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Gun **** in America

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Started by leopoldij [Ignore] 07,Oct,15 19:27  other posts
So many people die annually from gunfire in the US that the death toll between 1968 and 2011 eclipses all wars ever fought by the US. According to research by Politifact, there were about 1.4 million firearm deaths in that period, compared with 1.2 million US deaths in every conflict from the Revolutionary War to Iraq.

It is true that gun ownership is in the US constitution and it is true that most people argue that guns are not the problem. The problem is those who use the guns irresponsibly. If 1.4 million deaths occurred by, say, a million people in the US, what does it take to make those people responsible gun owners?

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By #562152 23,Dec,18 19:00
The problem with this country and guns is that the men are like little boys wanting to pack a six gun on their hip. They want to show the world they are MEN like in "High Noon" or "Day of the Gun". More like little pee pees...
By leopoldij [Ignore] 23,Dec,18 19:46 other posts 
Excellent observation!
Wish all Americans were like you.
Many are. But, alas, you also got those who, ignoring even their own interests, have fallen victims (=brainwashed) of those who are in control of the money. (President Jefferson would never recognize the America of today.)
By #562152 23,Dec,18 19:52

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Don't give up on us, Leo. This country is full of good, smart people. The stereo type is not the true spirit of this country. One day, like many times before, the silent minority will rise and fix this too,,,
By leopoldij [Ignore] 23,Dec,18 22:33 other posts 
I don't. I respect your likes and a lot of things in your country.

By #559941 24,Aug,18 08:29
Here is a statistic for you. Chicago has the worst murder rate in its history AFTER they outlawed guns. When gun ownership was le gal there was less...
One more statistic,, When the nazi's outlawed guns to Jews then rounded up and killed 6 million of them.,
Gun holders that are l egal don't go out shooting people compared to people that are breaking laws on guns murder people. Not the other way around..
This is a Left Wing Political tactic to strip us of our guns then to control us and invoke socialism..
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 24,Aug,18 10:52 other posts 
'Gun holders that are legal don't go out shooting people' !!! Are you serious?
I suggest that you look at the people responsible for many of the mass shootings recently. Many of them legitimately held the weaposnt they used to carry out the massacres.

I ama also curious aboout why civilians need to have assault weaposn designed for the military. Surely not for hubnting, that would hardly be fair. So why?
By leopoldij [Ignore] 24,Aug,18 16:01 other posts 
What you don't understand is
that many Americans are
utterly religious fundamentalists.
All of them have guns because they believe in absurdities.
By #559941 24,Aug,18 16:03
That doesn't counterdict the statistics I've posted in reply..
By leopoldij [Ignore] 24,Aug,18 18:06 other posts 
I'm sorry but "counterdict" is not a word in English. I think that your mother tongue is Spanish. Let me know what you are trying to say in Spanish and I'll understand
By #559941 24,Aug,18 23:58
Is that all you have to say leo?.. It's slang but I will be more articulate so you understand... You have no idea what Americans are. You ignorance and hypocritical attitude keeps you from being objective so I will try and make me words more simple..
The country is big and is diverse... Europeans until recently were more mono-cultural than America but you can see that it is now under invasion by its own government.. They don't give a shit about the people there that paid taxes for many generations. Now they are just food for the slaughterhouse.
You have no idea why Americans have Guns.. I live here. We protect our land, property and lives. That is why we have 2nd amendment... What you are is a liberal but you call Trump a liberal so you don't know what you are talking about..
Any more questions?
By #562152 05,Sep,18 11:38
Maybe Leo doesn't quite understand the American way of thinking, but, I do. I'm born and raised in the good old US of A. You owners of guns own them because you like to play cowboys and Indians. You want to be the Marlboro Man, look macho, and show everyone what a MAN you are because you strap 4 lbs of iron to your leg. And, except in your talk, to show what a patriot you are, you tell everyone how you would defend this great country if it's invaded fully well knowing that the chance of that is smaller than if Martians land on the white house lawn. If you want to protect us, join the Marines and go to Afghanistan to support our REAL BRAVE men.
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 24,Aug,18 16:10 other posts 
The recent documentary series 'Travels in Trumpland with Ed Balls' illustrated perfectly just how alien to us Brits many American attitudes and perceptions are.
By phart [Ignore] 24,Aug,18 16:29 other posts 
Smaller country's,smaller populations over in Europe so the stats look smaller automaticly
.Someone mentioned Americans being religious fanatics.
I could not help but laugh as I aint been in a church except for a funeral in 30 years.It is my opinion you Europeans and others have way to much FAITH in your government and polic#.Way to much.A bobby with a billy stick or a citizen with a gun,which stands a better chance of defending you?
Someone ask why people need or want "assault" weapons?
1 thing you might consider is what gives the criminal the right to "outgun" his victims?
As I have said before,someone with criminal intent has thought out their crime,and intends to catch the victim,that by the way could be YOU ,by surprise. So to protect yourself, you need more or better weapons than the criminal.And you need training to use them so you can effectively diffuse the situation.
Strange how when I was in high school gun safety was a course we took. Now,it is taboo to mention a gun in school. DUMB.Of course we learned how to balance our checking accounts and cook and repair things to.

Frankly,I wish the antigunners had their own state or country to reside in so all the soft targets would be consolidated.The rest of us would be safe as the crooks would know they would be shot back at.

