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But what are people learning?
People that live in a fog and think they are safe with a cell phone and 9-11 on speed dial have not learned anything.
People that h@te guns, they have learned that they can holler about taking guns away even louder.All while peoples emotions are still reeling from the loss of life and are desperate to do something to prevent it from happening again.The gun haters have learned how to play on people's emotions and get knee jurk reaction laws put in place.
Legitimate gun owners have only learned, they have even more to fear than the evil within their fellow man. They have to be afraid of the antigun crowd taking their rights,a inch at the time.
What should they be learning from Las Vegas you ask? Learn that prescription drugs can cause people harm and to do harm just as 11egal 1's can.
We all need to learn to be more watchful of our fellow man.
We also need to learn there is cable tv , satellite tv and radio and internet.
You do not need a front row seat at a event to witness it. Stay home and watch the event in safety.Make your safety YOUR responsibility.. Don't stress 1aw3nforcem3nt to the limits trying to protect large crowds.
Shop online,stay the hell out of the malls.
Those are things I learned,shortly after 9-11.
oh,you all done forgot about that haven't you? No guns involved.
A friend of mine was in a parking lot waiting for his wife to come out of the store. He saw a glimpse of something in his mirror and laid the barrel of his pistol up on the door with the window open,suddenly there was a scruffy guy dropping a pistol and running off from his car. No shots fired,no 1 hurt. Just a display of 1's ability to defend themselves was enough to save both lives and maby ,just maby, change that bad guys mind about his career choices. i doubt it but who knows. And a free throw away pistol to boot!
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What's the deal in Australia any way most the men are 5ft 3in tall and 120lbs soaking wet and most the woman are 6ft + and 350lbs do you import your women from the amazon????
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Oh I'm sorry duh metric system your probably to stupid to convert it
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Las Vegas shooting: NRA urges new rules for gun 'bump-stocks'
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I think I'll bark at nothing now. Bah. Bah bah bah.
1) Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria. Look how their turned out.
2) I have read compelling analysis that suggests that Kim is solely concerned with his remaining in power. All of this is about making sure that he is not invaded. That the US realise the risks of invasion or attempting regime change.
3) Kim is no doubt very aware of what happened to Colonel Gadaffi of libya who in a rapprochment with the West gave up his nuclear arsenal in return for better relations..that didn't end well for him.
'We' need to lower the temperature of the rhetoric so that he feels less paranoid, not stoke his paranoia.
If not how many innocent civilians along with military personel are going to be killed or injured in Guam, South Korea or who know where? How many deaths are acceptable?
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They censored k i d??? And V i o l e n c e????????????????????
The Church of McDonald’s
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Who are those idiots who fall for these kind of religious/nationalistic slogans used by private corporations in order to make money? Why would anyone enter a business that displays such silly slogans? How many morons are out there, I wonder...
I'm just a dumb limey prick who doesn't research anything and spouts crap....
Tell you what, bash the UK,tell me how you form an opinion without reading the news or talking to people that live there.....please.....cuz I'm fed up of being told I don't live somewhere so I can't understand how things work....
You don't like what I say,ignore my topics,blacklist me and fuck off....
It's just opinion.... don't take your issues out on me....
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And never fuckin ever sell yourself short like that bro
Politics in the US is so polarised at the moment that rational views are too often obscured/drowned out by people with their own deeply held agendas.
Like it or not decisions taken by the U.S president often have repurcussions far outside the US and as a result us 'outsiders' do have opinons.
You aint done us no harm . It was also good to see you all got out of that damn EU shit. Go back to running your country as you see fit instead of letting everyone else decide your futures.
"Get over it" isn't an option.
You can't get rid of mildew in your shower if you just sit around and wait four years for it to go away.
You have to scrub that shit clean!
My point is that just sitting by quietly without saying anything and letting Trump and his "family" make a mockery of the US is not going to make anything better. Sure, we are probably screwed for the next three and a half years, but that doesn't mean we have to take it lying down. That's not the American way. Besides, you can bet your ass that, if he weren't the president, Trump would be running his blathering yap every chance he got to complain.
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Or better yet how about Bigfoot
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Or Charles Manson perhaps
I have little doubt that if he stopped tweeting he would do himself no end of good.
We in the UK face the prospect of possibly having Jeremy Corbyn as prime minister in the near future. He is not Donald Trump, he is in fact a very geniune person with deeply held beliefs ; but what beliefs. His party will lead us back to the 1970's, a horror story that i remember so well.
Correction--they also play the "Obama card" a lot. Mostly because, when the facts are against you, deflection sometimes works.
But all these words, train-wreck,buffoon,con artist and an embarrassment to the nation, apply so well to oblowma.
3.5 years. perhaps,if the liberals will take a deep breath and rest a while, we will see some improvement during that time.
The liberals throwing out stumbling blocks are a real problem. Stumbling block such as the sanctuary city thing the judge won't reinstate. That judge is saying it is ok for those citys to hide **** immigrant criminals. Trump can't fix immigration with that stumbling block in the way.
Imagine trying to paint your house and some baffoon coming along and hosing it down with thinner every 15 minutes. Would you get upset?
