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Fuck reaching

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick   [Drama Queens Fighting section]

Started by #283617 [Ignore] 30,Sep,15 14:09
i know I'm not the only one who want this cunt deleted

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Similar topics: 1.Women go off sex   2.If I "unfriended" you recently it wasn't personal...   3.Would you fuck me? I'd fuck me. I'd fuck me so hard...   4.A bit insecure   5.Indiana  

By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 13,Oct,21 13:14 other posts 
Looks like this cunt Reaching go JohnS all riled up... was this the cause of his untimely trip down to hell???

Has anyone found his grave? Asking for a friend .
By Dev01 [Ignore] 14,Oct,21 19:01 other posts 
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 15,Oct,21 08:47 other posts 

By JustWill [Ignore] 09,Jun,18 23:06 other posts 
Yeah. Fuck reaching. Shit should just be closer so you don't have to reach...
By Dev01 [Ignore] 05,Jul,18 17:14 other posts 

By #68656 03,Oct,15 05:46
Dear Mr. Fallguy.

He is banning us both so he will not be able to read what we write nor can he reply to us which is no great loss.

Do not concern yourself with the misguided individual, it appears to be a fake account of a past member and the premium membership was paid for by a third party quite likely via another shell account set up for points swapping.

We do not need to concern ourselves with a fake, we are the real deal and that is all that matters.

I have written to you privately telling you who the reacher actually is.
By bella! [Ignore] 09,Oct,15 02:02 other posts 
JohnS, how is it that you know this information about the reacher, ie who he is and how he pays? By the way, how is it that you pay for your membership? Surely someone who has claimed that he does not possess a credit card would not obtain a credit card for the sole purpose of hiding their truck load of points, would they? Also, it does not seem likely that someone as frugal as you would not pay $ 15.00 per month for adult entertainment, would they?

Ya know, the majority of the claims that you make are total bull crap! You might know 10% of what's going on and the other 90% is pure, manufactured lies.
By #68656 09,Oct,15 04:21
Dear Queen Bee, You do not need to concern yourself with what I do nor my financial situation, I am quite Ok thank you.
Just for interest Deviant has returned, he has grown younger and still obsessed with my taxation.
By bella! [Ignore] 09,Oct,15 07:14 other posts 
Oh JohnS, I really am not concerned with your financial situation. The intent of my post is to show how inconsistent your words are. Inconsistent = non truth

My sensors detect BULLSHIT........
By #68656 09,Oct,15 08:40
My dearest Defender of the Fakes.
It is all BS as you so wisely state.
Make sure you set a good example and pay your taxes.

[deleted image]
By bella! [Ignore] 09,Oct,15 11:12 other posts 
JohnS, so is that the way you see things through your aging eyes, that I'm a "defender of fakes"? Is that what you call the others that vote NO ABUSE on the cockamamie referrals? I call it REASONABLE DOUBT. You're just all angry because the evaluation panel is not running as smoothly as before, it takes longer than 20 minutes to resolve a referral. TOO BAD! If you haven't noticed, this site is not growing and if you continue to refer members because you THINK they are someone..... Hey, I will ask you this, WAS Deviant banned and WHY?
By bella! [Ignore] 09,Oct,15 20:28 other posts 
BAM! Just as I thought, Deviant WAS NOT BANNED, he deleted himself.

So you are trying to have a member deleted for unfounded reasons! Remember, I promised you this, if I find that you or any member has unjustly had another member deleted, I will work toward having your voting privilege revoked and/or banned from the site. Understand?
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 09,Jun,18 18:34 other posts 
The sum of zero is what ??

By #495452 09,Oct,15 19:07
What is going on?
By bella! [Ignore] 09,Oct,15 19:16 other posts 
Ask your buddy, JohnS!
By #68656 10,Oct,15 03:49
My dearest Defender of the Fakes.
We have reached the stage of you having to threaten me, just like some threatening PM`s you sent me some months back in an attempt to intimidate me.
You clearly have a problem with Australians as evidenced by the above plus your ongoing attacks on Lix including insulting anonymous messages she received.
Anyway you are just words on a computer screen coming from Detroit which is the most failed location on the face of the planet. You should run for politics and improve the place. Also you have no effect on my daily life whatsoever, being just an amusing distraction.
Now pull your hair up into a bun, put on your long black dress and head off for another day at the library.

[deleted image]
By bella! [Ignore] 10,Oct,15 04:52 other posts 
JohnS, you are so frickin' funny! The fact that you write that I've threatened you makes it sound like you are in fear of your life. Don't be such a pussy. I have made a statement via a private message to you as well as posting it publicly in the forum. I'm not certain where I posted it but I'm sure you kept the private message. I'm going to post what I believe I said and if I leave anything out, please correct me. I simply said this; IF I AM AWARE THAT ANY MEMBER WAS DELETED UNJUSTLY OR FOR SOME SILLY ASS REASON, I WOULD WORK TO HAVE THAT MEMBER'S VOTING PRIVILEGE REVOKED OR BANNED FROM THE SITE. I'M WATCHING YOU.