And in the country, there are alot of empty fields and backhoes! So keep your criminal activity in the "crook safe" areas please . Diesel fuel aint cheap!
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 24,Aug,18 16:41 other posts 
I rest my case.
By phart [Ignore] 25,Aug,18 13:46 other posts 
And perhaps your case was that things are different here? The world should not expect We Americans to be available to rob,r@pe,murder and pillage like defenseless sheep as you folks over seas are.
Folks over there give to much faith to their government and l@w enforcement.
There is no real evidence that gun control works .
Where I sit at this moment,if a incident occurs,I would of course try to dial 911. But regardless if I was being assaulted ,experiencing a heart attack or had fallen from the front porch, response time from any of the emergency services is about 10 to 12 minutes. Now obviously a gun is not going to help with the heart attack or falling off the porch,but if I was being assaulted, 1 bullet could respond to save my life in just a couple seconds.
As for the crook,fuck him,he is a crook.Someone who places no value on life or property and deserves nothing but putting out of the worlds misery.
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 25,Aug,18 16:44 other posts 
Do you or anyone else really need a semi automatic assault rifle to do what you are suggesting?
By phart [Ignore] 25,Aug,18 21:23 other posts 
How many bullets does the gun hold that the assailant is using against you? How would you know? Why should you be forced to have less?
How accurate are your shots in a panic situation? The assailant is aware of what he is doing,he planned for it,you are caught off guard and have to think quick.5 or 8 shots could be fired before the 9th hits home. The 1 thing in your favor if you are out arming your assailant is he is not expecting that.He will probably run out before you do if you have 30 rounds. Now if he has 30+ rounds, and you have 6, well,you better be cool under pressure and good stance or have a will made out.
And besides, some folks feel secure with a cell phone and a blanket.Some of us feel secure with more.No one is running out and telling the person with a phone and blanket to get a gun. They in turn should not be telling us to give up our security.
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 26,Aug,18 16:33 other posts 
Yet another mass shooting -in Jacksonviile this time - early reports suggest 4 dead and 11 injured. The shooter? A contestant at a video game tournament who it is suggested did this after losing a game !!!!!!!
By #294721 27,Aug,18 08:20
Just proving the fundamental point. It seems everyone sees it but fails in all aspects to acknowledge it. In all cases it's a person behind the act. Taking guns away will only encourage people to find another way to take lives. Example, heroine takes more lives each year than guns. Let's make heroine ****, oh my wait, it is ****. Yet, people get a hold of it and kills themselves.

This going back and forth on whose right or wrong is inevitably pointless as everyone has a point of view that opposes someone else and won't back down because each feels they are right. Again people will always find a way to kill another person regardless of means. Make guns **** and the killings will become more brutal and sinister.
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 27,Aug,18 10:50 other posts 
You do have a point and my FINAL comment on this topic is that the issue with guns, especially semi automatic and assault weapons is that they are able to take many lives and injure many people in an incredibly short period of time.
Virtually any other method of killing people takes far far longer. A crazy man with a semi automatic could kill 10 people in 20 seconds or less, to kill 10 people with a knife or any other method would take far far longer.
youar right though people have entreched views on this subject and are unlikely to change them.
By #294721 29,Aug,18 07:16
To understand correctly, guns kill people, not people using guns kill people? If this is the mindset, shall we not ban pens and pencils as they misspell words. Perhaps you feel we should ban computers as they assist stalkers, ****philes and terrorists to research, communicate and so forth? While we're at it ban cars because they get drunk and cause accidents.
My point is banning this or that solves nothing. If you look at human history it's filled with self created ****. Without changing the way we act, all that's done with be in vain.
By #562152 05,Sep,18 11:54
ANYFUN, you missed the point, guns have one, and only one purpose, to kill or maim, people or ****.. Pencils, cars, knives, computers and any other thing you care to name, have other purposes for being here. Banning guns will not change a certain mind set, that thinking where everything can be solved with ****, but, taking the fire arm out of the equation makes it much harder to kill or maim, and,,the victim has a better chance of running away. If that is so hard to understand, than, so be it.
By #294721 06,Sep,18 12:52
The point is if you place a gun by your front door with bullets next to it, will it kill anyone? The answer is NO. Guns do not kill nor make anyone. People do. If guns kill people, I own lazy guns as they have never killed anyone. People load the guns. People aim them. People pull the trigger.
By #562152 06,Sep,18 13:01
i get your old and tired argument, but, if that gun was not in your house being lazy, it would never be used in anger,,no one would point it,,nor pull the trigger. Next you'll give me the other argument,,,,it's for protection and if we outlaw it only criminals would own guns. Well, i venture to say that if a mugger pulls a gun on you and is ready to kill you if you move, you will never be fast enough to beat him to the draw. As far as criminals are concerned,,,send the cops to take them down,,
By #294721 06,Sep,18 13:49
I thank you for agreeing with the fact that guns don't kill people, it's the person using it.
I see the point you are trying to make. That is remove ALL weapons from the planet. I don't that any government will agree to that. Weapons have been on this planet, being used by law bidding individuals and criminals alike since their conception. Regardless of whom is allowed to have them or not, criminals WILL get ahold of them and use them on everyone.
Now, let's say the majority of people say the want the 2nd amendment removed from the bill of rights. There's your only defense of having the rest of those rights removed also. You no longer are allowed to protest, speak up for yourself, wear what you want, do (as allowed by law) as you want. Food for thought.
By #562152 06,Sep,18 14:03
you are right to a point and wrong almost completely,,, any change to the Constitution requires for congress to propose it and it must be ratified by a majority of state congresses. May i remind you that the 18th amendment brought prohibition to this country (banned liquor) and the 21st repealed it. The second amendment has nothing to do with right of assembly, voting, religion or all the other amendments. This is what the 2nd amendment says in the Constitution,,,exact words


A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

I think we both agree that the National Guard and the military can protect this country without any help except to get conscription.

