Started by #24286 [Ignore] 09,Feb,10 17:35
New Comment Rating: 0 Similar topics: 1.Los Angeles Erotic Artist Will Griffith once worked as transvestite hooker 2.L.A. ARTIST EPICENIA WAS TRANSVESTITE HOOKER, CONFIRMS SOURCE 3.Should prostitution be legal? 4.LEGALIZE IT 5.Me and my feelings for my prostitude cousin Comments: |
Sex workers should be in the industry voluntary and of a satisfactory legal age. In a centre sex trafficking can be avoided and the workers can be protected and monitored for mental and physical health, avoid sexual infections and be treated as well as help with **** issues.
The industry is so important for society due to the benefits it offers, surely efforts can be made to make it safe for the workers and increase their status,
So, the problem should be addressed at large, but, of course, it won't.
--------------------------------------- added after 7 minutes
Also it was ina brothel I first time I got to put my dick in a chick's ass. She was hot and I fucked her butt hard and came in about a minute!
Two consenting adults should be able to have sex under whatever terms they so choose without fear of being harassed by the government. Whatever happened to "my body, my choice?" Are those words of universal truth for all sovereign human beings, or are they nothing more than a catchy slogan for pro-choice, pro-abortion activists?
The government needs to get the fuck out of everyone's pants once and for all. The prohibitionist mentality that keeps anti-prostitution laws alive may make the soccer-moms of America feel holy, righteous and really good about themselves, but it doesn't work for me and whole lot of other people who also have rights.
If nothing else, the United States government and law enforcement agencies have learned far too little from the failed experiment of alcohol prohibition dating back to the early 20th century. When you try to criminalize activities such as prostitution, alcohol and drug consumption, you only drive the commerce underground wherein it becomes the domain of organized crime. Duh!!!!! Governments and law enforcement will never eradicate these activities. (It ain't call "the oldest profession in the world" for nothin'!) They will simply continue to waste billions and billions of our tax dollars on programs and activities that only make matters worse.
How about legalizing, regulating and taxing these activities..... like boozing and cigarette smoking???? We could balance our budgets and give our retarded elected officials something better to do with their time.... all at once! It would be a win-win situation! Golly-gee!
That's my take. Glad you asked.
As the old saying goes, its one of the oldest trades in history. Yet it never stops and how will it ever BE stopped? So why not improve the conditions for those that provided the service and those that use the services. I think what we also need to do is bare in mind that it involves male and female in both respects also, Im sure we can agree on that.
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