I think that was my statement, I adlibbed a bit when I tossed in "for some silly ass reason" because many of your referrals are just that, silly ass.

I have no issue with Australian's or people from anywhere based on their geographic location, unlike you who does seem to have an issue with the membership from India. I do have a problem with asshats and they are located in all parts of the world. And with regard to suckit, there's no ongoing attack. Sorry to disappoint, the anonymous message on her wall was not me. Contrary to what either of you might think, I don't hide behind anonymous posts or s.ecretive back door messaging that you seem to be fond of. You know, I've seen some of your anonymous posts, the most recent being when you scolded tottenhamcutie1 and posted the following, anonymously; "You should not allow your chat room to be used to discuss and attack other members." JohnS, you are the only member who seems to get concerned with what others do

And as far as just words that appear on a computer screen coming from Detroit, I assure you that my employer would frown on any employee that used their equipment for anything other than business use. I would be so embarrassed if the IT folks identified me as conversing with a bitter and saggy old man, halfway around world. Believe that!
By JustWill [Ignore] 11,Oct,15 12:19 other posts 
Keep in mind that JohnS has never, ever, ever, ever, ever said anything rude, insulting or intimidating to anyone on this site. He has never, ever, ever, ever exchanged messages containing negative remarks about any member with others. He has never, ever, ever, ever made a racist, sexist or prejudicial post.
JohnS is most definitely NOT, in any way, shape or form, a hypocrite.
If you doubt this...just ask him.
Why would he lie?
By bella! [Ignore] 11,Oct,15 13:36 other posts 
Gosh, your assessment of JohnS is, uh, erm.....yeah, I'm sure HE would would agree with your assessment of him!
By bella! [Ignore] 10,Oct,15 05:28 other posts 
With regard to the picture you attached, is your brain baked? Do grown men actually dress up their dogs? That's FREAKY!!

I'm sure that it doesn't matter whether your posts are accurate or not, because if you write it, it must be true. I noticed that you made reference to the Detroit Steelers. Sorry, that's the name of the NFL franchise in Pittsburgh and Pittsburgh is in Pennsylvania. Our pro teams are Tigers, Lions and Red Wings.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 10,Oct,15 05:33 other posts 

[deleted image]
By #495452 10,Oct,15 09:12
I don't know the true story between the both of you but anything discussed here is opinion. Technically nobody knows anyone here, just pattern of behavior and assertion.
By bella! [Ignore] 10,Oct,15 10:20 other posts 
The "true story" between JohnS and I is that I lost any respect I had for him when he weasels himself into other member's business, the s.ecretive way he conducts himself and his blatant lies. When he's called out on his actions, he hides and sends his buddies and pals PM's acting confused and wounded. In your opinion, is that a man?

Hey, it's your choice if you want to make him your friend, just be careful what you share with him. If the worm turns, you might find that you're a topic of conversation in the forum.
By bella! [Ignore] 11,Oct,15 13:49 other posts 
"Pets are a great way to beat the blues. Not only are they known to they offer unconditional love, but they may also give their owners a sense of purpose, which can be crucial for those feeling down in the dumps. Pets also combat feelings of loneliness by providing companionship, which can boost your overall mood and even bring you feelings of joy and happiness. This is particularly apparent among groups -- including the sick and elderly."

I'm glad your dogs fill that void in your heart and life but I can't help but think, it is not a widely accepted practice for grown men to play dress up on their dogs.
By #495452 10,Oct,15 09:09
Bella, haven't you heard from the prophecy in loving everyone?.. I don't judge here even if I am right and am attacked. Just ask the Razzle Dazzle..Its better to love.. Now as far as my DEAR friend John----> John is my friend, so are you. So is cure..I try to hear both sides and still don't make harsh judgments.
By bella! [Ignore] 10,Oct,15 09:59 other posts 
The true story? The true story of what? All one would need to do is read what JohnS writes and observe all the holes.

It is interesting that you say that you "still don't make harsh judgement". That suggests to me that you do make judgement, just not harsh judgement.

By #68656 04,Oct,15 06:25
Mr. Fallguy has deleted his account which in itself is no great loss as both parties were as bad as each other.
By bella! [Ignore] 07,Oct,15 12:09 other posts 
Mr. Fallguy deleted his account?

It seems unlikely and very suspect that Fallguy, member #283617, a member for more than 3 years would delete his account because of a word exchange with a new member, no? It doesn't seem logical that someone would do something so extreme because of something that COULD HAVE been a misunderstanding.

Just my opinion, to delete "your" longtime profile because of something so silly would give the appearance that Fallguy was a fake account for another SYD player OR a straight up pussy. Heck, maybe both!

By JustWill [Ignore] 06,Oct,15 10:45 other posts 
Totally bad idea. Under no circumstances should anybody fuck reaching. Ever. (You'd never be able to wash the stench of buffoon off.)
By #23212 07,Oct,15 01:24
But don't all those 'SPH' guys sort of have to do a bit of 'reaching' to fuck?

By JustWill [Ignore] 30,Sep,15 16:15 other posts 
I take it that you are not a fan.

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