I feel if we repeal it i would still be allowed to wear a bikini,,fuck the President, call my boyfriend a cunt and pray to the Goddess of love,,,
By leopoldij [Ignore] 06,Sep,18 18:14 other posts 
You need a society with no guns and no religion. In both these aspects, the US is very very very very backwards.
By #559941 08,Sep,18 02:22
Look who's talking.
By phart [Ignore] 22,Dec,18 10:58 other posts 
2 warm,this is a late reply to this statement,"As far as criminals are concerned,,,send the cops to take them down,,"
Is this before or after you or your loved 1's lost their lives to the crook?
By #562152 23,Dec,18 18:56
phart,,,if i loose my life,,,i wouldn't care anymore. If it was a love one, what do you think my reaction would be? If you guessed i'd want retribution, revenge, that I would want the criminal dead? If you do, then, you would be right. The thing is this. If I had a gun or my family member had a gun and still he was killed, because he was armed, should the criminal be left alone because the playing field was equal??
I would want the cops to go after him and exact revenge for me. I'd be praying the piece of shit would fight the cops so he would die. And if not, I'd like to see him rot the rest of his life doing hard labor in some desert prison. But, even today,,,with all these guns available, Criminals also have guns,,so what's the point??
By #435701 11,Sep,18 14:23
cm'on Phart! By your arguments (I have read them) it is clear you are being driven to paranoia by the media. Yeah, I know. The '4th Estate' is known to do that because of '**** leads' kind of stuff. So, here is my question to you. Why not buy a Howitzer? You could just have the barrel protrude thru your front wall with a statement of your willingness to use it hanging off it's 'phallic' barrel. Include the clause 'Neighbors across the street be damned'. Just a little over exaggeration. Because your assault 'rifle' will also kill them. Deader than door nails. What an odd phrase for death...Anyway, let loose with your high powered assault weapon and you will likely kill people you did not intend...Schools cannot say 'gun'? Is that REALLY 'twue', phart? Or is it just a convenient argument you added? All tho, if ANYONE could censor that word, it would be schools!...Think about this, Phart. Correctly load your weapon of choice so the ammunition will NOT go thru your imagined attacker and then thru your house's walls...into your neighbors house...After reading your replies, I think you should not be allowed to own a gun. Sorry, Phart
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b loo d
By #559941 26,Aug,18 12:24
What happens if the murderer has a semi? Can a pea shooter protect you? It gives an unfair advantage..
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 26,Aug,18 13:06 other posts 
I do appreciate your point of view, it very clearly demonstrates what we in the UK just can not understand.
By #559941 26,Aug,18 14:06
By phart [Ignore] 27,Aug,18 20:20 other posts 
May I be honest,and what I am about to type may surprise you, But I hope you never have to understand it.I hope violenc3 never gets so bad over there.But if and when it does,you folks are going to be caught with your pants down.And not in a good way.
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 28,Aug,18 04:17 other posts 
We have violent crime here and in London in particular at present. Knives, acid and yes even guns. We are no angels. What we don’t seem to get, other than in terrorism related incidents, are the random spree killings.
I heard on the news yesterday in the US there is a mass shooting EVERY DAY. I hope that is not true.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 27,Aug,18 20:43 other posts 
There's No way that guns will be as uncontrolled in the civilized world as they are in the US.
By #562152 05,Sep,18 11:55
Godzillas, you seem to be arguing from both sides of this thread
By #559941 06,Sep,18 23:20
Interesting,, can you outline what you mean by this? I am not agenda or politically driven.. I am morally driven.
Politics is a lie and so the one that can lie the best will get elected.. The most charm and convincing. Reagan won because the county was fucked up by Carter big time people had enough of him. When they tried to kill Reagan suddenly he started going more to the left with the Iran Contra Accord then praised the Nazi's.. This really pissed off the Jews. Did I support Reagan? Not really, he was popular by many because he was a good actor. He was strong but he was not the best president by far... Many of his base was disappointed but then the 2 Bush's were a total disaster...As you can see I am not Left or Right.. I want to do what is right... I'm a moderate democrat because it creates different ideas although I honor our constitution. In my opinion Lincoln was the best president, Washington was number 2.. I will listen to people on the left but it doesn't mean I will agree or disagree with them. I feel for what is right and fair.. I was born in America and I broke my ass here. I don't think its fair to support i llegal immigration because it is not l egal.. Why support it when there are americans that are homeless and starving?.. One's that come home from the War but are too injured to work because of their injuries... I will never forgive both Bush's because they are bastards,, yes republicans but the misrepresented ... Most of the Republicans in the senate and the House are a bunch of lying pussies.. I don't have any respect for the 2018 democrat at this point..
By #562152 06,Sep,18 23:34
what you think of politicians is your business. What I don't understand is why you say you are a moderate democrat yet h.a.te people on the left. By definition a democrat is a left of the middle person. I venture to say that almost everyone will agree and support you about immigration. What most object is the draconian measures used to keep them out. And, the cost to build something that will not keep them out. You say there are Americans that are homeless and hungry. It's true. So, why isn't all that money being put into a useless wall and not used to help these homeless and hungry people? Tell me,,, why do state governments building low income housing? Why do kids in school get such crappy lunches?? Why are people electing assholes like the current president and the majority of congress?? Why do they bitch when those fools can't wipe their own asses??? Why are the republican voters so against foolish dreams?? And one last thing. If there's an person here that's been here for many years, he has paid all his taxes,the only thing he lacks is a piece of paper. Why not help him become a legal resident,,not a citizen,,just a legal resident????
By #559941 07,Sep,18 00:27
All the way to the left is quite scary.. I'm a moderate.. dont' you know what a moderate is?
By #562152 07,Sep,18 00:30
yes,, a moderate is a lover that uses a raincoat
By #559941 07,Sep,18 00:33
Not quite.. a moderate is one that is open to new ideas.
By #559941 07,Sep,18 00:35
You know ,,, if we keep talking like this people are going to think we are in love you know...
By #562152 07,Sep,18 10:20
And that's bad, because????
By #559941 07,Sep,18 00:31
So, why isn't all that money being put into a useless wall and not used to help these homeless and hungry people? After you protect your national sovereignty you then can focus on the poor.
The democrats are so far to the left it is not reasonable. They are liars and have no agenda on for the American citizen, only i llegals.. You are all the way to the left so it doesn't make sense I can understand..This is just going in circles.. First define a moderate and compare it to extremism..
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to protect us from invasion.. Like I said in different words.. democrats live off of I'llegals..that's how it works.. conservatives support the constitution,, rhino republicans are democrats but are worse because they pretend to be opposed then vote democrat.. they get their cut.. That's how the business runs.. There is only a handful of conservatives that are senators handful in congress.. we are outnumbered 95-5 the rest is liberal... you really have to identify who is who and you don't know
By #562152 07,Sep,18 10:15
I don't agree. If the borders have been open for over 50 yrs and nothing new is happening, then the problem can be left for another time. Help our needy now. As far as an agenda for our citizens, what do you call the running of this country? Who builds roads, run the air traffic, collect taxes, maintain the military, provide water and sewer services, operate city hospitals (like the one I work in), maintain social security, and a million other things?. And what the F u c k is "democrats live off of the illegals"? I am not all the way to the left. I am middle of the road, but, I'm also honest and fair. THis country is not getting better as long as that buffoon is in office and sweet, misguided ,lovable people like you continue feeding this perverse idea of what a government should be
By #559941 07,Sep,18 14:24
Democrats live off of il legals..Plus minorities. Yes. There is some truth that il legals go into labor that americans prefer not to work but it only accounts for 5-10%. The other 90% are either free loaders stealing from tax payers, supporting chi l d sex trafficing or terrorists just like 9-11 where they only wanted to fly a plane, not to land it ! LOL
They target people in poverty with limited education. They welcome them to the promised land give them welfare off of taxpayer money, limit their education and job opportunities by taxing small business more

