I'm a recent convert to the cum consumption ethos, and the only question is, what took so long? I missed out on so much cum.
Someone please explain to our audience how anyone could ever resist orally savoring and swallowing semen at every possible opportunity? It's the tactile symbol of the cock's orgasmic sensations and you're going to reject it? Unthinkable. The only excuse I can think of is that some cum tastes bad but most cum tastes just fine or has almost none at all, the main important thing from a culinary standpoint is I believe the gooey texture. Do some people seriously reject pleasure goo from the most beautiful of organs? I don't get it, I just don't get it. Most everyone should become a (possibly pansexual) cumslut, the world would be quite a better place.
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And I prefer it thick and gooey. I like the "cum coating" a thick load leaves in my mouth, similar to drinking milk on a hot day.
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