:52
I think he deleted Bella
By bella! [Ignore] 30,Sep,13 12:55 other posts 

By #358797 26,Sep,13 08:21
So, I'm channel surfing, come across MTV, and see the worst thing I've ever seen in my life. Miley Cyrus naked on a wrecking ball. Who the fuck thought up that concept? She looks like a man and can't carry a tune in oversized bucket. I'm appalled. Thank god I skipped breakfast, I'd have hurled. The mental image of her vile vagina rubbing on a wrecking ball and her nasty little titties brushing the chain is gonna be hard to recover from. And I'll likely have a nightmare about it in the near future. Blech.
By #409634 26,Sep,13 08:32
Did she have her butchy haircut too?
By #358797 26,Sep,13 08:35
Unfortunately. As rude as this sounds, I can only hope she gets a major drüg addiction and sabotages her career. And life.

Thank the heavens I keep my TV on mute.
By bigguy [Ignore] 26,Sep,13 13:55 other posts 
I heard she got some tatts on the bottom of her feet. OUCH!
By #409634 26,Sep,13 19:36
Sadly that worked wonder for Britney.
By bigguy [Ignore] 26,Sep,13 19:43 other posts 
Sorry Fairy!
By #358797 26,Sep,13 19:55
True. I actually enjoyed her head shaving photos. But at least Britney can somewhat carry a tune. She looks like a big toe, but she's definitely more deserving of the limelight than Miley. I can't help but wonder if Miley left a slug trail of infected pussy sludge on that poor wrecking ball
By #164428 26,Sep,13 15:31
I had the same reaction when I Googled it. I just had to see it; train wreck effect! She has really tanked, going from Disney darling to nasty skank. That VMA performance was gross, and now this....what's next? I shudder to think of it. And Billy Ray just stands behind her. Sickening.
By #358797 26,Sep,13 19:57
I have a thing against Disney. I blame them for all the whiny ass teenyboppers running around.

By bella! [Ignore] 26,Sep,13 19:26 other posts 
I'm sure a SYD or SYC member owns the new iPhone, tell me what you like and don't like about it.

By #423718 23,Sep,13 16:28
1 tequilla... 2 tequilla... 3 tequilla... FLOOR!!!
By #201583 23,Sep,13 18:52
Either your a lightweight, or you lost count and started over. It should be twenty-floor, or thirty-floor.
By #423718 23,Sep,13 19:46
Yeah... you got me man... I'm a lightweight
--------------------------------------- added after 5 minutes

Might I add though... that I find it terribly impressive that you can manage twenty bottles of tequila
By #201583 24,Sep,13 01:41
1 Tequilla... you had no form of measurement, so I guess I'm dumb for assuming that a single human consuming 3 bottles of Sierra Silver in eight hours isn't even conceivable, unless you're talking mini bar bottles. All the times I have ever ordered a Tequilla, it came in one-shot increments, which is pretty much a standard form of measurement throughout the alcohol world unless other wise stated. However, you can get a double bottle Whistler. They just tip your head back and pour two bottles simultaneously until you cannot keep up and then shake your head vigorously, but I have only come across that in Mexico.
By #23212 25,Sep,13 21:24
It's very difficult to find and order a shot of my favourite tequila, Los Azulejos Reposado, even in Jalisco, so I have to look for full bottles somewhere.
By #374501 25,Sep,13 22:51
amd then you get dragged out the door... of some A&E I find that hard to beleive?... Over twenty tequillas? Would that be after drinking no other beer or anything...then you could probably do about a whole bottle, and I seem to remember thats about 32 shots? Any how first and last time I 'explored' Tequilla was about seven I think, well I did five in a row one after another plus about two mixed with orange juice- a Tequilla sunrise
By #201583 26,Sep,13 19:08
I personally am not a master connoisseur of Tequila. In my hay day's I would spend approximately $120 a night at $3.25 a drink. From 1700 to 0330. The stupidest time was in Okinawa. A buddy and I drank from 1600 to 1100 the next morning. We drank 192 all night. I had to carry my buddy back to the barracks. I felt fine when I hit the rack. My buddy woke me about 1900 and asked if the room was spinning. I simply said, "yep." We stumbled and got some food and Gatorade. I keep the drinking well within moderation these days. I'm just lucky I survived that.