To define honest and fair you have a unique point of view..I want you to do something for me. Don't count on my word then attack with "People like you" comments. That's generalizations and stereotypes.

What would be prodective for you is to find out why America exists. Then find out why we fought for our independence from English rule... Then find out why we wrote our constitution.. Was it because we want to sell books like the lies from Hillary Clinton "What Happened"? Or is it a document that supports us as a nation based on a key word "sovereignty"...Why did we write it? What was the reason? What are amendments for? The original document had flaws and was either enhanced or modified by 27 amendments...Get smart, objective. Stop judging and judging me like Leo does.. I had to whip his butt for being a total asshole just before..
How does this document help "US" as compared to government? Why are the democrats furious with Trump which you need to have a clear objective as to why !!! Why is FAKE NEWS fake news? As you say,, PEOPLE LIKE YOU or people like me believe in justice and living under laws by the people, not to the people.
By #562152 07,Sep,18 18:22
GODZILLAS, you said:

Democrats live off of il legals..Plus minorities. Yes. There is some truth that il legals go into labor that americans prefer not to work but it only accounts for 5-10%. The other 90% are either free loaders stealing from tax payers, supporting chi l d sex trafficing or terrorists just like 9-11 where they only wanted to fly a plane, not to land it !

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This independent think tank says:
There are many compelling reasons why having a large undocumented population is a problem for society. It undermines law and order, permits a shadow economy that is harder to regulate, and is simply unfair to the millions of immigrants who have come here legally. Yet, while the undocumented population frequently comes under fierce criticism, the data shows that a large number of the 11.4 million undocumented immigrants here are working, paying taxes, and even starting their own businesses. They also play an integral role in our economy, often filling jobs in agriculture, construction, and hospitality that would otherwise remain vacant.
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Most undocumented immigrants come to the United States because of work opportunities. These individuals are far more likely than the rest of the population to be in the prime of their working years, ranging in age from 25-64. Studies also indicate that undocumented immigrants are not displacing U.S.-born workers. Rather, they are filling jobs that few Americans are interested in pursuing.1 One sector, in particular, offers a striking illustration: Undocumented immigrants account for 50 percent of all hired field and crop workers, making them essential to the success and continued viability of American farms.2
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86.6 percent: Share undocumented males working

$100 billion: Surplus generated by undocumented immigrants in the Social Security program in the last decade.

$35.1 billion: Surplus generated by undocumented immigrants in the Medicare Trust Fund

48 percent: Decline in U.S. violent crime rate from 1990-2018, a time when the undocumented population tripled.
--------------------------------------- added after 4 minutes

Seems to me you are wrong,,,
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Godzillas, you said:

They target people in poverty with limited education. They welcome them to the promised land give them welfare off of taxpayer money, limit their education and job opportunities by taxing small business more

Despite financing and licensing obstacles, undocumented immigrants frequently start their own businesses. In 2014, almost 10 percent of the working-age undocumented population were entrepreneurs. In more than 20 states, they boast higher rates of entrepreneurship than either legal permanent residents or citizens of the same age group. These self-employed workers frequently create American jobs. Their companies also generated $17.2 billion in business income in 2014.