Well, Trump is trying to fix the US, and the baffoons are thinning down his solutions and causing a problem. So he is upset.
I think it should be obvious by now that he has no interest in putting in any work. All he does it watch the news and scream about it on twitter, he's too lazy to read any reports or briefings to educate himself on the matters that he has to make decisions about. I guess that's fine with you though as long as he shares your dislike for anything that looks vaguely Mexican or muslim.
Have you not worked out by now that it is Congress that make laws and budget decisions and not Trump..
And you are not trying anything new with trump,he is just another stooge for wall Street like the two before him...probably even all the way back to Reagan....so those billionaire guys you hold in high regard couldn't give a shit about you...
And I'm a high school dropout too,so what's your point ?
.. you're not a free man,delude yourself all you want about that,if you were free there would be no government....you pay taxes,so not free,you pay to eat,so not free,you pay to drink water,so not free....you commit a crime,guess what,yeah still not free.... America is not the home of the free,it has some of the highest incarceration rates in the western world...
You are owned by your possessions,and now they own you!!!...
So still not free....
You got lucky,
Lots of people have the will to work,most people don't want to live on welfare,but what are they gonna do when there are no jobs being created!?
So they are not free either....
Those investments you talk about are at the mercy of someone else,so you don't have the security you think you have...
And if you'd gotten ill before Obamacare came in,it would've eaten your savings and investments,so yeah,still not free dgraff....
Since I'm Swedish I can assure you that you don't have to worry about having me as president
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You fill in the blanks
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Him and all gore were **** lovers
I can sit here and back up why I dislike Trump,what are you doing ?
And dgraff told me exactly why he h@tes Obama in private message,and that reason is so fucking against everything I stand for...so while I appreciate you trying to diffuse the situation, it's not of your concern.
I think back to 9-11 and witnessing 2 airplanes flying into our twin towers and the "harassing" minority's issue fades because I know what is being done now is to try and protect me and my fellow Americans from that happening again. Sadly I think England and Germany have had way to many terrorism attacks to ignore the facts as well. It is time for governments of the world to drop the political correctness horseshit and do what is necessary to protect their country's and their citizens.
There are over a billion muslims in the world so it's just really unproductive and misguided to treat them all as threats because of something a very tiny extremist part of their religion supports. You're giving the terrorist exactly what they want by fueling some kind of us versus them mentality between muslims and the rest of the world.
To say it is a tiny part of the whole is not all true. Those that knew and did not speak up,those that helped, those that continue to support, are the 1's the new immigration system would be affecting. If the individual muslim is peaceful they should understand the need to protect their peace and that of everyone else.If America is threatened and they are living here, then they should feel as much in danger as any other religious group. Has a terrorist bomb ever been selective about who it kills?
Besides, since Americans seemingly don't care about their next door neighbor enough to help them in time of need,why worry about a total stranger that is a muslim? Kinda of a double standard aint it?
I think part of the reason some folks bring back up Hillary and Obummer is the fact that trump haters don't provide actual data as to what either of them did. They just say Trump is doing nothing and That is annoying.
[deleted image]
a couple problems with that idea of not taking "programs" as you call them.
1, All of us have to PAY INTO social security.Regardless if of what party we are in. It is not a benefit or charity to be exploited,it is money we put into it,along with our employers,that is supposed to draw interest and be paid BACK to us in monthly installments when we reach retirement age. It is not something we get because we are sexy or old. It is something We PAID FOR.
2.What happens to the money folks paid into it that have died and never drew back any of what they paid in? There should be a surplus, not a deficit.
When I say: "Donald Trump can not put an intelligible sentence together to save his life", and they come back with "But Hillary had e-mails!" they are just deflecting because they can't truly rebut my claim of Presidential Moronitude.
He didn't throw you into any useless wars and you regained much of the reputation that was ruined during the Bush years.
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No major scandals during his whole presidency, so am I missing something?
I just know I had damn good health insurance till that sumbitch screwed it up. I worked for a employer that provided it. As should most people that can. it is not a insurance for the fittest, it is insurance for those that present some effort to help them damn selves instead of being BUMS.
Have you priced obama care? The 3 people i know of that did are still without insurance because his "affordable" health care would cost them almost their entire monthly income.
1100 bucks a month for 1 guy that was able to show 1400 a month income. Now how the hell is that affordable? And it was NOT a problem until Obama came along and made it 1.
Hospitals that take government money can not turn any 1 down for basic medical care. so no one was "suffering" as bad as claimed. Oh they may have had to treat their stumped toe or live with a penis they were born with but still,no one "suffered" as is portrayed in our media at that time.
As for wars,granted, we were in some when he took office. But his LACK of action ,as in finishing the job started, allowed the enemy to grow in strength, Isis as a example.
1 issue I see is some folks like to sit back and look at charts to prove their statement. Others,like myself, have to go out and see reality face to face and learn from what is known as the school of hard knocks. Open your eyes, lift them from your smart phone,stop texting everyone and look around you!
Around me I see friends that had been out of work 3 years or more that are in some segment of home construction are now booked solid for at least 2 years.