By bella! [Ignore] 26,Sep,13 10:37 other posts 
Chessington World of Adventures Resort ( in the UK )introduced the zero-tolerance policy on animal print apparel and even brought in bouncers to enforce it. The Z00 banned visitors from wearing animal print clothing because it allegedly scares and confuses the animalz. Animal print wearing visitors will be handed grey boiler suits ( don't know what that is but it sounds like it would be hot to wear ) and "ordered" to wear them everywhere in the park so as not to antagonize or excite the animalz.
--------------------------------------- added after 6 minutes

DANG! You can say animal but you can't say ****, the plural of animal.

You can't say **** so that's why I had to use zeros and spell it Z00!
By #328554 26,Sep,13 14:04
Seems fair to me, why stop at the just the z00? i'd make everyone who steps out in animal print wear a grey boiler suit, it is a major fashion faux pas.
By bella! [Ignore] 26,Sep,13 14:16 other posts 
So animal print isn't fashionable in the UK? And what exactly is a boiler suit?
By Sickboy [Ignore] 26,Sep,13 15:18 other posts 
A boilersuit, or coverall (US English), is a one-piece garment with full-length sleeves and legs like a jumpsuit, but usually less tight-fitting. Its main feature is that it has no gap between jacket and trousers or between lapels, and no loose jacket tails. It often has a long thin pocket down the outside of the right thigh to hold long tools. It usually has a front fastening extending the whole length of the front of the body up to the throat, with no lapels. It may be fastened with buttons, a zip, velcro or snap fasteners. Boilersuits with an attached hood are available. The word "boilersuit" may also refer to disposable garments such as DuPont's Tyvek suits.

Boilersuits are so called because they were first worn by men maintaining coal-fired boilers. To check for steam leaks or to clean accumulated soot from inside the firebox of a steam locomotive, someone had to climb inside, through the firehole (where the coal is shovelled in). A one-piece suit avoids the potential problem of loosened soot entering the lower half of. one's clothing through the gap in the middle. As the firehole opening is only just large enough for a fit individual to negotiate, a one-piece suit also avoids the problem of the waistband snagging on the firehole as one bends to wriggle through, or of jacket tails snagging if one has to come out backwards...........
By bella! [Ignore] 26,Sep,13 16:01 other posts 
Thank you, sickboy! :

By bella! [Ignore] 26,Sep,13 09:26 other posts 
This is totally can anyone continually misspell the word DOES? Four simple letters that go in a specific order. The word dose is a completely different word, dose is a measured quantity. Thank you!

By #409634 26,Sep,13 08:34
I find it hilarious that some weirdly obsessed bunghole banned me cause I don't share his admiration for a racist and abusive gynophobe.
By bella! [Ignore] 26,Sep,13 08:46 other posts 
Banned by a weirdly obsessed bunghole? Do we really have anyone that fits that description here?

By #358797 25,Sep,13 19:27
Am I the only one who ever got excited thinking someone deleted, and searched their username only to figure out they're still here and someone just deleted their comment? Lol.
By bella! [Ignore] 25,Sep,13 19:31 other posts 
They deleted their comment, deleted their comment from where?
By #358797 25,Sep,13 21:12
Off pictures and such. Lol.
By #202451 25,Sep,13 22:06
can you rephrase that, ... just had 3 shots of tequila, and can't quite make sense of it
By #358797 25,Sep,13 23:46
I thought someone deleted their account and got excited over it. They didn't though, somebody just deleted their comment....

better? Lol.

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