Wow,,maybe we should be calling them to come here
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Godzillas you said

To define honest and fair you have a unique point of view..I want you to do something for me. Don't count on my word then attack with "People like you" comments. That's generalizations and stereotypes.

People like you means exactly that. If describing a type of people and you are one of those than "people like you" is a proper identifier. If you feel it's an insult then you feel that your point of view is an insult.
--------------------------------------- added after 26 minutes

Godzillas, you said:

What would be prodective for you is to find out why America exists. Then find out why we fought for our independence from English rule... Then find out why we wrote our constitution.. Was it because we want to sell books like the lies from Hillary Clinton "What Happened"? Or is it a document that supports us as a nation based on a key word "sovereignty"...Why did we write it? What was the reason? What are amendments for? The original document had flaws and was either enhanced or modified by 27 amendments...Get smart, objective. Stop judging and judging me like Leo does.. I had to whip his butt for being a total asshole just before..

First, however you and Leo like to play, that is a personal matter and hope you got plenty of whatever you wanted from Leo. It's not my business.
As far as why America exists, it exists because people wanted it to exists. And because, in our country, we have freedom of expression, Hilary Clinton (you people really are fixated on her) has the right to write a book. And guess what,,,you have the right not to read it.
Our forefathers wrote the Constitution to establish the rules that a new nation would follow. A new nation that was breaking away from an oppressive one (England). That it has 27 amendments is a sign that this document is a living document. It allows our people (yes,our people who use the vote to elect representatives to govern us) to change it to fit the direction the nation is going.
And, finally, I am just as judgemental as you are and based on facts. Not "fake" or "democratic" or "extreme left" or "socialistic". Just straight facts.
By #559941 07,Sep,18 20:29
Facts are what they are.. If you want to believe your facts as fact then so be it.. So why are you trying to convince me to believe in your facts? To me they are just simply rationalizations for propaganda. BUT now all these propaganda has lost the election for 2016 for you.. This propaganda is on the verge of complete collapse when kavanaugh is confirmed to the supreme court. This rationalization of propaganda will collapse when the midterms are over and OUT!
How and why you are writing these circular books over and over is your choice and right.. If you want to believe Hillary Clinton is the angel from G_d almighty then believe it.. So what do you want from me?
By #562152 07,Sep,18 21:12
Lots of love and cock?
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You know, like the other day?
By #559941 07,Sep,18 21:57
[deleted image]
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Fair enough.. Sent you love with an apple pie to enjoy.. My cock for you to see...There ...
By #562152 10,Sep,18 17:08
[deleted image]

lets get Communistic,,,sorry,,Socialistic,,
By #562152 05,Sep,18 11:45
Andthisisme,,,all countries have their "personality" like people, and actually that is the reason for it. We don't understand why you hold your monarchy in such high esteem, or why you drink warm or dark beer,but, we can bet on the fact that you and your country would support us in a just and honorable enterprise. Why? because we, along with a few other countries, have decided to walk on the right of things, with, laws, justice, freedom, and friendship.
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 05,Sep,18 16:10 other posts 
That is certainly true. We have many times in the past and hopefully will continuein the future, to stand alongside the US in a just and honourable enterprise.
By #562152 05,Sep,18 16:15
And visa-versa,,
By #554098 26,Aug,18 02:50
Maybe a lot are, but many are not. Estimates say 300 million guns in the hands of LAW-ABIDING Citizens. The VAST, OVERWHELMING MAJORITY, DO NOT COMMIT CRIMES!!
Not sure about the 'Absurdities' comment! Seems biased, and controversial, at best. . .
By #554098 29,Aug,18 22:36
leopoldij-What is your basis for saying this? Are you really just TOTALLY slandering, and grouping ALL 'Americans' as one?
Could you maybe add some kind of profanity, maybe some racial slurs, to be MORE OFFENSIVE, with such an ignorant post, based on nothing but personal bias??
By #554098 26,Aug,18 02:46
Once again, the WRONG place for this discussion!!
Only CRAZY FCKERS kill people and ****!! There was a mass-stabbing in China, a few months ago, and some NUT JOB stabbed and killed 9 kids, with a knife.
Maybe we need to "Proactively" ban KNIVES!!! We don't want that to happen here in the US!!
Get a grip, and post this biased nonsense on a relevant site like the NRA site, or '!'
By phart [Ignore] 26,Aug,18 11:15 other posts 
Rather we agree with each other or not,this is actually a better place to get a better understanding of each sides views on issues because we can speak frankly and use language we feel comfortable with.
Most folks with common sense have no desire to kill. It is the nut jobs that have been allowed to flourish outside the insane asylum and reproduce that are the real issue.But the liberals just want to medicate them and try to understand them while they continue to kill with whatever tools are handy.
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 26,Aug,18 13:11 other posts 
In that case there does seem to be a hell of a lot of crazy fckers in the US.
In the UK we are indeed attempting to control knives as they have become the weapon of choice for teen hooligans and druggies.
However the difference is that a knife cannot be used from a distance, from the top of a multi story hotel to kill innocent people attending a concert.
By phart [Ignore] 27,Aug,18 10:40 other posts 
You are right about the knife and crowd below,I think that is why the European hooligans are starting to use acid now?
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 27,Aug,18 10:53 other posts 
The difference again is that while acid is a horrible horrible tool to attack someone with and can be fatal or have life changing results, and appears to be replacing knives, it does not kill in the same was as a gun - or indeed a knife.
By #554098 30,Aug,18 22:49
Andthisisme, why do you, and others, say things like that?? Hurtful things, to those that were there, or lost friends, family, or just feel the disgrace of the failure of the 10,000 laws, we already have, that somehow failed to stop this??
Seems that there are two sides, in this controversy: One side says it is NOT THE WEAPONS, but the lack of enforcement of the laws that already exist, and the crazy people that steal, or kill, or illegally get the weapons that they use, to do these INSANE ACTS!
The other side seems to think that a TOTAL BAN, of all weapons is the only solution. If you ban everything, for citizens with legal rights, those that follow the laws, only the criminals, the ones THAT IGNORE THE LAWS, are going to still have guns, ILLEGALLY!! We've tried that, and it failed, horribly!!
And, BTW, don't think you can compare other nations with the US, with regards to culture, and weapons/hunting. That's just BS! Cultural differences,alone, make those just stupid arguments!
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 31,Aug,18 04:29 other posts 
I certainly would not wish to say anything that is hurtful to anyone. I have said, possibly in another thread, that I had made my final comment on guns in the US and this will be my final comment on it here. I have nothing but intense sympathy for anyone who has lost a family member to any sort of gun crime and would not wish to hurt or insult them.
Your final paragraph really does make perhaps the most important point, US culture is totally different to that of the UK or indeed anywhere else and comparisons are pointless.
This is exemplified by this story -
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I am not taking sides or commenting, the story and the cultures speaks for themselves.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 31,Aug,18 05:59 other posts 
Exactly. The incident is tragic.
The response to a goofball was shooting and killing him.
It could happen in Europe too, but it's much much rarer because people don't carry guns in their cars.
In The US it's the other way round.
Guns are everywhere and so they're being used.