I watched 1 neighbor become a multimillionaire about 2 weeks after trump was elected. A large company had put some money down on 4 million dollars worth of land and their lawyer said,"If trump wins, the paperwork is ready to be signed". The company wanted to expand,but had to put their plans on hold in 2010 because of the sagging economy.
1 man I know got a good raise and offers of overtime,a week after Trump won.
Granted I can't put all this in a chart so you can look at it, But I saw it with MY EYES. And can convey it to you.
I can't see any reason to believe that the policies suggested by the republican party would benefit a majority of the American people. I only see a bunch of thinly disguised tax cuts designed to enrich the wealthy and powerful at the cost of normal people. Trump will of course gladly sign anything being sent to his table.
Is Gm owned by homeless people?
Is Exxon owned by a bunch of bums living in a abandoned rail car?
Did Trump drive his own limo before he became president?
Does the paper boy hire someone to mow his grass?
Nope,all the folks working there are provided jobs and benefits because of the investments made by those "awful" rich people! Cut their throat and it is the beginning of the end.
Poor people work for the richer folks. it is a system that has it's flaws but it would work, if people would work.
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I would much rather hang with a smartass than a dumbass.
Yea, Some damn where,but not on tv or the net.
You can't find the truth.
Intelligence,a strange word to find on a website full of pussys and dicks.
Last election, I gathered information, and came up with the most logical conclusion and acted on it. I voted Trump.
Back to my question, "How many poor people provide jobs ?"
Liberals **** the wealthy so much,but yet forget their paychecks come from somewhere. And I doubt it is the bell boy at the hotel.
Here's how it works:
When a person has a question about something, they check all the available sources of information on that subject. They examine the pros and cons, check the information against various sources when there is a conflict, and draw a reasoned conclusion from what they have discovered.
Most people these days don't know how to do that. They only rely on sources that agree with their point of view or that tell them what they want to hear.
INTELLECT is about processing information, not regurgitating it.
By the way, to me, people who use the "I'd rather have street-smarts" line always sound like the guy who can't get a date on a Friday night and says: "I don't care. Women are more trouble than they are worth, and I prefer being by myself anyway."
Intelligence and education are good things.Even with those 2 assets, if a person does not have the hands on ability,that some call "street Smarts" the knowledge is of no value because it can not be put into practical use. It takes some of both to survive.
We have to accept the voice of the people. whether we like it or not, but that does not mean we should be uncritical of any politicians actions.
I just remembered this clip from a satirical show here in the UK, aah the 'good old days'
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So the likelihood that he decides to nuke north Korea, say, is much higher than any other (recent) president. If he does that, it's people outside the US that are going to be affected. Even if he doesn't go to thesecextremes, his decisions, affect billions on this planet.
That's why people outside the US care.
Of course those party's usually run some body that is so far in outfield from the norm I would be scared of them being in control of a wheel barrow,much less a country.
The money has to come from somewhere,and that's the problem..
How to raise funds that don't tie you to a corporation/lobbying group ?...these people don't give money without that "special friendship" as it were...you know the way it is,most politicians are just in the pockets of these donors....so how do you give someone who you could really get behind and believe in a fair go? And not just have to vote for one of two big assholes...
A lot of countries including the UK have the two party problem,and it's not really working for any of us.... it's left v right,and I think people just really want to bang these fucks heads in,and say wtf are you doing to my country?
Most people are stuck in that mindset of "hey,I don't really want to be left or right,I want common sense"...but you can't get that...
He still hasn't got a damn thing done in six months. No, he hasn't. The democrats own the House, Senate and the Presidency and nothing has actually been accomplished. Uh, uh, NO! Nothing has been accomplished. Nothing. It must be Hillary Clinton's fault eh?
He's a master manipulator and I think that at the end of the day he sits back and enjoys the mayhem he's created for the day... but wait for tomorrow's tweets, we'll forget about today's and look at the new shiny keys he jingles before our eyes.
To the 49% of eligible voters that didn't vote on November 8th 2016: Now do you understand why you need to vote? If you didn't vote, you can't complain because you didn't do anything about it. Voter apathy is rampant in the entire Western World, so you're not alone in America but here's a great example of what COULD go wrong if you don't exercise your constitutional right to decides who runs your country.
What he does affects me, my family in the lumber industry and the people of Canada. Free Trade.
I can also inform you that President Trump is single handily taking a huge chunk of Canadian tourist dollars out of the hands of Americans. Why should we come to the US when we have so many other options. He keeps making it more and more difficult to do something Canadians have done for generations. Groups of school klds will no longer come either. A group of 12 year olds in the spring had a Muslim student and he was refused entry ONLY because he was Muslim. No other reason. Now any group with a visible minority member (which would be most) will take their dollars elsewhere or more likely just keep them in Canada.
Border gaurds are also regularly asking if we have ever smoked pot!!! Really? EVER? Oh yeah, and here's my cell phone access so you can have a look through it too.
Canadians are America's neighbour, largest trading partner and best friend. We'll make it through this like we've made it through everything in the last couple of hundred years. We've been through worse together.
-A Canadian opinion.
The truth is, the majority of us in the States hold the same view as you do. Sad.
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