I agree with many Americans who say: ban the guns and you'll see an increase in fatalities.
That's because there's gazillions of guns and bazookas in the first place.
They've been there forever.

The problem is endemic.
It can't be solved by laws.

The solution requires change of attitude and education.

For now, guns is a religion in America.
Religious people suffer from inability to take criticism for their beliefs.
That's exactly the case with gun owners.
You can say anything in the US, it's a wonderfully free speech society, except criticise guns.
Gun criticism, to Americans, is like god criticism to a religionist.

The problem is not solvable.
It will remain until that society collapses.
(All societies collapse, sooner or later. Iy may take 500 years, sometimes more, but they collapse.)
By phart [Ignore] 31,Aug,18 10:01 other posts 
Rememeber A musket firing at a brit to free our selves from their rule is how America got it's independence.Could we have earned our freedom with clubs?NO, because the Brits had guns!.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 31,Aug,18 10:37 other posts 
Oh Sure.
France too had a revolution from a tyranny, that of the emperors.
And yet, the French don't go around carrying bazookas any more.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 11,Sep,18 03:32 other posts 
Oh Sure. 
France too had a revolution from a tyranny, that of the emperors. 
And yet, the French don't go around carrying bazookas any more.
By #562152 05,Sep,18 12:05
JSMYTHE73 If I read this right, you lost someone to gun ****? Maybe yes, maybe no, but, i disagree with you.
If you ban everything, for citizens with legal rights, those that follow the laws, only the criminals, the ones THAT IGNORE THE LAWS, are going to still have guns, ILLEGALLY!! We've tried that, and it failed, horribly!! First, we never outlawed guns entirely. Second, lawless people already own guns and they certainly use them to hurt or kill people while they commit crimes. If we do outlaw guns and some keep them illegally then obviously, these are people who are prone to lawlessness and they should be hunted down to take their guns away.
But, right now, while the 2nd amendment is still the law of the land, how many people die because his neighbor got mad or the guy in the car next to him got mad? how many women die because they were unfaithful to their husband or boyfriend?
And how fast are you with a gun if a mugger pulls a gun on you??? Will you move to Florida where stand your ground laws allow a gun totter kill an unarmed man because the guy pushed him?
The BS comes from you with your poor arguments. Arguments that are old and proven to be false,,,,,not stupid,,
By #562152 11,Sep,18 10:45
jsmythe73 the US is unique in it's culture. Every country has that and no two are alike, but, when it comes to firearms, there are few countries that match the history of guns like ours. The "old west" with it's need to carry a gun and to idolize the fast draw is well known thanks to Hollywood. But hunting is universal. In England they even have shoots where people go hunting in mass. As far as I can tell, andthisisme did not say any hurtful thing. It's just that a discussion like this brings out different points of view. I still not sure where you are on this. I think you are saying that weapons don't kill so we should not outlaw them. If that's your argument, then we should allow people to buy and carry dynamite, have meth labs in their homes, and allow kids to drive cars. None of those things, and many other things, "don't kill, people kill"
I was at a restaurant about 6 months ago,,this guy bumped a chair and the guy sitting got up and got in the other guy's face. He punched the guy that was sitting. That happens all the time. It's part of humanity. We control our hunter's instincts, but, in a moment of panic or anger, we react before we think. Perfectly sane, good people, in a moment, can kill. If there's no firearm, it's that much harder. Someone mentioned a knife, maybe you did. It takes a lot of intestinal fortitude to slice flesh in a fight. To feel as you cut someone like you cut a steak is not easy. A gun is impersonal, you squeeze a doohikey and it's out of your hands. Try feeling a cut artery spray you with the other person's b l o o d,,maybe on your face and mouth. I know,,i've worked in a hospital for over 20 yrs. All the arguments in the world will not change my mind. Firearms are not needed. You have your ideas,,fine, but, if you think that in this country everything is done by the vote, then let's do a national vote and the popular vote determines if we ban firearms or not.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 11,Sep,18 12:44 other posts 
There will never be a referendum about guns in the US because people believe in them like a religion. There's never a referendum for
By #562152 11,Sep,18 12:54
Leo,,it doesn't work like that. Religion in the US is part of our fiver.It's what we represent to the world. Guns are not in the same level. Guns, for all their popularity, are not a semi-religion. They are a crutch for insecure people, mostly men, to prop up their "MANHOOD". It equates to "see, i have a gun, so, I must be a tough Hombre."
By leopoldij [Ignore] 11,Sep,18 16:41 other posts 
I used the word "religion" metaphorically, of course. I think that the gun guys love their guns like gods.
By #562152 05,Sep,18 13:10
Any disagreement will be biased on either side of the argument. I understand that "pissing at urinals" is a more proper subject to discuss, but, if you object to this forum entry than go to another forum,,,
By #563485 28,Aug,18 16:51
The semi automatic gun that is the most common type of gun can be used for hunting but they are often under powered to that task.

The high capacity magazines are for when one is returning fire on a threat.

The second amendment has very little to do with hunting rights. It is about self protection from law breakers and law makers.
By #562152 05,Sep,18 12:08
You are wrong, the 2nd amendment was written by our forefathers to make sure that the country had an armed militia that the country could call on in time of war. Now we have the national guard and a very strong military. Ther never intended it to be for personal protection.
By #563485 14,Sep,18 00:39
The 2nd amendment is not about hunting. It is about civilians keeping their politicians in line. It is also a deterrent to invasion.

A gun serves two purposes
1 Do what I tell you and give me what I want.

2 Hell NO!
By #562152 05,Sep,18 11:24
Godzillas,,you are deluded if you think "good responsible people" don't shhot other people. Most shootings in this country occur between family members or friends. And, by the way,, stop blaming "socialism" for all the ills of this world. Gengis Kan, Nero, Saddam Hussein, Hitler, Franco, Castro, Pope Alexander VI, Muammar Gaddafi, to name a few, were not socialists but, were the most murderous leaders the world has ever known.--------------------------------------- added after 5 minutesAlso, in another thread you said that if guns are outlawed, then only outlaws would have guns. Right now, with the 2nd amendment in f.o.r,c.e, outlaws own guns. Is that safer than if we outlaw guns? are you suggesting that the average person who owns a gun could stop a mugger from robbing you if he has a gun too?? And, by the way, if guns are outlawed, wouldn't all those people that keep guns anyway would be outlaws? At that point, we could get a special task **** to go after all these "outlaws" and take their arms by ****, fine or imprison them, and finally get rid of the one thing that causes more grief in this country than wars
By phart [Ignore] 05,Sep,18 12:33 other posts 
Uh,alot of gun owners have made it clear over the years that the government can have their guns, bullets first.A government that seizes to much power is 1 of the reasons the citizens are given the right to bear arms in the first place. For what government employees get paid,after about a week of trying seize weapons from American citizens defending their rights, the government won't be able to seize guns. No one to take the job.I have personally heard a couple say it several years ago,alot of police will refuse to seize guns from citizens.matter of fact,they will be busy protecting their own.That also goes for alot of soldiers.They may be given a order,but obeying it is another thing.
Trying to take guns here in the US by farce or Forc$ will be far worse than any war this country has ever fought.
By #562152 05,Sep,18 12:37
PHART what you are saying is that gun owners would resist and be lawbreakers. Is this the people who should have guns?
By #559941 05,Sep,18 12:53
Godzillas,,you are deluded if you think "good responsible people" don't shhot other people. ///////////

This is not a logical statement.. Its like saying 1+1 does not equal 2.
By #562152 05,Sep,18 13:07
They do,,i'm confused,,are you pro ar anti gun ownership?
By #559941 05,Sep,18 13:11
There is less crime with gun ownership as compared with atrocities where our nation is stripped of gun rights.
By #562152 05,Sep,18 13:15
why? cops and military don't have enough guns??
By #559941 05,Sep,18 13:18
apparently not..
By #562152 05,Sep,18 14:00
That's it, I'm buying an ak44
By #559941 05,Sep,18 15:17
It's your right.. Absolutely. Learn to use it just in case. Learn its safety so that you and nobody else gets hurt and I pray to G_d you will never have to use it.. Here is my reasoning :

The Second Amendment provides U.S. citizens the right to bear arms. Ratified in December 1791, the amendment says: ... Having just used guns and other arms to ward off the English, the amendment was originally created to give citizens the opportunity to fight back against a tyrannical federal government.Jun 28, 2017
By #562152 05,Sep,18 15:37
it was tongue in cheek,,ak44s???think about it
By #559941 05,Sep,18 15:48
I prefer thinking about your ass..That position you have on your avatar extracts my sperm like you wouldn't believe.. I have a very sore dick because of you.. Do you do that on purpose?..
By #562152 05,Sep,18 16:18
I try to make it my life long purpose,,,If it hurts too much, i'd love to kiss it better,,hahaha
By #559941 05,Sep,18 16:40
Your lifelong purpose is working..
By #559941 05,Sep,18 15:28
Look at chicago.. They took their guns away. Look at Philadelphia, Portland. Look at S.F. How about Aleppo Syria or Tehran Iran? Socialism and totalitarianism makes sure the people to not have guns.. Nazi's took guns away from Jews also.
Taking guns from people means the government wants more control over people. This is socialism, communism and fascism. Crooks will not care if it is right or not. They will just kill you with NO fear..
By #562152 05,Sep,18 15:36
Look at Australia, the UK and others. As far as the US,unless it's a country wide ban then it's meaningless. Syria and Iran are failed countries that blame the rest of the world for their shortcommings
By #559941 05,Sep,18 15:38
It started with taking their guns.. AUS and UK are in the preliminary phase..
By #562152 05,Sep,18 15:48
You expect it to get ugly?? why?? You have such little faith in your fellow man??
By #559941 05,Sep,18 15:50
The numbers speak for themselves.. I do however love your doggy position.. I'm had to cum many times..
By #562152 05,Sep,18 16:16
Lollipop,,i hope you always have fun with my pics,,,I really get happy i can make a man get just as happy,,
By #559941 05,Sep,18 16:41
That's the idea.. Getting more pleasure on giving than receiving.. To express shows no boundary,
By #562152 05,Sep,18 17:02
By phart [Ignore] 05,Sep,18 17:02 other posts 
I have little faith in those that would be designated to protect me if I was unable to take care of myself.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 05,Sep,18 19:04 other posts 
Because he's religious.
You can't argue with religious people.
By #562152 05,Sep,18 19:08
Oh, lover,,i can argue with the Pope,,they have balls too,,
By #559941 05,Sep,18 20:36
Whatever Leo is on he should pass that shit over.. Must be a real trip...
By phart [Ignore] 07,Sep,18 09:35 other posts 
There is no damn relation between bearing arms and religion. That is 1 of the few things I can't figure out how the hell you can compare them. Guns are sometimes used in reference to religion. But guns are not a religion.
The fact I don't trust our piss poor government with my safety and national security has nothing to do with religion.It is the simple fact they are impotent and incapable of doing anything right without fucking it up.
I fear my government almost as much as I do muslim terrorist.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 07,Sep,18 13:31 other posts 
Look, what I' saying is simple. There are two things I'm actually saying here:

1. Religion is not just belief in god or gods but belief in the irrational. The belief is so strong that no matter what evidence you provide the religionist against his/her beliefs, he/she will deny everything and get angry, roll up his sleeves and be ready to defend his beliefs by fist fight, and anger. This is what gun supporters (in the US) do. Their beliefs form a religion. Hitler was a religionist too. So was Stalin. So was Attila.

2. It is actually a fact that those who defend guns mostly, especially in the south, Texas, etc, are religious in the traditional sense, in fact, in a way that is worse than traditional: they belong to those medieval sects of christianity that characterizes US nowadays. I'm talking about the evangelical christians, the southern baptists, the pentecostals, and so on, all these primitive, backwards sects that define at least 35% of americans. Those guys are also gun owners and users. The higher the (american-type) religiosity of someone the greater the chance that he/she has guns. If you go to a typical pentecostal, say, church in the US you'll see that almost all the (deluded) individuals who go there also have guns.

The US, like Saudi Arabia, is a very backwards place as regards the religion, and they're both in top 10 countries in gun ownership in the world, the US being, of course, the number 1 champion.

I understand that you may not be a religious guy, you don't believe in gods, spirits and all that junk that most americans do, but don't judge from yourself.

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"guns are sacred to American culture independent of formal religion" only registered users can see external links

These are random references. But there's well-established research on the matters I'm talking about. Besides, it's common sense that the backwardness of the US with respect to religion is there, big time, and it has stOOpid consequences, guns notwithstanding.

Take a look at the following paper:
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Stephen M. Merino, God and Guns: Examining Religious Influences on Gun Control Attitudes in the United States, Religions 2018, 9, 189; doi:10.3390/rel9060189

Abstract: Mass shootings in the United States have generated significant media coverage and public
concern, invigorating debates over gun control. Media coverage and academic research on gun control
attitudes and reactions to mass shootings have paid little attention to the role of religion. Recent
research sheds light on the complex relationship between religion and guns, including higher rates of
gun ownership and stronger opposition to gun control among white evangelical Protestants. Using
nationally representative survey data, this study examines the relationship between religious identity,
gun ownership, and support for a range of gun control policies, including proposed remedies for
preventing mass shootings. Compared with individuals from other religious traditions, evangelical
Protestants are most opposed to stricter gun control laws and enforcement, even with statistical
controls for gun ownership and demographic characteristics. Rather, they favor individualistic
solutions and putting more emphasis on religious values in their social surroundings. I discuss how
these findings reflect the cultural tools evangelical Protestants use to construct their understandings
of social problems, including gun ****, and the broader implications for gun policy in the
United States.

Keywords: evangelical Protestants; Catholics; black Protestants; gun policy preferences; gun control;
mass shootings
By phart [Ignore] 10,Sep,18 17:28 other posts 
Ok I think I am understanding what you mean by that now.
But I must admit,my faith in my government has not risen any!
By #559941 11,Sep,18 10:56
They don't know how to get rid of Sessions until after the midterms. He's a tool to protect the deep state..
By #562152 11,Sep,18 11:05
Leo,,,i don't believe in organized religion. It is responsible for the death of millions of people in the name of some "GOD", even if we leave out the big murderers of the ages. But, i do believe in a supreme being. A God that is responsible for us to be here. In my case I call him Jesus, but, it's not everyone's name for this supreme being. Whatever they call Him, I believe in him. To not believe would deny my existence.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 22,Dec,18 10:53 other posts 
I don't disagree with you. Organized religion is has caused many problems. Individuals' beliefs is a different matter. So long as you believe "responsibly". And I'm SURE you do. But there are many people who use their belief in god in order to justify their belief that they're superior to others. I'm their mind only.
By phart [Ignore] 22,Dec,18 11:03 other posts 
Believing responsably is beleiving your own safety is YOUR responisbilty and not that of some government ran bunch of idiots.
I hope you folks NEVER have to learn or understand why guns are important.I hope you can continue to feel safe with a "boby" riding a bicycle carrying a club and a 2 way radio.
By #559242 22,Dec,18 05:27
Nailed it!!!

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